Evolution is Crap, there I said it!

by Crazyguy 261 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow
    In the end, everyone has their own beliefs and all should be treated with respect.

    I think he means people should be treated with respect. I think.

  • Shador
    the issue has always been the mechanism of evolution – is it blind and undirected or is it under the control of an intelligence that had a goal in mind

    This is a silly argument. Just suppose for a moment that you had such an intelligence - from whence did it come? Did it evolve? If so was that evolution also guided by intelligence? From whence came that one? ad infinitum ad nauseum.

  • Berengaria
    Willful ignorance deserves no respect from anyone. Attempting to have your ignorance taught in school to indoctrinate the next generation into it - deserves annihilation.


  • snare&racket

    Everybody is for respecting people...

    beliefs and ideas earn respect with evidence and scrutiny...

    the biggest misconception evolution deniers have, is that there is a 50/50 evolution v god or alternative offer. In reality the evidence for evolution is overwhelming and there is NO contrary evidence. There is evidence yet to be found, yet to be understood, yet to be explained.

    i have no issue with even the idea of faith or any belief system, worship zeus if it makes you happy. But anyone being skeptical, anyone being thorough, anyone being unbiased, anyone making decisions on the evidence will have to say.... The evidence states that it is highly probable that animals evolved. They would also have to say, there is no evidence for a god. However you can choose to believe it.

    ANYONE disagreeing has either not bothered to look at the evidence, or is deluded into believing there is 'evidence' for god, or come up with their own meaning for evidence. To everyone else, a court of law would not accept 'personal experience' as evidence, just like science doesn't, a court would also dismiss hearsay and conjecture.

    You can worship any god you wish, I find it interesting. I don't respect it be cause i as well as everyone else know there is no evidence to worship any deity. But you are free to do it. You can shout from the rooftops that you don't respect science or the evidence for evolution. That's ok, you are in the minority. Science clearly works and evolution holds all the evidence so far, billions of fossils and an incomprehensible amount of DNA all confirming the theory, not to mention all the subsidiary evidence.

    So beliefs, emotions, ideas, bias, background, environment, genes aside...... The evidence is stacked on one side of the fence, there is no doubt about it. Deny that and you are just admitting you haven't looked at it, THAT is why you don't appreciate the theory or its explanation. Its a side issue that everyone here denying evolution has proven by their comments that they don't even know what it is.

    In 2013 ignorance is a choice....

    Ps sorry for typos etc ipad....

  • Qcmbr

    The god / designer that ignorant, religious fundamentalists believe in isn't a very good designer apparently. This being or force has had most of his designs binned. To add to this logically absurd premise this designer put these designed machines into scenarios with a high degree of danger ( the habitable zones in the universe are minuscule and this planet is highly hostile to life) and for what purpose ? The vast majority of earth's history has involved non-human life living short, brutish, pain and fear dominated scrambles for simple survival. This so called designer, beloved of the wilfully uneducated ends up a sadistict bumbling idiot who is everything mankind considers evil.

    Just a few more generations and this silly fixation with creationism will be spent as a force overwhelmed by our understanding of reality and no more guided by the bronze age superstitions of the middle east.

  • QC


    Darwin's Doubt clips for you.

    check post 211 here of 212

  • cofty

    QC - Still ignoring my questions...

    QC, Scotsman, AA - How much research have you done on recent insights into the so-called Cambrian Explosion?

    Do you understand the causes of the ecological changes that drove it?

    Have you studied the recent discoveries from Evo Devo that show the full genetic tool-kit for body-building was was already in place?

    Have you read about the evolution of genetic switches and gene networks, or the duplication of Hox gene clusters and the shifting of Hox zones that account for the proliferation of body plans?

    I'm guessing the answer is no. If I'm wrong about that and you would like to discuss the evidence please let us know.

  • cantleave

    QC - why keep promoting this book? It is woefully innacurate, poorly written and is written by someone who has no scientific training! You haven't read any of the rebuttals, or explained anything in your own words. This book is a rehash of old myths. It brings NOTHING new to the conversation and by your continual promotion of it are showing your ignorance and lack of understanding of the subject.

  • cofty

    I don't think QC has even read the book. I think he has just read the reviews on the cover and seen some of the pictures.

    QC, have you read the book?

  • cantleave

    The reviews were written by an invited audience of ID / Creationist promotors months before launch. No one from the scientific community was given the chance to review it prior to publication.

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