A comet coming to end the world? Useful information?

by EntirelyPossible 177 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MeanMrMustard
    A woman named Amanda started hearing a voiced telling them that a comet was going to destroy the earth. They bought a house in the North Carolina mountains to prepare...

    Well there is where she went wrong... Earth is going to be destroyed, and NC is still on earth. They need to get OFF of earth - preferably by alien space craft.

  • sabastious
    Ah, dear Sab (again, peace to you!)... you didn't give attention to what I stated. Which I tried to be VERY clear about.

    You went off on a tangent.

    If "it" chose to, yes. "It" might not. For "it's" own reasons. Even so, depends on what others consider to be "proof".

    Lets say I come up to you and tell you that a person is going to come to a school in your country and shoot up the place. But I refuse to give you a name or a location and inform you to keep your children out of school for a few weeks. Would you trust me? Because if that happened to me I would suspect the informer to be a co-conspirator to the evil they spoke of.

    Given what such ones would need as "proof"... indeed, it most probably would be. Hence, the choice to remain silent and NOT say anything.

    If the "voice" knows about the comet, it will also know where it's coming from. Otherwise how would it know it's coming? If the voice is shakey with the details it's simply a false notion or an act of deceit.

    Ummmm... says who, dear one? WHO says tho WHOM responsibility is "owed"? Of course, those who would be adversely affected are going to say the responsibility is/was owed to them. However, the source of the communication might say the responsibility is owed to "it." The one with the information may think the responsibility is owed to himself/his loved ones only. Who SAYS who it's owed to? And what makes them "right"?

    We are talking about inside information that directly affects the fate of the known world. Common sense applies which says that ignorant people in peril deserve to be informed of it. If you see a known criminal charging an old lady without her notice do you NOT inform her because it's not your responsibility? It's just common sense that you don't watch others suffer needlessly when you have any availability to mitigate that suffering.

    To try, yes. To succeed? I'm not so sure.

    To not involve science would be not trying.

    Threatened by who, dear one? An "enemy"? What if our world is the enemy? Not saying it is; just asking...

    Threatened by a comet which could destroy billions of people on the planet. It doesn't matter which country you are part of when a comet is heading towards your planet.

    I can see why you would say that, but not sure I agree. I certianly don't think the fields of cosmology, etc., would agree... unless these attended renowned institutions of learning and had significant letters behind their names... and credentials/recommendations to offer. What, though, if the one who has such premonintion is named simply "Ulnek" and lives in the Amazon forest? What if he's, say, only 8 years old?

    It's the responsibility of the scientific community to make use of all available options for planetary defense. If there is no outlet for the 8 year old to present their unique information then that's on the scientific community for letting a truth slip through their system. Naturally, you couldn't answer the calls of every 8 year old who had a bad dream, so you'd have to develop a system of criteria that filtered out the obvious fakes.

    Now, I am a HUGE fan of flicks like, say, "Independence Day," and "War of the Worlds," and "Cowboys and Aliens" (although, not so much that one), and "Armageddon," and... well, anything "spaceship-y." Because I like the "thrill" these present. But I'm interested in hearing how you think an event such as "the battle on the great day of God Almighty"... waged in a place called "Harmageddon"... can be thwarted by science. Given how those who are involved in are gathered by, say, "impure spirits that look like frogs," etc., who do you they can... perhaps even will... do it?

    Science averts armageddons all the time. Look at what happened in Japan with the last quake. Their buildings held because science has found a way to survive through it. God isn't in the business of destroying planetary populations, that's for Emperor Palpatine and the Death Star. A comet being hurled at earth will TEST the capabilities of science AND society's willingness to cooperate. To think that we should just watch it come and destroy us and assume it's God's will is asinine. We live together and we die alone.

    What, though, if it's understood... even KNOWN... that humanity CANNOT prepare... no matter HOW much time is given?

    Then we're doomed.

    gain, not trying to say HERE that any of this is real or will occur. Just a hypothetical for purposes of this thread and trying to understand your thinking, here Because, again... I don't think you really "heard" what I stated: if the prophecy is TRUE... AND it includes the PROPHECY that there is nothing that can be done... which is ALSO true... such one should tell science/the world... why?

    Matthew 24 says that we are supposed to keep on the lookout which means that if we are NOT prepared bad things will happen to us. When you think about it the same goes for any natural disaster. Preperation is a key line of defense against natural disasters, so if people know they are going to happen in advance, they have a responsibility to save as many lives as they can using their inside information. To just watch people die when you could have tried to do something is inhuman.


  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    If y'all believe in God so much, wouldn't you welcome this? A chance to finally have "his purpose" for the Earth fulfilled?

    Frankly I am prepared for anything. I have Nikes and a good pair of Revos.


  • sabastious
    If y'all believe in God so much, wouldn't you welcome this?

    The world has been decieved about the purpose of the contents of the Great Flood story. When you take that account literally you greatly alter the morality of God because you turn him into a genocidal monster. Yet, when realizing that the story was never meant to tell a historical account (it was legend/myth even for Abraham) you will see that it actually shows that God doesn't destroy world populations. The writers of the account wrote it a very specific way which was to make sure God explicitly stated he would not destroy the world a "second time." This turns ANYONE who makes a claim that God is coming to destroy the world a liar.


  • hamsterbait

    There is a comet due to pass earth within 14 000 miles about Feb 15th. about 50m across. It will skim inside the orbits of our satellites. if it hits the atmosphere it will devastate an area of 700 km.

    Maybe I should go to a meeting?


  • jgnat

    For a minute there, I was going, "waitaminute, I thought we only had one satellite". But then I realized you were talking about our artificial satellites. That's close. Are we talking the tail skimming our satellites, or the comet head itself?

  • AGuest

    I can't speak for anyone but myself, dear Sab (as always, peace to you!), but if I had inside information as to the coming actions of a CRIMINAL, then, yes, you can BET I would go to the authorities. And hopefully, the authorities would act in time (they don't always listen... or act... either). O did not perceive that this hypothetical comet as the result of the actions of some criminal, though, but more like an unstoppable phenomena. Notice the word "UNstoppable." I still think you miss MY point(s), but that's okay.

    Then we're doomed.

    Oh, wait, maybe not. 'Cause that was kinda the point. Hence the thought that, "there NOTHING that can be done."

    Matthew 24 says that we are supposed to keep on the lookout which means that if we are NOT prepared bad things will happen to us.

    I am not sure it applies to everything, but to a couple/few particular things. Good advice, though, yes...

    When you think about it the same goes for any natural disaster. Preperation is a key line of defense against natural disasters, so if people know they are going to happen in advance, they have a responsibility to save as many lives as they can using their inside information.

    Well, now, I didn't say such one shouldn't try to save as many lives as THEY can. I didn't even know we were discussing that, per se. I thought we were discussing telling the government/science, etc. Right? Or did I miss something?

    To just watch people die when you could have tried to do something is inhuman.

    Interesting. Does that apply to, say, Iran, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Pakistan, Tibet, Kurdistan, etc., etc., etc., too? Because I don't think my telling, say, the U.S. and others forces who, say, drops bombs on innocent folks... or the fanatical terrorists who blow themselves up... that if they all don't just stop that mess because one day they're gonna all reap what they sow... is gonna stop THEM.

    I mean, I'm just sayin'...

    I understand what YOU are saying, dear Sab. Perhaps you can try to understand what I am saying. Perhaps not. No worries, though. It's just a hypothetical situation anyway.


    YOUR servant and a doulos of Christ,


  • EntirelyPossible

    I'm not sure prophets can tell the future, per se, dear Miz Wuz (peace to you, my sistah!): my understanding is that they can only share what they're GIVEN to share, and have no knowledge of their own as to future events.

    Ah, well, prophets never do have any actual useful information. Full of warnings, full of knowledge, full of vague non-specifics, full of IT until nothing happens and then they are full of excuses.

    I agree with this to some extent... but I would think being prepared MENTALLY and EMOTIONALLY... so as to be capable of DEALING with the situation... would outweigh being physically prepared.

    It would seem that way, but there is no real way to prepared except to go through it.

    I mean, the track record is that such folks are never believe such ones (just spend eons lauding them AFTER the event, you know, when everyone wants to go, "He told ME first! Yeah, I knew ALL about it!").

    Agreed! I mean, if someone were to go around saying God or a spirit had told them specific things like Iran had a dirty bomb and to prepare but not to tell their family, I mean, that would be irresponsible if they actually had that knowledge! But, since, as we both agree, prohpets like that are full of it (and history has proven the track record of such ones to be an abject failure) I wouldn't imagine it's anything we would ever have to worry about.

    But consider the choices: put something out there... and lose everything - family, friends, livelihood... mind... even life - or remain quiet and let those who also know (and SHOULD do something about it) work it out. That they DON'T is... whose fault?

    Oh, I think it's clear that IF someone ACTUALLY had knowledge of an event and selected who to tell, they that person would bear the bloodguilt in eyes of GOD for NOT telling people because of fear of their reaction.

    But, as we agree, such ones never do actually have that knowledge, so this is FIRMLY in the realm of the hypothetical.

    Given what such ones would need as "proof"... indeed, it most probably would be. Hence, the choice to remain silent and NOT say anything.

    Ah, well, given how easy it would be to provide "proof" of a comet, is would be lunacy for any spirit to NOT provide it. Besides, look at how boldly YOU preach! Fear of man is NEVER an excuse.

    I can see why you would say that, but not sure I agree. I certianly don't think the fields of cosmology, etc., would agree... unless these attended renowned institutions of learning and had significant letters behind their names... and credentials/recommendations to offer. What, though, if the one who has such premonintion is named simply "Ulnek" and lives in the Amazon forest? What if he's, say, only 8 years old?

    Ah, I see! YOu simply misunderstand! Amateurs have contributed a significant amount to the discovery of comets over the year! If someone has this foreknowledge and were 8, they could simply say "Look through a telescope on this date at these coordinates at this time to see a comet" and other astronomers would be able to find it and plot its path. Simple as can be.

    Besides, why would God choose to share the message only with someone with no capability to deliver the message? Silly, of course!

    I don't think you really "heard" what I stated: if the prophecy is TRUE... AND it includes the PROPHECY that there is nothing that can be done... which is ALSO true... such one should tell science/the world... why?

    Well, because as you said, no such prophets exist, they can't tell the future. It was a TRICK QUESTION and only I caught it. YAY ME!

  • cofty
    they are almost always labelled as kooks, or enemies of the state, etc., and either locked up and/or put on heavy, mind-altering meds... or killed. Along with their families. - Shelby

    That is some serious paranoia.

  • Qcmbr

    Nothing can ever be known exactly but we can make probability arguments. Some events ( like the likelihood of the sun rising tomorrow ) may have probabilities so high that we can operate without need to modify our behaviour in case it doesn't occur while others ( " I am coming soon" ) normally represent the other end of the scale.

    Messages attributed to supernatural communication or non-humans have only the likelihood of being useful or right in conjunction with how much information the medium has available (a message from a Popoffian healer regarding your illness may be factually correct but one regarding information on heaven will be as likely as flying unicorns, possible but with a vanishingly small probability.)

    The probability that anyone on this forum is receiving messages from a non cranial source are safe enough to bet your life against, the information quality can be simply checked against current knowledge and anything superfluous is found (ie this scripture has a secret meaning that I'm sharing with you or it lets you know I am the Messiah) it should be disregarded as imagination; based on probabilities and the likelihood of them actually communicating with invisible/supernatural beings.

    Powerful thing this imagination of ours, makes fools of many.

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