What is your religious belief now?

by jwfacts 191 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cptkirk

    qcmbr most atheists attack christianity, i don't think this is a news flash here.

  • Qcmbr

    Most atheists don't attack anything. A few vocal atheists, myself included, attack faith as a means to get knowledge and suggest much more useful ones. This board has a lot of Xians so it certainly looks like a focused discussion but that is simply an illusion. The more objective evidence there is for a viewpoint the less we feel a need to get personally upset and defensive about it. Nobody would get all ragey and offended if someone said that the sun is not real. People do however, when the same is said of invisible imaginary beings. ;)

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    qcmbr most atheists attack christianity, i don't think this is a news flash here....cptkirk

    before I lay me down to sleep...I have to reply to you cptkirk.

    Most atheists don't share what they believe. You probably don't even know if the people you know are atheists or not half the time.

    In all my working life, i have never had anyone tell me they are an atheist. They've told me they are christian, hindu, muslim, sikh (the turbin gives them away anyway), mormon, seventh day adventist, catholic, etc etc....but NEVER an atheist.

    Most atheists DO NOT attack christianity.


  • cptkirk

    i don't generally see people getting ragey over being told christ or jehovah is an illusion, maybe i just don't read enough of the threads. i know there is a well respected atheist who does say it is just as silly to make the absolute claim that christ does not exist as it is to say that he does exist.....because simply you don't know that. i know i know i know ALLLLLLL the arguments and i know what you are thinking, you want to quote dawkins to me now, and i never intended to find myself on the side of defending this angle to begin with.

  • Qcmbr

    Here's an example of a xian on his board getting all ragey about atheists and their criticism of faith:

    1/ Preaching aethism (as opposed to putting it forward in a respectful way as an alternate viewpoint.)

    2/ Vitriolic attacks on those who dare have another view ('damn those stupid heretical believers')

    3/ General back slapping and self congratulatory brown nosing amongst those within this godless dogma.

    4/ A new 'leadership' within this cult of disbelief who take turns spewing hate / disdain and boasting about their cleverness and the idiocy of anyone not laughing and pointing fingers with them. I find it interesting that there is a new pied piper who dances between the camp of believers and non-believers weaving populist mockery around and is loving himself beyond belief under his cloak of scholarly wisdom (well done Shining One for taking him to task - I agree with you 100%)
  • still thinking
    still thinking

    LOL...just some christian love Qcmbr, makes you want to be one doesn't it? LOL

    Is that a recent thread?

    *must resist...I really going to be now*

  • Qcmbr

    Nope it's one of my posts 7 years ago when I believed :)

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I'm fading but still very much Christian. I believe Jesus and the good he did in helping people.

    I was raised an atheist before I converted to JW. I had a lot of problems with the origins of life as taught by JWs as a result, but now as a Christian I'm free to consider the evidence and believe in theistic evolution. Some of you will laugh at me, but the facts allow me to believe in Jesus too. He was such a good guy.

  • Fernando

    On my journey of spiritual awakening and away from the Watchtower I have come to conclude:

    Religion leads us into a relationship with the god of religion.

    The "unabridged gospel" message leads us into a relationship with the God of Abraham.

    This it would seem is the theme or central message of scripture: the legal custody battle between our heavenly father and our evil stepfather.

  • iarts

    Thanks for that video on Possibilians. It sums up my feelings pretty well. Whilst I have a slight leaning towards spiritual deism, it's not something I feel certain of by any means. I'm open to many possibilities, and it seems I'm not the only one.

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