by TR 140 Replies latest jw friends

  • unanswered

    just checking in, TR. i took care of a few things last night. i took the liberty of "dissolving" a few pesky commities and i don't think anyone need worry about their "records" anymore. lets just say they were "lost" last night. i've set up a meeting w/dark clouds today and now all i need is an item of fred's clothing to put bloodbreathe on his track. any help there will be appreciated. there's my update, i trust it will meet your satisfaction. have to go give the dogs more PCP, talk to you later.-unanswered

  • riz

    I enter my application for the role of 'mistress of enslavement'

    I have been trained well in the area of bondage. My bag of tricks is stocked with the most state of the art equipment, and I will do my best to uphold the sanctity of our cause. I will blind the eyes of the unbelievers and i will not spare the rod when it comes to much needed (or not) discipline. And if anyone gives dark clouds any reason for discontent, they will be spanked. Thank you for your consideration.

    now fetch me my paddle,

  • dark clouds
    dark clouds

    ah rizz the choice i had in mind

    I see you do come with a bag of tricks, rod, paddle, spanking, discipline, and incredible loyalty, i will require a session of your techniques of course, standard procedure. Your enthusiasm and dominance shine through, an instant qualification for you. such a worthy candidate, we will handfast in ritual sex magik, to seal our eternal bond, you will be my mistress and i your lord, you will make a devil out of me. by the way, how did yo feel about fishnets?

    TR: RHW is the goddess, i am the lord of the underworld her nemisis. . .

    Unanswered: I will speak to the "boys" about getting you a better deal on your anphetamines , perhaps at cost or even for free, i will find a way to persuade, perhaps i can work on their souls. . . .

  • RedhorseWoman
    RHW is the goddess, i am the lord of the underworld her nemisis. . .

    TRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! I don't WANT a nemesis. (pout) And I don't want to have to be responsible for any underworlds or their inhabitants. It's just.....icky.

  • dark clouds
    dark clouds


    like in any good myth/religion/cult a goddess must have an opposing force, sorry i didnot write the rules.

    but between you and i, i am on your side, we'll just tell the R&F that im not, our publicity dept. will take care or confusing them in such a way that they will hate me and love you more,

    i am simply a marketing strategy to increase the fear and guilt, thus allowing for greater profits and contributions when their guilt is triggered.

    lord of bondage and enslavement

  • Scorpion

    Being in charge of the exclusive club, (Beth-Scam) I came to work today and am somewhat perturbed.

    I would like to know what contemptable scoundrel has stolen the cork to my lunch?

    A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her.-W.C.Fields

    Time is never wasted when you're waisted all the time.-Catherine Zandonella (Whoever the hell that is)

    I think VeniceIT has a great idea, we need a pool to stay in shape, or is that what the baptismal pool is for?

  • mommy

    The children are frightened by the rotwiellers.
    And when I entered this religion there was no "good" and "bad" TR what is hapening to your religion? Are your pockets getting heavier?
    Mommy shaking her head and rocking a child to sleep singing...I'll love you forever...I'll like you for are my my heart you'll stay....and the baby grew and grew and grew.....until it forgot what this world was all about, and followed blindly....because everyone else was going that way.

  • Scorpion

    As curator of the exclusive club Beth-Scam, I feel it important that we have a motto. I cannot make up my mind as to which motto to pick, so I am asking for the help of all the elite that frequent Beth-Scam. Here they are!

    1.When we drink, we get drunk. When we get drunk, we fall asleep. When we fall asleep, we commit no sin. When we commit no sin, we go to heaven. Sooooo, let's all get drunk and go to heaven!

    2.Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life, so get wasted all the time and have the time of your life.

    If anyone has any ideas for a motto, please submit to the writing department.

  • mommy

    ATTN: Writing Dept.
    I fear all active Jw's may feel that we are having Way too much fun. We may find an overflow in subscriptions and any other "not authorized" magazines.
    Please Brothers in the dept. Think of this before saying that ANYTHING GOES!
    Because we know in our hearts of hearts, we do have a "real" God to answer to.

  • TR


    have to go give the dogs more PCP

    LOL! Make sure you get a good accounting of your pcp stock. The High Priest in charge of controlled substances has some dangerous contacts that are easily annoyed when payments aren't made on time. We don't want any drugs disappearing off the shelf.

    I don't know how we're going to get an article of Fred's clothes. He only has one suit, and he never changes his clothes. Maybe his foul stench will alert the dog's keen sense of smell. BTW, good job on the committees and records.


    Your willingness to join the nymph ranks has put you in a very good position to climb the corporate latter. Contact the High Priest and see what concoctions are available for poisonings.


    I believe Beth-Scam is haunted by the Judge. He must be the culprit. He's got unfinished business, still waiting for the ancient worthies, I believe. Better do inventory in the liquor room. BTW, He does look like W.C. Fields, doesn't he?


    I'm sorry, but power does corrupt. I am no different than say, the WTS!


    It's OK, You're the only one the R & F look up to. Send your secretary to deal with our devil, if you must. We really do want you to keep a clean image. We want to give a good impression. Gotta cover our tracks, you know.


    you, Dark Clouds and unanswered will make a most superb triad of unequaled evil! Not since the Franz/Knorr/Rutherford days has such an awesome evil manifest itself! This unholy evil underlining to our precious organization will serve us well if we use it intelligently. I'm trusting you guys to slave for our cause faithfully and discreetly. Hmmm...where have I heard that before? I get a sense of deja vue somehow.

    TR- Poobah class

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