Mother Teresa attacked by Atheist/Anostic group -

by james_woods 205 Replies latest jw experiences

  • snare&racket

    Charliko, you really can be a mean spirited, sarcastic, patronising poster. Maybe If I saw a little more 'Christ' in you, I would take you seriously.

    i would never dare to label a religious person regarding their beliefs as each are their own individuals and belief is very personal. Evangelical atheists is a term I a yet to see expressed anywhere but here, ironic that you add a religious term in the hope it riles us. It does not. It is just a further insight into your perspective on people and life.

    Perhaps if you left the personal jibes aside and asked for the facts, the fog would lift? Or maybe the daylight of reality isnpires fear in your core? I get the feeling that you are all about being right and nothing more. In reality I dont think you realise only you holds true this fallacy. You dont offer facts, just ideas, unqualified guesses from your mind. You can be right in your own mind for as long as you want. As for us evangelical atheists, I am confident I can assure you that are noses are to the ground, sniffing the trails of evidence. Your wafts of personal idea, barely get a twitch of the nose. Though the foul nature of the offerings are so potent, they initiate instant frustration and attention. Of course this is your goal....

    Quite sad really. Stop distracting people from seeking truth, just so you can have someones attention as a temporary 'play thing', life is too short and time is too precious, let them be.


  • Chariklo

    Thanks, snare! :)

  • botchtowersociety
    I heard from her own mouth give speeches where she condemned birth control.


    She was dealing with extreme poverty and mandating that these people stayed in extreme poverty and bring more and more children into it. Children they couldn't care for.

    She was mandating none of this.

    Instead, I look at these poverty stricken Catholics, and those that fell in with them, and I think they didn't deserve the treatment they got.

    These were people dying in the streets. They would have received NOTHING but not for her and those who collaborated with her. MT provided simple medical relief to thousand of people. She founded places for those dying abandoned in the streets to at least be able to die in a bed, with a roof over their heads, while not being treated as pariahs to die alone. She provided basic education for poor outcast children who would otherwise have had none. But that was not her mission in life. She wasn't a doctor. She wasn't a nurse. Her calling was to save souls. Jesus himself did not cure all disease, end poverty, or establish schools. Jesus said the poor and sick would always be with us. He came to open a path for souls into the kingdom of heaven.

    And even so:

    Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity , a Roman Catholic religious congregation , which in 2012 consisted of over 4,500 sisters and is active in 133 countries. Members of the order must adhere to the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, and the fourth vow, to give "Wholehearted and Free service to the poorest of the poor". The Missionaries of Charity at the time of her death had 610 missions in 123 countries including hospices and homes for people with HIV / AIDS , leprosy and tuberculosis, soup kitchens, children's and family counselling programmes, orphanages and schools.

    So I reject you theory that it is ideology and hate.

    Well, color me shocked that you would.

  • NewChapter

    So? I think that is a pretty big SO. That aside. She not only was not a doctor, she intervened to prevent medical care for those that could have been saved. How much medical care could have been provided is she used the donations for what they were intended? I guess we will never know. There is a difference between no being able to heal everyone, and preventing them from getting effective medical treatment.

    She was a leader. She pushed the birth control issue, even though she saw how people struggled in extreme poverty, how children went hungry, got sick and died. She provided a cot and smile, and stood between the poor and suffering and real help.

  • Chariklo

    And you call ME mean-spirited after posts like the preceding one, snare?

    With perception like that, it's clear that only those who see truth and have it in their hearts can perceive truth. My writing of uncomfortable truths, obscured successfully for some by subsequent verbiage, distracts no-one from it.

  • EntirelyPossible

    When those mentioned in the OP give up everything to go to one of the poorest fitlhiest places in the world, and help the dying for the rest of their lives as those of her order did, then they will be able to legitimately scrutinize this dead woman.

    Uh, no. Not how it works, champ.

    What these atheists are doing, however, is an attempt at character assassination. I believe it is driven by ideology and hatred.

    A woman who used other's suffering for her own gain, denied them medical care and family visitation.... calling out what she did is character assasination?

  • EntirelyPossible

    Mother Teresa just need a good boning.

  • Angharad

    Chariklo - you need to stop using every oportunity to bring up past disagrements, especially ones that started elsewhere, your post on this topic is completely off topic and looking like another attempt to start a fight.

  • bohm

    I have an odd mental image of zombie mother theresa running away from a gang of atheists...

  • Chariklo

    Realistic image, bohm.

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