Yet another "Shunning is good for you, honest!" quote in the June 15th 2013 Watchtower

by cedars 104 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • suavojr

    The 1974 article with a more relaxed stance towards Df'd family member was written by Ray Franz.

    Designer Stubble Was that a WT article from 1947???

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    The one on excommunication being unscriptural is from the Awake of January 8, 1947. The one on it not being human is from 1974 and can be found on your CDROM.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Because they can't find any other experience to use where JWs are really shunning their family. Everyone I know uses the "family business" loophole anytime it's convenient for them. Including elders.

    Not so! My mother and brother haven't checked up on me in nearly 9 years. Of course, I'm worse than a disfellowshipped person - I DA'd myself.

  • konceptual99

    It's interesting that the 74 WT, although on the CD ROM, does not appear as a refererence anywhere in the Index under Disfellowshipping. Articles pre and post this one that reinforce a harsher line, especially to family members, are referenced.

    I wonder if the society should be informed of this obvious oversight, surely it would not have been removed on purpose...

    EDIT - Sorry - checked again and it is referenced however not in sections on how to treat DF'ed ones, just in the subjects related to effect on family and reinstatement.

  • trujw

    “No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.” July 2009 Awake

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Trujw, oh the irony, the irony!!!

  • TD

    Who would want to have contact with family like that? --Not me

  • vajeni82

    The sad part is, even if you did go back just for family, IT'S NOT REALLY YOUR FAMILY! IT'S THE JW VERSION OF YOUR FAMILY! The same for friends and anyone you know that is still in. Nobody is allowed to truly be themselves. So many have been in for so long that they don't even know who they are anymore and the born-ins never had a chance to become themselves.

  • trujw

    Vajeni that is very true. I still find myself having a hard time around people and trying to conform to my group or wondering if I offended anyone. Being a born in that mindset on conforming, not saying the wrong thing and not making waves is hard to break. I am still trying to find the real me and I really dont know if I will ever really know and wish I could of had a normal childhood.

  • rowan

    Well done WT! you are succeding in creating an army of spiteful insiders that are going to be quietly working against you.

    I too, because I was craving to see my parents went back just for them. well, guess what? my dearest, best, life long friend upon hearing of my reinstatement wanted to associate with me again. I was way too hurt and harshly responded I was done with conditional friendships. To be back because of my elderly parents (whom I don't think I will ever be able to fully forgive for their shunning), was one thing, but I was going to have NOTHING to do with the rest of "the friends" who had shunned me. It happens my friend was having strong doubts herself, and this e-mail from me opened the flood gates. she kept pestering me, and I sent her CoC.

    The rest is history. I woke HER up. she woke up 5 others. and now we are true friends, no matter of denominations, sexuality, or politics (we are both very vanilla married ladies with the same views about almost everything, what I mean is that the above factors would not have a say in our friendship)

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