AAWA is here!! (The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists)

by cedars 535 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Oubliette

    The Watchtower Resistance ...

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions



    "Ted Nugent Fans Against Watchtower"

    [sorry. Indulge me. It's been a long weekend of study for a midterm and some significant family health issues. And some pretty significant martinis ]

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Thanx Simon

  • fizzywiglet

    I'm not a fan of the name, myself, but whatever. It's not my group.

    I do object to being added as one of their "activists" without my consent, though, and then being told, "oh, if you don't agree with our mission statement, then you can just remove yourself from our Facebook group". Uh, NO. Don't add me in the first place and then use me and all of the people you added without permission to tout your "growth".

    A good chunk of the people they added may not even realize it, or realize it right away, and then they post stuff like, "Wow, only a few hours and we've already got 1300 members! We're growing so fast; I've never seen a response like this in my life!" or whatever. As though all those people were joining of their own accord, which is not the case.

    I feel this way about ANY Facebook group that adds people instead of asking them to join, but even more delicacy is required here due to the nature of the group, and the name which many see as inflammatory. They outed some people already to their friends/family by adding them to AAWA - it shows up on your timeline as if you had joined. And it was mentioned a couple of times earlier on this thread that they outed people, but Cedars and his board members ignored those concerns completely and did not even respond to the issue, and on Facebook, they've been addressing it with a collective shrug. ("What, are we supposed to PM 1300 people and invite them to join?! Waaaah, that's too much wooooooork!" Um, yes, actually, that is exactly what a professional would do - contact individuals privately and invite them, and ask them to privately invite their friends.)

    I mean, it's not even a hypothetical concern, like "what if they potentially out people?" It has actually happened. It is a real issue. They DID out people, and those people are upset, and they are basically trying to ignore or hand-wave it away.

    That, to me, does not bode well. They're already exhibiting the callous attitude that their collective organization's rising star is far more important than any individuals they might (albeit accidentally) trample while promoting it. So what if they put faders at risk of DF-ing or shunning? It all comes secondary to being able to brag about how many "members" they have. So that's a red flag to me.

    I don't wish them ill, but as far as joining, myself? Pass.

  • Finkelstein

    Just my two cents ....

    I would have to agree, it comes off being too strongly oppositional, which as its known causes many wandering or fading

    JWS to quickly repel the name and connotation upon hearing it.

    One could even think that this association is made up of people who were never JWS, but are just wanting to throw as much

    dirt as they can on to JWS.

    How about the Association of Recovering Jehovah's Witnesses. (ARJW)

    This way it sounds more inviting for people wanting to know what are JWS recovering from and for what reason ?

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    that's horrible being added without permission. What about those who have family on FB who are still in, while the FB page owner is trying to maintain a low aposta profile??

    On third review AAWA site reads one big circle jerk anyway.....

    Someone said marketing isn't important. BS. Proper marketing is everything.

  • Scott77

    "...All members of the board have now voted, and a majority decision has been returned in favour of keeping our name, The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists . I hope you will all respect our board's decision, even if you do not agree with it, so that we can put this matter behind us and continue with our important work of exposing the Watchtower as a damaging cult..."

    Amen, Amen,Amen,Amen, Amen,AmenAmen, Amen,AmenAmen, Amen,AmenAmen, Amen,Amen


  • jgnat

    I want to correct this statement right away:

    They outed some people already to their friends/family by adding them to AAWA - it shows up on your timeline as if you had joined.

    My team lead advised me how to protect my confidentiality on facebook, and outlined my options before I joined a private group. I have been treated with respect all the way through the process.

  • fizzywiglet

    Good for you.

    Not everybody has their Facebook settings the same way you do, or even knows that they can be added to a group by somebody else. And not everybody chose to join the group themselves, and some have already spoken earlier in this thread about how they or their friends were outed to JW family/friends by being added without permission.

    I did not ask to be added, I was not invited to join (in fact, I had been asked to contribute a testimonial to their YouTube video in the planning stages and specifically declined), I was just added and didn't even find out about it until a day or two later (several of my Facebook friends experienced similar treatment). We were NOT treated with respect or consideration, we were NOT given the opportunity to protect our confidentiality. It was a dismissive "fine, then just remove yourself from the group", which does NOT retroactively undo the damage that was done.

    So no, you may not "correct my statement". Not everybody's experience has been as respectful as yours, clearly.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    for old timers. circle jerk=masterbation circle

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