Looking After Widows and Orphans... and Spending One's "Riches"

by AGuest 136 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    To the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... may you all have peace!

    From time to time the issue of how to fulfill the "form of worship that is acceptable to God," mentioned by James in his letter, namely, looking after widows and orphans "in their tribulation"... comes up. Given the issue of tithing, the plethora of institutionalized charity choices, and the existence of ones in need, perhaps in our own households and families... but certainly in our towns, countries... and around the world... how does one fulfill this requirement? This was recently asked by a dear one and the following is what I was given to share on the matter, if you will permit me - thank you!

    In order to understand what James meant, we have to understand the situation that existed back then. Because the care of widows and orphans was not necessarily monetary (although it often was, as well). James' admonition was with regard to widows and orphans who were/are "afflicted." The term did not [necessarily] mean afflicted in the flesh (sick) but included one being under some kind of pressure. Thus, it also refers to situations where the widow/orphan was under some kind of persecution, tribulation, distress, or similar situation... and, perhaps, where money wasn't involved at all. Not all widows OR orphans were in financial need back then (nor now).

    The term "widow" meant women whose husbands had died... and had not remarried (negating her widow status). The term "orphan" here meant the "fatherless" boy (or girl)... whose mother had not remarried (thus, providing her children with a father). It did NOT include widowers (men who spouses had died) or MOTHERLESS children. And there is good reason for this: it was with regard to households where there was no MAN/FATHER. Which was important not just as to the lack of provision toward the physical needs of the household... but, due to the climate against christians (the Body) at the time... it was the men alone who met publicly to share and receive information as to SPIRITUAL things!

    Back then, the men of the Body often met in great secrecy, away from homes (so that they weren't idenfitied and delivered up). Because of the law at the time (where women weren't allowed to speak publicly, as I shared elsewhere), rather than risk breaking the law (which the Jews would have used to have them arrested and perhaps killed)... the women had to learn at home... FROM their husbands, who brought news back. In addition, if just men were meeting, that could easily passed off as a business or social gathering (discussing livestock, fishing industry, "light" law, games, etc.). If men AND women met, though, the question would be why, regarding what... and why weren't they doing so at a synagogue?

    What, though, if the woman HAD no husband? Who would share with her what was being discussed at these important, but secret, meetings? Since there wasn't anyone specific (a husband)... these (women and their households) very often got lost - they were forgotten and overlooked and so didn't receive a lot of the SPIRITUAL information that was being discussed.

    Also, because when the men DID meet, they often discussed what their households were undergoing. The situation with/status of women who did not have a husband to represent her... and, if she had children, them... often went unreported... and thus unnoticed and overlooked.

    And so the word for "look after" ALSO denotes things like looking in on, checking as to the status of, visit, care for, provide for, even employ. Making oneself a kind of "family" (albeit extended) for those who need such (but not overlooking any need for financial care, if one is able). It was NOT limited to giving monetary assistance, although it certainly could include that and very often did (when there was no "provider" in the household), as many women made their own living, and so the lack of a male provider was not always an issue.

    We can KNOW it means more than just monetary assistance BECAUSE it does not include an admonition to look after widowers or MOTHERLESS households. There were certainly men (sometimes older) who were in need, who, for whatever reason, could not provide (monetarily) for themselves. Yet, they are not included in the admonition. Yet, shouldn't those be helped, too? Of course they should - the Body was not to shut the door of their tender compassions on ANYONE who was in need, asked of them. And those without wives, but had children, most often were assisted by other women in their families - sisters, mothers, cousins, aunts... or even friends and neighbors. Especially if the children were young. Did these not also sometimes need monetary assistance? Yes, again.

    But in both situations, the MEN... could attend the secret meetings and be "fed". They didn't have to rely on someone else to get the information back to them (unless they were unable to physically get there, but then we have examples, do we not, of physically disabled men literally be taken to pools, lifted down through roofs in baskets, etc.). So we can believe that if they COULD get to a meeting, either on their own or by means of other men taking them, they DID. But women of the Body did not have that freedom.

    And why were the men less of a target? Because that's how the Jews met! The MEN would gather socially without the women! And so, when the men of the BODY gathered, it didn't look odd and wasn't a red flag. What they met and talked ABOUT... was the danger. But they could hastily change it to look like they were meeting to discuss business or social matters, or even the Law, etc., and even say so if questioned, and so not readily be found out.

    The thing is that we must worship the Father in spirit... and TRUTH! So, regarless of whether it's monetary or something else, if your "gift" is not genuine ... meaning you genuinely want to give it, either as a gift to the widow/orphan... and/or to God... then, as per dear tec's example of Ananias and Sapphira... and Cain... it is not "acceptable." It is "tainted" (with deceit!) and so the MOST Holy One of Israel cannot receive it. It is anathema.

    Of course, we must give according to our circumstances and ability. The widow, for example, gave a "mite." Her offering, however, was more than a "tenth"; as my Lord is recorded to have stated, she gave ALL she had... and not just a tenth of what she had. The others gave a tenth... but it was no big deal, because they HAD it - it was out of their "surplus."

    He commented that the widow gave, however, NOT because someone was in need or wanted it specifically from HER, but out of HER "want." Meaning, she wanted to receive blessings from JAH... and so she was willing to give her little bit of MONEY (mammon), although ALL she had... for that. Because she knew that whatever she gave to HIM... He would return DOUBLE to her! Since caring the temple priests was tantamount to giving to JAH at that time, she gave all she had to that "need."

    Christ, however, showed God's rejection of THAT temple... and it's priesthood... and replacement of a NEW temple and priesthood, which HE is building. Part of the "service" of that NEW priesthood... is to look after, perhaps monetarily... widows and orphans OF Israel (meaning spiritual Israel, which can include those of the flesh, but certainly those who are Israel in SPIRIT)... which can extend to others, as well, but Israel FIRST. YOUR "household"... which, in this case, is God's Household. And a [person] who does not look after his OWN household is worse than a person without faith.

    The thing is... we should not let these fall by the wayside. We should do WHATEVER we can to help them... and that doesn't always include giving them money. Sometimes it's just giving them some of our time and attention. JUST AS IMPORTANTLY, though, if not MORE... is giving from your SPIRITUAL "treasure". If, then, you've received a revelation or prophesy, you're supposed to SHARE it... so that the BODY is built up. There is no benefit in building up the Body physically, only to leave them "starving" and in want... spiritually . Indeed, what profit a man... if he gains the WORLD... but loses his SPIRITUAL life (by means of losing the "gift" of ETERNAL life FOR that spirit)??

    To the contrary, we're supposed to use the "money" CHRIST gives us and INCREASE his belongings. Right? Dear ones, we not only may have "earthly treasure"... paper and coin currency... that we can share... but we may also have " spiritual treasure"... indeed, GOLD "refined by fire" ( Revelation 3:17 )! We receive this... in the form of "talents" (a former kind of currency). Some are given more talents, some less: 10, 5, 2... or even only one. The issue isn't how MUCH we receive/have, dear ones... it's how much of it we SPEND .

    We can take what's given to us... spiritual currency... "talents"... and increase it/them... or we can take what little we've been given... and "BURY" it. Usually, the one who buries his/her one talent is because they still exist in FEAR, however... rather than love... and so because they believe the One who gave it to them to be "exacting" (i.e., never satisfied - which is NOT the case, at all!)... the "hide" their one piece of "money." Some bury theirs because they are lazy; others because they don't WANT to give/share it!

    Unlike the others, who use their "talents" to "BUY"... on behalf of the One who gave it/them to them... and so INCREASE his belongings! And what is the result? They are given MORE "talents", perhaps even that of another (the one with one)... and become even "richer"! Because they spend their "talents" to increase HIS "belongings"... he entrusts them with MORE "talents".

    My point is that while we must look after those in financial need, to the extent we can, as well as look in on them to make sure they're okay in others ways, we must ALSO look after those who are hungering, thirsting, perhaps even starving... and "look in" on them... and in either sense FEED them, if it is in our power to do so... in a SPIRITUAL sense. USE the money/talent/gold YOU "bought" and was given to YOU... to help THEM... and increase/build up the Body.

    This does NOT fall upon ONE person , however - it falls upon us ALL, whether we have 10... or one... talent! Whatever the amount we have been given, it wasn't given to us to KEEP ... to "care" for OURSELVES... but to SHARE and use to "care for" the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with.

    Contrary to the teachings and practices of SOME groups... WE do not have leaders among us! ONE is our Leader. We are not "teachers" - ONE is our teacher. WE... are merely sharing what we receive from HIM. We cannot tell another what to do or not do. We can only share what WE have been given... and then leave it to others to CHOOSE: whether they will put faith in the One who gave us the thing TO share... and so then go to HIM... to be "FILLED" (all we can offer is morsels, tidbits... partial - HE, though, can sate, refresh, and fill COMPLETELY)... or to refrain. The sheep don't belong to any of us... nor do ANY of us have ANY grounds to "lord it over" any others!

    WE... those who profess to be of the Body of Christ... are SERVANTS of one another , dear ones. And... we are a HOUSEHOLD... and so all really ARE brothers/sisters, even those who are single with children, widowed, orphaned, etc., members place in the Body as GOD wills... and not we ourselves. It is upon EACH of thus, then, to care for any others among us who might be in "need." Physically AND spiritually. Not one person, not one group of persons among us, not just the ones with more "talents". ALL Of us.

    Because, again, a man who does not look after his OWN household... is worse than a man without faith at all. Christ looks after US - we must look after one another.

    I hope this helps and, again, I wish you ALL peace... and ears to hear, if you wish them, to get the sense of this, as well as when the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU:

    "Come! Take 'life's water'... which 'water' is holy spirit... is FREE!"

    We who have received it already did so (received it) for free. Now, we must "spend" that "gold"... and give it to others, those who are wishing, thirsting, hungering... asking... free!

    YOUR servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... and a slave of Christ, the One who opened MY ears... and grant ME, good for nothing servant that I am... just a "few" of his precious talents,


  • PSacramento
    The thing is that we must worship the Father in spirit... and TRUTH! So, regarless of whether it's monetary or something else, if your "gift" is not genuine ... meaning you genuinely want to give it, either as a gift to the widow/orphan... and/or to God... then, as per dear tec's example of Ananias and Sapphira... and Cain... it is not "acceptable." It is "tainted" (with deceit!) and so the MOST Holy One of Israel cannot receive it. It is anathema.

    I think this is really an important point.

    Intent is so crucial in what we do in God's eyes.

    Far from the old adage "the road to hell is paved with good intentions", IMO it is quite the opposite: The road to hell is paved with:

    The ends justifying the means.

    WHY we do what we do is what lends validity to WHAT we do.

    To give with ulterior motives is better than NOT to give at all, I grant you that, BUT as Christians MORE is expected than that.

    We are to give out of love, forgive out of love, care for out of love and NEVER to seek recompense or even a thank you.

    It is a "perfect" way of giving, like Our Father is perfect.

    Sure we fail more than succeed but that is our fallen nature and In CHrist we can over come that flaw and give with love, care for with love, be loving with Love, for no other reason that because we do love.

  • LongHairGal

    A Guest:

    I know you mean well, but, comparing the ancient bible world to today's world just does not work. The whole planet is different, really. We are in a world where many women work to support themselves and they are relatively "free", whereas back then they were not free. They answered to a father or a husband.

    It was my observation when I was in the JW religion, that they don't look after "orphans and widows" (or anyone else for that matter) unless they are related to the right people. I was on my own.

    After my experience, I don't believe in tithing, perhaps because I don't think much of religion or their leaders.

    If I were to give to charity it would be to a worldly organization that benefits the public as a whole, not any damn religion!

  • AGuest

    Greetings, dear PSacto... and the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one! Thank you for your comment and I agree with it all. Motive is most important because it speaks to what's going on INSIDE, which is not readily apparent to all... but certainly is not hidden from God and Christ. And yes, THIS:

    "Sure we fail more than succeed but that is our fallen nature and In CHrist we can over come that flaw and give with love, care for with love, be loving with Love, for no other reason that because we do love."

    Thank you for that - it is most encouraging!

    comparing the ancient bible world to today's world just does not work.

    Actually, I think we're saying the same thing (at least, as to THIS matter), dear LHG (peace to you, as well!). I realize it's a long post... and apologize for that... but I think that if you read it (perhaps in pieces and over time - because there is no hurry at all!) you will see that I did not disagree with you.

    Again, peace to you both!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • PSacramento
    If I were to give to charity it would be to a worldly organization that benefits the public as a whole, not any damn religion!

    It's important to give to who one feels confidence in.

    Some give to their local church because they SEE where the money is going.

    Some prefer to give to those that are scrutinized by the government.

    Some prefer a more hands-on approach and give directly to those in need.

    As Paul would say: Let all be confident in thier own consceince ( or something like that).

  • LV101

    AGuest -- I appreciate your post and history/knowledge of the early xtians' lives as to James' reference and statement. I started reading on the other site but really needed to read when I'm not too exhausted. Lots of good info and it was very kind and loving of you to cover in such a broad way. Very interesting --- and didn't realize "many woman made their own living".

    LongHairGirl makes a good point how the world has changed and many widows in this country at least have social security to help them w/the financial stress today but spiritual matters and a jillion other needs obviously remain deficient and this is where other organizations (Boys/Girls Clubs, service orgs, etc., and many good charities) kick in to help the disadvantaged and there are many in today's economy. I've friends/acquaintances in their late 80's raised in households w/out father (breadwinner) before social security was available and their lives were abject poverty. Social services were pathetic back then and, thankfully, has made progress --- not enough, but progress.

    LHG is so right about the evil watchtower not helping those they really should/COULD. I wouldn't give them one dime since they help no one as an organization and it does cause distrust regarding other religions/tithing. I believe good religious organizations are nothing like cult watchtower although I do know witnesses who are quite busy helping other members --- really, and I'm wondering if this is something their demonic leaders have been encouraging because of the internet truth about their non-charity. They always helped the in-circle, click, members --- I remember all that but I've noticed some of them helping families out materially. Don't know if this is a common practice or it's just my limited view of a few I know.

    Had a question about talents but have errands -- try to post later.


  • AGuest

    Okie-dokie, dear LV (peace to you!). I hear what you're saying about "good religious" organizations... I would have no problem helping one out (serving in a shelter, food bank/kitchen, donating to an emergency or other recovery program, hospital/clinic, etc.) - so long as I don't have to JOIN their religious aspect and accept/adhere to their doctrines. I already have a leader... and want to remain a spiritual "virgin" as to him (now that I have been washed clean and returned to that state) and so don't need to follow any other(s) in that sense; however, helping others has nothing to do with one's spirituality from that standpoint - such good deeds are manifestations of love... and there is no law against love. So, I have no problem in that light. Unfortunately, many organizations DO want you to join their religious membership, so... yeah, no, not for ME. Each one must decided for himself/herself - to his/her own master such will stand or fall.

    Regarding the talents, I'm thinking we should probably continue it elsewhere (perhaps another forum) due to the potential... mmmmm... distractions that will most probably occur here. That is, unless you have no problem with... mmmmm... "gnats". They're harmless, of course, but can be irritating. Your choice.

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,


  • LV101

    "gnats" --- now that's funny! I'm assuming any organization (churches) is good compared to evil watchtower who helps no one in the long run.

    Well, I'm headed for slumberville and talents/the Apostle James' exhortation, etc., have escaped me at this point tonite.

    Peace (and I can use it/hear it AGAIN!).


  • AnneB


    This is one of the things I appreciate about you: you take a kernel of information and cultivate it until it turns into full-blown comprehension...then you share it! How many people, after putting in all the work it takes to come to understanding on something, are so willing to freely give the results of that work to others?

    Your posts make me think.

    Thank you.


  • AGuest

    I am SO glad that this was of interest and perhaps even a benefit to you, dear Anne B (peace to you, dear sister!). I realize that for some my verbosity is irritating. Thankfully, that isn't the case with all.

    Again, peace to you... and may JAH bless (in ALL your needs, dear one!).

    YOUR servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,


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