Atheism's occult roots

by NoStonecutters 192 Replies latest jw friends

  • Knowsnothing
    1) absolute autonomy—being free to do as they please

    No such thing. It is only an ideal. The real world never works like that. Would you say the US, then, was founded on 'atheist' or 'occult' ideologies? Remember, this is the ideal strived for. Even then, with freedom also comes responsibility...

    2) the lack of ultimate accountability—there are no eternal consequences for doing as they please.

    You could say there are eternal consequences. A foolish mistake that would end life earlier would have eternal consequences. It would prevent you from living those extra minutes, hours, days, years, etc. and you would never gain that opportunity again (life).

    Hmm... do you believe in hell? You've already stated you don't believe in Satan as a literal being... so what exactly is your theological position? How about you tell us your position first, instead of pissing on atheists?

  • Caedes
    No Stonecutters has done an immense amount of research and drawn his own conclusions, in which he is also supported by many.
    He deserves the respect of others, who have the right to disagree with him but not to treat him with mockery and derision.

    Copy and paste is not research, the fact that some people may agree with stonecutter has nothing to do with the veracity of anything he has to say. Respect is earnt not given, I not only have the right to disagree with him I have the right to treat the blithering idiot with all the mockery, scorn and derision I feel is suitable. I don't know if you noticed that stonecutter didn't seem worried about treating atheism with scorn and derision and yet you didn't feel the need to pull him up on it? Are you just a hypocrite or are you so blinkered that you dont see the double standard? Personally, I don't have a problem if stonecutter likes to think I am deluded, I also don't have problem if he wants to tell the world in a post that I am deluded. I do have a problem if you are telling me I should treat his nonsense with respect.

  • Jeffro
    Contrary to the disnfiormation in the last few posts, there is nothing semantical or trivial about the fundmental harmony between Satanism (secular humanism) and atheism. These comments indicate a highly rationalized denial. If I am wrong, show me how they are fundamentally different. Open challenge.

    Within a Judeao-Christian construct 'Satanism' requires belief in the 'supernatural'. Outside of that construct, the term is meaningless. It has no bearing on either 'secular humanism' or 'atheism'.

  • Jeffro
    The tactic is clear: firstly, question God’s statements, then, contradict God’s statements and, finally, urge rebellion in seeking equality with God. (Exactly what Satan did in the Garden of Eden)

    Tedious a priori assumtion. Prove validity of claims about 'God's statements' and 'what Satan did in Eden'. Otherwise, give up.

  • perfect1

    Chariklo, though we never debate directly, I find your comments to other posters to be self righteous and overly zealous. Give it a rest!

  • ziddina

    Sorry, guys... I can't resist!!

    "I just say what I see, Zid.
    In the vernacular, I tell it like it is." Chariklo, page #6, post #2289

    You only "tell it like it is" from your own personal viewpoint, sweetheart.

    No one appointed you as the "reality" police, and I'm quite certain that if such a position were open, you wouldn't match the qualifications...

  • NoStonecutters

    Jeffro, the fact that you use an oxymoronic term like "Judaeo-Christian" shows you don't know much about Christianity or Judaism, thus, I don't know whether you are qualified to be making the comments you are making.

  • NoStonecutters

    Hard to tell the difference between Schreck's view of the Church of Satan and atheism

  • bohm

    From the beginning:

    The Enlightenment era produced an explosion of atheism, based on Pythagorean mysticism and Newtonian physics , which tends to detach moral considerations from the complexity of human life and reduce it to mere mechanical or fluid motions. Enlightenment thought has reduced purposeful nature to a nature based on “anything goes”

    No sweety, nature was that way all along, we simply discovered the laws of newtonian physics.

    You are ofcourse free to put your fingers in your ears and postulate momentum is not simply conserved (main postulate of newtonian physics), rather .. whatever you actually believe take its place .. but nature still work that way.

  • NewChapter

    LOL. This strikes me as very funny.

    Listen up you rotten posters! NoStonecutter has put a great deal of time and research into atheism and has concluded that you are all SATANISTS, which in his eyes is one of the most evil and vile things he can say about a person. YOU SHOULD SHOW HIM SOME RESPECT! Cuz he worked hard to conclude that you are in league with the unholy one.

    Now THAT was hysterical.

    I Absolutely LOVE this thread!

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