If god exists...

by dazed but not confused 191 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    Don't you believe the flood happened tec? Was Noah a myth? Just wanting to clarify what you believe and what you don't out of the bible.

    I believe it happened... so more than a myth, but not necessarily as literally as it is written.

    So everyone gets to live in heaven forever and ever? Me, you, Dazed, Charlie Manson, Andy Warhol, King Louis the XIV, Hitler, Florence Nightengale, Ghenghis Khan, Satan, all the demons, every angel, every Jew or Roman, etc?


    Not everyone who ever lived, will get to live again.

    Oh I get it that's very subtle and clever TEC. It's like the top mob boss who never gets his hands dirty personally. He'll no doubt use his angels henchmen to carry out the dirty deed and say I killed no one. Is that right?

    No, not at all.

    (and I don't think that would have been very subtle, lol... mob boss doens't get away with that kind of reasoning either)

    There are those who are not granted access into the kingdom (out in the darkness; weeping and gnashing teeth)... because of what is in them; which was manifested in what they DO to others, and so would continue to do to those within the kingdom. (happens when Christ returns)

    There are those who at Armageddon come to destroy the camp that God loves (the people in the kingdom); and fire comes down from heaven and destroys them. To protect those they came to destroy. (happens after the thousand years - be that a figurative or literal number) If indeed that 'fire from heaven' is not a natural consequence. Some things in the bible that are attributed to God as punishment are actually prophecy or warning of natural consequence. In any case, the only ones destroyed are those who come to harm and destroy a peaceful people doing them no harm.

    I know of few people who have a problem with defending the innocent from those intent on destroying them. Indeed, it is what most people blame God for... for not doing so right now.

    Peace to you,


  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    My wife is too EP but she respects my decision to give him a "normal" upbringing. On that I didnt get. He loved halloween. I think i will do XMAS next year. Im not ready for that this year, its all new to me... normalcy.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Again I got distracted.

  • tec

    Jesus repeatedly made references to the old testament and said "it is written", I actually don't recall anywhere Jesus rejecting the message or teachings of the old testament.

    Sure he did.

    The law on divorce. "Moses gave you this law because your hearts were hard... but it was not this way from the beginning."

    "You have heard it said 'eye for eye'... but I tell you now, if someone strikes you on the left cheek, turn to him the right also."

    There were others as well.

    Even in the OT, there were corrections as to understanding. God not requireing sacrifice of bulls and such... but rather for the chords of injustice to be loosened, for the poor to be fed, and such things.

    "I desire mercy, not sacrifice." And that was repeated by Christ... in fact he told others to go and learn what that means and they might stop condemning the innocent.



  • tec

    I believe in looking at things in chronological order.

    You can believe whatever you want. That doesn't make it true though. Even if you do believe in looking at things in chronological order... doesn't that mean what came last is what has been learned... the conclusion. Christ is that conclusion.

    Again why pick and choose what you believe? Isn't ALL SCRIPTURE INSPIRED BY GOD? Or just the parts with Jesus in it?

    All scripture is inspired. Not everything written is scripture and therefore, inspired. Inspired... in spirit... received from God. Nor does that mean that it is inerrant. That is a false teaching. Even Paul (who says that all scripture is inspired) does not state that it is inerrant.

    Jeremiah 8:8 "How can you say we are wise, for we have the law of the LORD; when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?"

    Scribes are like secretaries. Sometimes they didn't get what it was they were writing and so went with their understanding. Sometimes translation are made according to understanding, but if that understanding is off, then the translation can be off as well. Christ also said 'woe to you scribes and teachers of the law'

    You have to test what is written. Test it for truth (I did this with the teachings of Christ - and the example that he gave in word and deed). Test also against love. That is one common theme that all who followed Christ and witnessed to him shared.

    Peace to you,


  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Tec- Do you believe people who are confused or were lied to and no longer trust the bible or what Jesus may have taught will be in heaven or paradise?

  • tec

    EP, I think your kids are each a year younger than my kids. 14 and 10 here.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Not everyone who ever lived, will get to live again.

    Jesus is choosing, deciding who lives and who dies. He's a killer. Proof right here...

    There are those who are not granted access into the kingdom (out in the darkness; weeping and gnashing teeth)... because of what is in them; which was manifested in what they DO to others, and so would continue to do to those within the kingdom. (happens when Christ returns)

    So Jesus decides who dies. Killer.

    I know of few people who have a problem with defending the innocent from those intent on destroying them. Indeed, it is what most people blame God for... for not doing so right now.

    TO be fair, since you mention God, he did actually kill a shitload of babies, very innocent. They actually needed defending from him. Wanker. We should have had Ike slap him around a bit instead Tina, eh?

    You have to test what is written. Test it for truth (I did this with the teachings of Christ - and the example that he gave in word and deed).

    So when Christ said the flood happened (baby killing) and the law was cool (beating slaves to death), which of those was wrong?

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused


    . All scripture is inspired. Not everything written is scripture and therefore, inspired. Inspired... in spirit... received from God. Nor does that mean that it is inerrant. That is a false teaching. Even Paul (who says that all scripture is inspired) does not state that it is inerrant.

    not everything written is inspired...duh. But if its in the bible its supposed to be. Again- why pick and choose?

    It looks like you are convinced in your reasoning but seem as lost as the rest of us

  • tec

    Tec- Do you believe people who are confused or were lied to and no longer trust the bible or what Jesus may have taught will be in heaven or paradise?

    Not my call to make... but yes, they can be. (the kingdom comes down from heaven... but I get that this is not the point of your question)

    Some people are known by Christ... by what is in them, and therefore what they DO. Feed the hungry and poor, shelter the homeless, visit those imprisoned... do good to even the least of Christ's brothers... and in this way, they did all of these things to Christ. ("Give even a cup of cold water to one of these who belong to me, and you will not lose your reward")

    The parable of the sheep and goats shows this.

    In the same way... some who think that they know Christ... who even do things in His name... are not known by him.

    "But lord lord... did we not perform miracles and drive out demons in your name?"

    "Away from me you evildoers... I never knew you."

    (these could include those who did the lying as you referred to in your quote above)

    Peace to you,


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