Why elders' wives are such gossipers...

by Calebs Airplane 53 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • nugget

    Elders wives have nothing to gossip about if their husbands tell them nothing. My husband believed that elders business was to be kept confidential and therefore told me nothing. No one gossiped with me because they guessed quite rightly that I would have nothing to contribute.

    However although there were many wives who behaved correctly there were also those that did not. It has to be said that their husbands enabled this behaviour by gossiping themselves and revealing matters of a confidential nature.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Right on, Nugget. Elders wives gossipped if their elder husbands gossipped to them first.

    Elders say their wives gossip even if the elders don't because Jehovah's Witnesses treat women as second-class and the men look for a reason to justify that, even if they have to make it up.

  • sspo

    If it's confidential "elders stuff" you can turn them in.

    We had one elder removed because he was telling everything to his wife and of course it would get to the other sisters right after.

  • label licker
    label licker

    One more thing to add is when the elders come to you and want to shepherd you, the minute you say you can't understand why some elders tell their wives everything then all of a sudden you see their faces go red while they shake their heads up and down but not one word. GUILTY!

  • Hortensia

    As an org. they are terribly gossipy. I was badly burned that way, personal information that I told in confidence to only one person when I was very depressed made its way around the entire circuit in no time at all. That still pisses me off when I think about it.

    It was an elder's wife who betrayed my confidence, btw. She was a close friend and I needed to talk. I thought she was trustworthy, but she wasn't.

  • Penelope1

    In my congregation, the gossip mill was turned by the large group of mostly self-righteous pioneers (sisters primarily including some of the elder's wives) who went out in service several days a week, week after week. I was often one of their targets because my "worldly" husband and i were viewed as materialistic ("she works but doesn't have to"). When i decided to go back to college after losing our business and splitting from my husband, the rumor mill kicked into high gear; i was then shunned and/or treated like a low-life by many in the hall because i was seen as an even bigger heathen than before. But I wasn't the only one of course. Depending on where each individual was situated within the congregation hierarchy, he/she was either left alone or viewed as potential fodder by the loose-lipped ladies who took it upon themselves to sit in the judgement seat of God. Once i decided to leave (for many reasons besides the rampant back-stabbing), it got even worse of course. But the gossip served a positive purpose at that point because it helped to reinforce the idea that i was making the right decision.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Why turn them in? Nothing will happen to the elders because nobody is listening to their call for new hires! Lump-heads and Bozos are going to be the common denominator once all the good elders figure out it's time to leave. You would be asking for trouble by reporting a "gossiping elder", they will get revenge or tell their kids to avoid your family and you won't be invited to their Rein-Deer Games!

    Go back and pease review Ray Publisher's video on a "text fight with a elder", the elder he speaks of is notorious for telling his wife everything. He drove my brother nuts, forced my brother to decide if he would be moral or sit back with Goofus and Dufus elders, some who were not even attending meetings or using creative field-service methods to count their time! So why is the BOE so ball-less or neutarded when a elder is rabidly gossiping about matters they ought not? The Society usually will not remove or punish anyone unless they are speaking about the Organization. You can gossip about all the weak and spiritual missing families but once you speak ill of a doctrine or dogma, all hell will bust loose on you!

    Brother, while serving on a judical committee and other meetings that invovled matters that should not be discussed, my brother hammered this brother and his wife because he traced down the dangerous gossiping and sacred confessions shared to "you know who!" After the Pioneer mess and another Adultery debacle, his Kingdom Hall broke into four pieces because people could not keep their mouths shut! Gossip spread about a very good woman who dedicated her entire life to Jehovah and finally someone with clout called the Organization. She was like the "Mother Teresa" and had clout in the Organization, the Hammer came tumbling down on two elders "Goofus and Dufus". How this brother and the others can consider themselves part of Jesus Christ Organization or Christians is beyond my scope of reasoning ability.

    To date, there is still great hard feelings from family and friends when another elder was taken out of the equation. That Kingdom Hall ended up having 40-50 publishers attend the Meeting because of several elderettes and elders leaking confidential matters to ears who did not need to know.

    Brother turned in the elder for gossiping several times and look! He is gossiping about Ray Publisher and refuses to see he is part of the demonic system Satan creates to destroy every Christian. I don't see eye to eye with everything R.P. does but I can't sit back and willingly allow a "Known Gossip" to hurt someone who is making a direct moral decession for what he believes is Truth and allow ad-hominen attacks from Gossiping George to speak to his kids!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Calebs Airplane. I see that you posted your original thread 10 hours ago and your apology 7 hours ago. Good. Maybe you should have said, "I knew of a few loose lipped Elder's wives".

    I knew of a few loose lipped Elder's wives. They were married to loose lipped Elder's. In one cong I was in, Information Central was from a sister with an unbelieving mate.

    I am not of that caliber of mind to relish another's downfall and want to dissect it and discuss it.

    I was pretty serious in field service.

    I would say in my 40 years as an Elder's wife, I heard too much from the men, not the women.

    I absolutely cannot stand gossipers, back stabbers, "Truth" stretchers. If you have ever met my sister, we are complete opposites.

    Just Lois

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    One of the biggest gossips I knew was an old pioneer brother! His was more speculation about people than anything malicious, but I still knew there were certain things I shouldn't tell him even though he was my best friend. The worst gossips though were this one particular family and a mentally unstable sister.

    In my last cong we didn't really have a gossip problem because people sort of had a live and let live attitude. Except the elders who keep rocking up, that,is.

  • zeb

    CA from experience you are spot on.

    and consider these things (I know Im repeating self) no education, no constructive hobbie, often ill health, sadly often ignorant of our physical being.

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