Valedictorian Rips Up Preapproved Speech, Recites Prayer Instead

by Sam Whiskey 469 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Marvin Shilmer ~ "More than anything else, it’s self indulged parents responsible for lack of moral compass in society."

    That's my point! We have as a society removed ourselves so far from God that we have lost our moral compass.

    Exodus 7:13

    "Yet Pharaoh’s heart became hard and he wouldnotlisten to them, just as the Lord had said."

  • mrsjones5

    Maybe you, not I or mine.

  • LisaRose

    WHISKEY:What I hadn't realized (until I looked up Wikipedia) is just how many of us are in fact Christians. I hadn't realized that 73% of the nation identifies itself as Christian. This might explain why the crowd erupted in applause for the Valedictorian.

    You are deluding yourself if you think all who identify themselves as Christian share your narrow view of the world, and want to have prayer in schools, they do not. The government has no business telling people what religion to be, and most people do not want your intolerant flavor of Christianity to be shoved down their children's throats.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Well...there's a bible quote that says closed. LMAO!

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    LOL OUTLAW...rather you than me.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    The thing I learned from this boy is that he was brave enough to stand up and express what he wanted to express despite little brained people. Braveness is a part of manhood.


    Actually, this "boy" you admire so much pulled a fast one: he ripped up his pre-approved speech and did his own thing. He lied. I don't consider lying "braveness".


    Bring back the crosses, Ten Commandments, etc.. to our public places. They instill the virtues of a healthy society

    The Ten commandments were only a part of the Law code; there are 613 laws in total. Under Sam Whiskey's hoped-for society that adheres to the Mosaic Law, the United States would have to revert back to slavery, misogyny, observing the Sabbath, killing people for picking up sticks on the Sabbath, stoning homosexuals to death, executing disobedient children, genocide, etc.

    Yeah, Sam, your vision of a "godly" society following the edicts of your OT god sounds like a wonderful place. Rather than improve society, following your monstrous god would set us back about 4,000 years.

    I'll stay with the secular approach- it's infinitely more humane and moral.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Actually, this "boy" you admire so much pulled a fast one: he ripped up his pre-approved speech and did his own thing. He lied. I don't consider lying "braveness".”


    Opting against a pre-approved speech is opting against a pre-approved speech.

    I don’t know what the boy obligated himself to.

    I does appear, though, that he had the chutzpa to say what he wanted to share about what makes him tick.

    It also appears you dislike it when invited speakers say what makes them tick. That is, when you disagree with what makes them tick.

    Would you have disfellowshipped this boy?

    Marvin Shilmer

  • slimboyfat

    Would you have disfellowshipped this boy?

    Eye roll.
  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    It also appears you dislike it when invited speakers say what makes them tick. That is, when you disagree with what makes them tick

    I never said I disagreed with it or that I dislike when people express their opinions-that's your erroneous assumption.

    What I did say is that he pulled a fast one.

    Lighten up, Marv

  • PaintedToeNail

    Would most of us find it annoying to go to an event, where speakers were supposed to speak on a particular subject, a subject that had been reviewed by the organizers and approved, only to have them speak about something else? It would irk me to go to a financial seminar and then be forced to listen to a presentation about scrapbooking...however, had this occured during a District Convention and a brother started quoting JWFacts would have been priceless!

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