Ok I need some advice on how to decline an elder's appointment....

by suavojr 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • suavojr

    In the last 4 months my eyes have been opened to TTATT, my biggest issue is that the elders have been grooming me to appoint me as an elder. I am in my mid 30’s and all of my family including my wife have not seen TTATT yet. (This will be a steep climb)

    Any ideas on how to decline the appointment and not raise suspicion?or should I just keep playing the game while I keep working with my wife?

  • suavojr

    I am a born in and I have lived the horrors of elders acting as judges of my soul.... this is tough

  • cantleave

    Just thank them for considering you but you do not feel ready and have other commitments (family, work, other) that will prevent you from performing the duties of an elder in a whole souled way.

  • cantleave

    Trust me it is harder to step down than it is not to accept in the first place!

  • wannabefree

    I am sure you know how it works.

    If they ask you, let them know you aren't ready, why? ... big responsibility, not able to give it the serious attention it needs, stress load would be too much to handle at the moment ... etc. You don't have to mention doubts.

  • suavojr

    cantleave thanks!

    Do you think this will not cause them to target me? I am not ready for that yet, but I guess I will have to face reality soon. With each day and month it just gets harder to teach lies...

  • suavojr

    Really? it is harder to step down? Never knew that one!! Now you got me thinking

  • jgnat

    Humility is your friend. You need to pray further about it. You are doing some deep personal searching.

    As others have already noted, it is much harder to leave than to decline the appointment in the first place.

  • leaving_quietly

    When they ask if there's any reason you should not accept the appointment, just tell them "I'm currently dealing with some personal health issues that I'd rather keep private and I don't want to add any more stresses than I have to at the moment, but thank you for considering me."

    (This has the side effect of prepping them for you stepping down as an MS in the future.)

  • cantleave

    No - they will try to convince you but if you stick to your guns they will see it as a humble attitude. Especially if for the time being you continue as an MS.

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