My chat with 2 Dubs yesterday about UN membership

by jookbeard 345 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jookbeard

    Steve2 ,

    I'll certainly be on the look out for Brother Scruffy , just came back from taking my daughter to school but the street was devoid of them this morning.

  • justlookingfornow

    I found this rather interesting concerning the N.G.O status....................

  • Phizzy

    That is typical apologist excuses to a degree, but it does highlight how we need to get our facts straight , to the letter.

    I notice how it majors on the "different" kinds of NGO, and whilst printing the requirements for the DPI type NGO, which the WT was, it does not highlight that those involve agreeing to educate the world about the aims and purposes of the U.N

    This is argueing about a distinction without a difference.

    Its like saying "We only joined the Nazi party for its library", which was full of anti-semitic literature and other beliefs and aims of the Nazis that you signed up to promote.

    What a pathetic attempt to excuse the WT for their hypocritical and underhanded action.

    Well done Jookie, in your conversation, promoting is the way to go.

  • jookbeard

    that jehovahsjudgment link has been around for sometime, they cant get out of their membership that easily, splitting hairs about what constitutes being an acceptable NGO within the UN! how pathetic, why did they lie about their membership then dump it when The Guardian article was published? desperate.

  • justlookingfornow

    Well Phizzy I'd have to a degree. After all, when they joined there was a great distinction between the two types of NGOs.

    I've noticed since lurking on here that there seems to be a distinct preference to not only play down the important distinction, but to totally disregard it AND to not make adequate reference to it either. Surely in the pursuit of honest argumentation ALL teh facts should be made known and discussed.

    The one had a requirement to support the charter of the UN, the other, as you say, to "educate the world about the aims and purposes of the UN.....

    ......which as far as I can tell, they did, whilst at the same time also stating that, inspite of it's stated aims and "purpose", the UN and earthly governments, indeed mankind in general, would never be able to solve the problems facing the Earth and Mankind without God. They've always written about the UN's stated purpose, even before becoming a registered Non governmental organisation, and at the same time always explained their viewpoint, I.E, that the UN is the Wild beast mentioned in the book of Revalation. Seems a little unfair to compare it to joining the get a library card...........especially since they didn't join the UN in any real sense at all.

    Just my tuppence worth on the subject.

  • justlookingfornow

    Jookbeard................. splitting hairs about what constitutes being an acceptable NGO within the UN........ in fairness to them I don't see it as splitting hairs, I think there's a pretty big distinction between supporting the aims of a particular organisation, I.E. the UN, and agreeing to publicise their stated aims. After all, they had been writing about the UN's stated aims and objectives......for decades, only adding that it would take Gods theocratic government, rather than mankinds, to actually achieve those aims and objectives......

  • justlookingfornow

    ...............and as far as I can gather, they terminated the "library card" when they were made aware that the criteria had changed.

    That actually seems fair enough to me.

  • mP

    You should have directed them to searc the guardian newpaper itself.

  • Listener

    They committed themselves to "educate the world about the aims and purposes of the UN....." This committment was not with God or from God, it was voluntary and they were serving the UN in meeting the requirements that the UN had placed on them. They allowed the UN to place those requirements on them. In other words they were serving this man made organization with all it's political objectives.

  • justlookingfornow

    "In October 2001 The Guardian newspaper in the United Kingdom accused Jehovah's Witnesses of hypocrisy for being registered with the United Nations’ (UN) Department of Public Information (DPI) as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). The newspaper claimed that all NGOs must support the United Nations, therefore Jehovah's Witnesses were guilty of hypocrisy because of teaching the United Nations is the prophesied “disgusting thing” of Revelation.

    The Watchtower Society, the legal corporation used by Jehovah's Witnesses, immediately withdrew the DPI NGO membership. They explained that the requirements for being a DPI NGO had changed since they first signed up in 1992, and they then thanked The Guardian for bringing the matter to their attention........."

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