Mother Teresa attacked by Atheist/Anostic group -

by james_woods 205 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Chariklo

    Angharad, I have replied to your public rebuke with a private PM.

  • palmtree67


    Never mind, I see angharad is on top of it.

  • bohm

    Chariklo, explanin':

    it's clear that only those who see truth and have it in their hearts can perceive truth.

    That argument is allmost so circular it become a point!

  • Chariklo


    We have this from snare and racket

    Charliko, you really can be a mean spirited, sarcastic, patronising poster. Maybe If I saw a little more 'Christ' in you, I would take you seriously.

    We have the above from Palmtree, "bravely" posting now that Angharad has rebuked me.

    What was I doing? I was objecting to the vilification and character-shredding of a dead woman who devoted her life to the poorest and most destitute. I was also objecting to the swathes of evangelical atheism sweeping across this forum, intimidatingso many from posting, though they are talking among themselves andsome are writing to me.

    My style may have too much Bernard Levin in it for the tastebuds of the North American continent, but I feel that this forum, which was for me, and for so many, initially a refuge from Watchtower bullies, is being potentially ruined by those with an entirely different agenda, and my PM box contains many messages from those who feel the same but don't dare post it in public.

    Angharad, you chose to rebuke me publicly. I have done nothing of which I am ashamed, and I will continue to fight in the corner of the underdog, as I have done all my life, publicly and in private.

    They have every right to be atheist. They do not have the right to sneer at those who believe, to try to destroy any vesitiges of faith left in those already wounded by the Watchtower, to intimidate most of those who disagree with them from posting where they post, nor, surely, to expect to vilify someone like Mother Teresa without allowing her the right of a defence on her behalf.

    Shame on them and shame on those who jump onto their bandwagon, and those who let them do so.

    Finally, I will now say publicly what I said in private, I have not carried anything over from another forum, as you said in your post. I was a member of New Chapter's forum for a few weeks only. I did not like it, so I left, and those there will know full well that I left politely and not as a result of a row. It was my choice to do so because it did not suit me. No argument. And no argument to be carried over here.

    Thus, your very grounds stated for your rebuke to me were not true grounds, although I acknowledge that you, not having been a member there, cannot know that. those who are there but who are so evident here can substantiate what I say, but that is their choice. I speak the truth.

  • NewChapter

    That argument is allmost so circular it become a point!

    Well it certainly elevates a disagreement to biblical proportions. It's used a lot. There is nothing wrong with my heart. I simply choose to hurt for those that I believe were hurt by a woman who was misrepresented to the world. Now how does someone come to the conclusion that I don't care, or I'm motivated by hate, or I have a problem with my heart? My heart is fine. I can't hurt MT. But she leaves a legacy of suffering that vulnerable people must still endure. And that bothers me. A lot. Does that make my heart wrong?

    I think it is a veiled way of saying if I had a good heart, I would totally agree with a person. It's quite personal, which is what you have when there is no defense. I used to use this reasoning all the time when I was a JW. They don't accept the 'truth' cuz they don't have the right heart condition. I think it is difficult for some to accept that when people disagree, it's not a character issue.

  • NewChapter

    Snare is not from North America. He's from the UK.

  • Chariklo

    So what? (I actually know that anyway.)

  • palmtree67

    Chariklo: I speak the truth

    Oh, really?

  • mrsjones5

    What round is this?

  • NewChapter

    So what? (I actually know that anyway.)

    Not a big deal, but you mentioned N. America, and I noticed that you often blame cultural differences for misunderstandings. That can be true, of course, but Snare is from the UK. I just pointed it out so that it would not be understood that only us N. Americans would ever take issue with certain things.

    I just wanted to clarify. I don't think I need to add any more to this.

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