Ok I need some advice on how to decline an elder's appointment....

by suavojr 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • suavojr

    Lol bigmac! I just don't think is worth the prestige... Although I have pondered the idea of saying yes.

  • suavojr

    Amaing how they come up with a 3 year rule, just out of thin air

  • wearewatchingyouman

    "Grow a beard..."

    I second this. It will solve all your problems without ever saying a word. Plus you'll look cooler too.

  • rebel8

    Be weird.

    Wear 1970s leisure suits, big wide polyester ties and goofy shoes. Grow big 1970s sideburns and say you want to be like the Hebrews who wore fringe on their garments to be out of fashion. Better yet, put actual fringe on a robe or your pants.

    Wear a Nebuchadnezzar headband like the ones in the magazines.

    Talk about the Society's invention of Miracle Wheat and how you believe it will be the only food in the New System. Talk about recipes you used from the magazines. You ate some for breakfast and you have an unusual spiritual feeling now.

    Be a super-jw to the extreme. Keep talking about the birds eating people's eyes.

    Talk incessantly about how fearful you are of demons. Work Sparlock and masturbation into your talks.

    Hide a haunted house chip from one of those audio greeting cards on the bottom of your shoe at the meeting. Keep stepping on it and then immediately and loudly call out 'OH JEHOVAH, DELIVER ME FROM SATAN' and start praying.

    Whenever someone makes small talk, turn it back to the wts and talk breathlessly until they can't stand to be around you anymore.

    I always come up with good ideas on threads like these and no one takes my advice.

  • bigmac

    lol--someone after my own heart there. love it

    still giggling

  • OnTheWayOut

    You really need to screw up as an M.S..

    If you just had a C.O. visit, then they might soon approach you.

    Here's some suggestions: Turn in a "ZERO" time report for January- quite literally. If they already know it's not "ZERO" then make it as low as 1 or 2 hours and go for the Goose egg in February.

    Blow off a talking assignment. Blow it off and don't call. Later, so "Oh, I forgot."

    Take an aspirin or a vitamin and say something to a doctor (any doctor) about anything whatsoever. Then say you have not been yourself, hence the "Zero" and the forgotten assignment. Say you are "on medication and consulting a doctor." Offer little information. Just say "Now is not a good time to add pressure to me."

  • cantleave

    I agree with OTWO - forget an assignment or two, you will be seen as unreliable. Start going out in service without a tie, fall asleep during a during a talk or stop underlining your Watchtower.

  • suavojr

    Thanks everuone for the tips!

  • suavojr


    I would take your advise, but the problem is that EVERY 100% JW THINKS AND ACTS THIS WAY! This is frightening... Besides, if i start acting goofy they might think I am the oracle in the congo, lol.

    Sorry, that was Freddy and his shoes who had that role.

  • Oubliette

    Just say, "Thanks, but no thanks!"

    When they ask why not, "Because I don't want to!"

    Then shut up and don't say another word.

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