Problems with the "Bogus AWAA Fan Page"..

by OUTLAW 447 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mind blown
    mind blown


    From my understanding at first the FB "Group" page was open, correct? While it was an open group, you can see members faces. In small print in the upper right corner it reads the number of members, you click on that link and pictures of members show up.....

    Now if the groups is closed or private, you need to find out the difference. I'm not sure if you can see members photos.

    Where the damage is done is that the "group" page was open for a while, correct? It was just recently closed or private? And if you just so happend to invite an elder or JW by accident they can see or already has seen members profiles.......

  • HintOfLime

    Screw it.

    If AAWA won't own up:

    One of the people who force-added people into the group is J_ _ _ _ B _ _ _ _ _ _ D_ _ _ _ _ _.

    If you're worried about this individual and wish to unfriend on Facebook, that should be a good enough clue to remove them without giving the full name publically for those who don't know the individual.

    - Lime

  • cantleave

    It is not an open group Mind Blown it was a secret group.

    The open page is simply a page you "like".

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Names , Cedars! Names...who were the ones outing people? Are you still willing to protect those outers?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Cantleave, thanks for the strawman attempt. Amusing at best. The type of amusement someone finds when watching a 3 year old try to do something behind your back.

    What concerns me is the "ends justify the means" attitude on this corporation. The fact it happened shows what a huge security hole this corporation has in regards to interested parties, and their less than interested attitude in remedying it. Why not pony up a few cents and make it a website with a link on facebook directing them there? Then people can be added at their leisure. I don't think Simon here has received a complaint of someone being added without thier permission

  • Dagney

    "We only did it for a library card, honest! ~ Cedars

    Ok, you have to admit that was funny.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    I used to respect you, now I have utter contempt for you. You have no cajones. You are just a little p*ssy hiding behind your organization. We have seen that bovine excrement before. I wish you had compassion for those in the same shoes as you. I guess you are just special.


  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    Let me ask everyone, could anyone have made a clusterf*ck worse than this group did?


  • cantleave

    What I do not understand is why AAWA is seen to be putting people at risk. They started a secret group. People joined that group (it must be assumed they are already participating ExJW forums to do this). Some of those who joined added their friends. If those friends are already friends with EX-JW's who are active on EX-JW sites are they not already putting themselves at risk? If I was an active JW who associated with EX-JW's who participates in EX-JW forums surely I am already compromising myself?

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    cantleave in the beginning the "group" was open. If I'm correct Juan has already stated this.

    It is just recently now a closed or private group

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