How do you keep your hopes up while in this doomed existence?

by sabastious 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I guess you are what many would call a ''glass half empty guy''.


  • sabastious
    As far as your kids, you seem like a thoughtful person, maybe you have passed that on. Be a loving parent. You dont need all the answers, kids are smart, they just need love.

    I make sure that I show as much love and affection as I can. Even when I am feeling bad I try to make sure I smile for him. I can't help but feel so lucky that I have a child when many have lost theirs. I pray that I can keep mine, but it makes me think about the ones that prayed but still lost theirs. Life is precious and I believe that we are not the only ones in the universe who understand that.

    I guess you are what many would call a ''glass half empty guy''.

    I am both pessimistic and and eternal optimist, it just depends on what day you catch me.


  • BizzyBee

    flipper's got it nailed.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle
    As far as your kids, you seem like a thoughtful person, maybe you have passed that on. Be a loving parent. You dont need all the answers, kids are smart, they just need love.

    I make sure that I show as much love and affection as I can. Even when I am feeling bad I try to make sure I smile for him


    Sab- kids are smart and intuitive. They can tell when a smile is disingenuous. Showing love is great. Feeling loved is better. Let your kids see the light that shines from your eyes and feel safe and secure from your love.

  • snare&racket

    "Michio Kaku says that the universe will eventually freeze over and life will cease to exist. Just because we cannot fathom a way out of the scenario NOW doesn't mean that we won't have a solution when it comes upon us."

    SAB..... Did your brain not once consider that maybe you are missing some facts ?

    the second law of thermodynamics sab, otherwise apprecisted as

    S = q/T 
    As you can see Sab, there will always be a spontaneous tendancy towards entropy. Defined neatly in the second law of thermodynamics. Entropy is the tendency towards disorder and everything in the universe and the universe itself follows this law. As everything has a tendency to decay, there wont be anything left SAB, hence to suggest that we may have a solution is once again, another indicator of your lack of appreciation for what is being discussed. We will cease to exist, our solution would cease to exist.... EVERYTHING in the universe will cease to exist..... Get the idea now? Every atom in the universe will decay, every sun that produces atoms will eventually cease to exist and die out...... and a long time in the future, a looooooong looooooong looooong time in the future, everything will have decayed to nothing. Number one, please dont say silly things like ... The laws of thermodynamics are wrong.... Especially if you have no alternate set of laws with evidence to back them and prove them tested, btw this would be a fine example of you contributing to society/science/mankind, all the best with that. Second, this is a long time off, to think of it now is ridiculous. It is bazillions of years in the future. But then again the death of our sun, planet and galaxy is not that far off comparatively...... Oooh Thirdly, most parents are sufficiently emotionally devloped to realise that such information is not appropriate for a young child, though still true. Just as telling a child the truth that when they die they will be consumed by maggots while their body lies in a dark wooden box is simply wrong, discussing the death of the universe can perhaps be dealt with at a later age also. This is the kind of thing good parents will do. For example i am content with the information, now i am old enough and mentally mature enough to rationalise it all. Just as in 1979 when I was of no significance to the universe as I was not yet born, likewise a googlebazillion years in the future, I will matter not also. Despite this I know people from 1979 and they were fully aware and plugged into life, yet for me 1979 is black nothingness. Even 100 years in the future when Im dead, it will be no different to my non existence in 1979. How selfish to think the universe would alter due to our own desire to want to 'continue' in some form beyond death. Yet we are happy that animals can only live and then die. Fourth, maybe buy some textbooks as information proves our situation to not be hopeless doom, but inprobable good fortune! What was the probability that in the galaxy we know of with life, your sperm survived an act of strange ritual intercourse between the sexes of a great ape species and you now are able to enjoy life and read this sentence. Probability was against you being here. Celebrate the 70 years we are fortunate to enjoy and appreciate the right our offspring have to experiencing this life too, this requires that we die (energy cycle - amongst other things). As RD once explained, the greatest artists, musicians, poets, scientists and humans have never existed, because probability hugely sides with such people being within the sperm that never made it, the egss that didnt develop.... Doom and gloom is a perception, specifically yours. The universe was unlikely to ever have existed. Celebrate it and appreciate it by ENJOYING your short visit here. snare
  • EntirelyPossible
  • panhandlegirl

    I don't know what the afterlife is. I have my speculations but I only know that it exists and not a whole lot about it. Do we sit there and talk about all the horrible stuff we went through? Is heaven like a really big therapy room where everyone shares their life lessons with each other?

    If there is an afterlife, I hope it's not a big therapy room. I'm sick of therapy and sharing life's lessons. I hope in the afterlife we see our loved ones, meet people from other planets, learn new things, dance, drink wine, and have a great time. Forget what happened on earth. Let´s get on with the afterlife. Dare I say, Let´s party! We just passed finals!


  • LouBelle

    I am definately no scientist and do not claim to know the workings of the brain, the universe or what is to be.

    All I know is that we take care of what we can for today. The earth, solar system etc all go through cycles. Some of those cycles wipe a great amount of life out and the following cycle encourages life and it will be on repeat for who knows how long.

    I would encourage you to follow your dreams today, and instill that in your child. Carpe' Diem. You cannot forsee what is going to happen millions of years down the line and even scientist don't know for sure - they create hypothisis based x y z - we just don't know and thus no point in worrying, cos that is just going to give you sleepless nights.

  • sizemik

    "The definition of success--

    To laugh much;

    To win respect of intelligent persons and the affections of children;

    To earn the approbation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;

    To appreciate beauty;

    To find the best in others;

    To give one's self;

    To leave the world a little better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition.;

    To have played and laughed with enthusiasm, and sung with exultation;

    To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived--this is to have succeeded."

    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Left in the Cold
    Left in the Cold

    Sabastious, have you considered cognitive behavior therapy? Basically, it's learning to change the way you think. A good psychologist and being willing to try can go a really long way toward allowing you to see the present and the future in a different, better light. It's not a quick fix. It takes some work, but it could be helpful. Research it a little. I'm sure there are other therapies that would help too. I'm just speaking from experience. If you're anxious and depressed, it can help with those feelings as well.

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