Atheism's occult roots

by NoStonecutters 192 Replies latest jw friends

  • Twitch
    However, I think atheists aren't being completely objective about the posibility that their ideology can and is being used by elites as a form of social and biological control

    I have no doubt there are players in the political arena. Whether this is a threat or progress may be matter of opinion.

    It may be noted that theist idealogy has been used as a form of control at high levels throughout history and cultures to a far greater degree than any atheistic "belief" structure. A mere sampling of history may support the supposition.

    Control in some form or another has and continues to be a fact of life. Pick a flavour ;)

    Your poser subversive stylings are pedantic yet imaginative. The National Enquirer is looking for talent like yours.

  • Satanus

    'everything Huxley and the pioneering scientific dictators predicted is coming true. Surely, if atheism weren't meant to fulfill a global governance agenda but, instead, was the truly liberating and enlightening ideology modern atheists claim it to be, then we would not be on the cusp of a global government by technocracy at this very moment. If atheism were so liberty-centric, you would expect the opposite to be occuring: more national sovereignty, the prevalence of individualism and autarky, less centralized power, etc. But we just aren't seeing this happen, now are we?'

    It's something that i noticed as well. It's questionable whether huxley et al saw it through. I think that men like him can see the big picture of the big picture. So, it's not so much that they implemented things, as that they saw what would, what had to happen. Men like huxley see the deeper nature of things, imo.


  • scotoma


    If you study neurology you will understand that no one is "at the controls". There is no top authority in living organisms. Power is at the bottom of the organism. Hunger, Sex, Freedom, Security, & Novelty Seeking. These are the basics. Gut has more power than muscle. Muscle has more power than brains. Brains have more power than our senses.

    I don't ever see a world without the vast majority of people believing that God is controling the universe.

    We will be extinct before humans could be enlightened to that extent.

    Humans have the illusion that they are in control because survival requires a sense of agency. It's part of our evolutionary heritage. By believing in our "agency" we are able to handle more complex forces in our lives.

    Marxists weren't very good scientists or biologists. They believed that humans were infinitely maleable. They thought humans were multi-use modules that could be plugged in anywhere. They were wrong. Any horse breeder knows better.

    Atheism is not idealism. It doesn't believe in the inevitabilty of progress. It believes in chaos and whatever emerges is just the way it is. Nothing more.

    Atheists don't believe anyone is or can be in control. There is a conspiracy of greed but it is served more efficiently by dumb god believers who introject an imaginary God that will punish them if they don't do as they are told.

    Religion is cheap orientation. You don't need to waste time "thinking" about your purpose or discovering your talents. You simply do as you're told. Not just JW's but all religions tell you that you needn't worry about much because all mysteries will be revealed after you are dead or when the Messiah arrives. I would think that the world of entertainment, sports, reality shows are more suspect of some grand scheme then pathetic atheism.

    There have been efforts to destroy religious practice because dictators are envious of religions ability to get people to surrender their brains.

  • Satanus


    You attribute all this to the occult, which we know means hidden. However, if men like huxley are able to understand humanity's natures enough to be able to make some general predictions, then it's a matter of them being able to SEE. Clairvoyance, which means seeing clearly, matches that much better. And, it's there for everyone to see, if they are able.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Aside from all the cut and paste...(man that was a lot of cut and paste)

    This thread has been a great read.

  • NewChapter

    After you have done that please post the appropriate criticism of your post. Explain to everyone here how you now realize that you were not aware of the GENETIC FALLACY. Compare your error to other examples of this fallacy.

    Scotoma, thank you for posting this. I was aware of the concept, but didn't know there was a term to cover it. This will be my favorite term for the day---it saves so many words. Nicely done.

  • kurtbethel

    illuminatiOnce upon a time, The Illuminati formed, an ancient secret society of humans bent on world domination through a New World Order with the help of the sinister Men in Black, but both The Illuminati and the Men in Black are only small parts of a far grander scheme, namely The Conspiracy, a single conspiracy that controls every other conspiracy. But there can be no "other" conspiracy, really, because if it is all part of The Conspiracy, it is just a SubConspiracy of the Main Conspiracy.

    Nevertheless, The Illuminati are one of the most influential parts of The Conspiracy, and through their New World Order project that they have been gradually putting together for many centuries, they now directly or indirectly control all major world governments, corporations, and other large organizations on the planet Earth, including the Church of the SubGenius (which they control through psyops, financial shenanigans, false flag operations, double agents, overt propaganda, subliminal messages, and through their control of the media and the legal system and the fact that they rig every election carried out anywhere on the planet, even elections in junior high student council, since members of The Illuminati are members starting at birth).

    Historically, The Illuminati originated in places such as ancient Greece and ancient Rome, where they were the followers of the goddess of chaos, Eris Discordia, called Eris by the Greeks and Discordia by the Romans. There were followers of Eris Discordia in many other polytheistic civilizations of the ancient world, in ancient Egypt, in the Aztec and Mayan civilizations, in the ancient Hindus, in ancient Babylon, and the ancient Chinese, and the followers of Norse and Druidic teachings of the ancient world, and she was known by a different name and had different stories told about her in each of these ancient civilizations that worshiped her as a goddess. They held the same exact beliefs as modern-day Discordians do. One by one, in each of these areas all over the world, the followers of Eris Discordia began to be persecuted for their beliefs, rituals, and traditions, by followers of other gods. Most notably, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire under Emperor Constantine, and the Roman Empire included both Greece and Rome at that time as well as many other areas where the goddess of chaos was worshiped. Followers of the older polytheistic religions began to be persecuted, and followers of Eris Discordia were singled out because of their belief in spreading chaos and disorder, and their anti-authoritarian ways. In order to survive, these ancient followers of Eris Discordia, these PreDiscordians, became a secret society known as The Illuminati, publicly pretending to support their oppressive rulers who had persecuted them for beliefs, all the while scheming behind closed doors their plans for revenge and overthrowing the rule of all who opposed them.

    Over many centuries, The Illuminati grew in numbers and influence all over the world, and gradually their original anti-authoritarian views morphed into opposing the authority of anyone besides them, and wanting to get their own members in control of everything to achieve world domination. They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, in achieving control over all of the various governments, would play governments off against each other, fighting wars, for their own amusement. They were supernaturally aided in all of these efforts by Elder Gods such as Eris Discordia, as well as the Men in Black, supernatural agents of the Elder Gods, and the rebel god NHGH, who was plotting against the Elder Gods the whole time, and planned to use The Illuminati against them. This made The Illuminati almost unstoppable, as they set out to build the modern world in their image, engineering conflicts between the nation-states they built up and between the political parties they founded, all in order to divide and conquer the rest of the humans. Unfortunately for them, J. R. "Bob" Dobbs came along, and in 1953, with the Divine Emaculation of "Bob" by the Elder God Jehovah 1, the real fight against The Illuminati and the rest of The Conspiracy began, as Jehovah 1 and the other Elder Gods realized that The Illuminati had become a tool of the rebel god NHGH, and so Jehovah 1 and the other Elder Gods began their counterattack against The Illuminati and The Conspiracy. J. R. "Bob" Dobbs infiltrated the highest echelons of The Illuminati and The Conspiracy, learning all of their secrets, and founded the Church of the SubGenius to take the fight to The Conspiracy and defeat them once and for all.

    Next came Eris Discordia, who realized that her goal of spreading chaos and disorder was no longer being fulfilled by The Illuminati, and that, despite their worship of her, they no longer followed any of her teachings correctly. Eris Discordia arranged for a mysterious book of forbidden knowledge, the Principia Discordia, to come into existence, a book that was written in the future and then sent back in time to the year 1955, when 2 rebellious young men who went by the names Malcalypse the Younger and Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst fatefully came across the copy of Principia Discordia that had been sent back in time, and went about trying to get it published, eventually succeeding around 1957 or 1958. These 2 men went on to found the Discordian religion based on the TRUE teachings of Eris Discordia and not the heretical beliefs that The Illuminati had come to follow. The Discordians became even more popular after The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson exposed The Illuminati while promoting Discordianism, and soon The Illuminati had more people fighting them.

    The Elder God Cthulhu had been up to other things, getting the Mad Arab Abdul Alhazred to write the Necronomicon several centuries earlier, and then getting H. P. Lovecraft to write the books of the Cthulhu Mythos, all to bring about his own revival. When Cthulhu learned of the betrayal of The Illuminati, he likewise began to work against them, turning his followers against them, getting more people to become followers of the Cult of Cthulhu, and eventually, creating an alternate identity, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, to attract millions of people to a new religion of Pastafarianism, which is actually devoted to Cthulhu, so that one day he could rise up from the sunken city of R'lyeh and crush The Illuminati and their New World Order.

    However, due to bickering amongst the Elder Gods and among their followers, they have been unable to fight as a unified front against The Illuminati and the rest of The Conspiracy, and The Illuminati have continued expanding their control over all of Earth. This is why the Elder God Jehovah 1 decided to have his X-ist alien allies destroy Earth on X-Day, July 5, 1998, and have his loyal followers, the SubGenii, Ruptured onto the Pleasure Saucers and taken safely to Planet X, while all of the humans on Earth would be destroyed.

    Unfortunately, July 5, 1998 came and went, without the prophecies being fulfilled. NHGH and The Conspiracy had sabotaged things. But documentary films from the future have come back in time due to Time Control, so we do know what the future holds. X-Day WILL happen. It seems The Illuminati had altered the calenders, many centuries ago, resulting in the actual year and date being different from the ones The Conspiracy wants you to believe it is. Yet their defeat on X-Day is inevitable, when the REAL July 5, 1998 finally DOES roll around. And NHGH, a product of the Negative Timestream who lives time backwards, is nearing the point in time when he is born, and after that, he will no longer exist. Soon The Illuminati and all the rest of the humans will be sitting ducks for the Men from Planet X to destroy.

    Yet that is not the whole story. For some humans will survive the carnage of X-Day, and try to rebuild Earth, led by members of The Illuminati. At this point, Earth will be a hellish place, known as Hell on Earth, and The Illuminati will all undergo surgery to transform themselves into the Bozos, a race of clowns who will rule the entire world, enslaving the rest of humanity as Wage Slaves who work 23 hours a day, and they will launch an invasion of Mars. But this will be a Pyrrhic victory, for by this point in time, the surface of Earth will be uninhabitable, with the survivors all living underground, and the way of life will be hellish even for The Illuminati, who will all be Bozos by that point. While The Illuminati will finally achieve complete world domination under a New World Order, it will be domination of a shattered, defeated world, which they will only achieve in the humiliating guise of Bozos, humans surgically altered to become clowns. This is all documented in the film Let's Visit the World of the Future.

    However, the final chapter of the story is happier. The followers of Cthulhu (remember them?) will finally succeed in their goal of reviving Cthulhu from the sunken city of R'lyeh in the South Pacific, and Cthulhu will systematically eradicate all of the Bozos, as well as anyone else who opposes his evil rule, killing off everyone except loyal followers of the Cult of Cthulhu, who were masquerading as harmless Pastafarians to avoid the suspicion of the Bozos. Cthulhu will have final reign over the Earth from then until the end of time. The Discordians, for their rebellious ways against the tyranny of the Bozos, will all off be fighting the war on Mars at this time, since the Bozos didn't want them causing trouble back on Earth so they were banished to fight on the front lines of the war. The Discordians will decisively win the war on Mars, killing off most of the native Martians except for a small minority which will have to live on reservations, and Mars will become a Discordian paradise. The SubGenii will all be safely on Planet X, after incredibly enjoyable trips on the Pleasure Saucers with the Alien Sex Goddesses. And The Illuminati, along with the rest of The Conspiracy, will be completely destroyed, wiped out of existence entirely, never to return again. And on Planet X, "Bob" will take a puff on his pipe full of frop, and grin even more broadly than usual, absolutely clueless about anything that happened or his vital role in it, just basking in pure Slack and the infinite bliss of his infinite ignorance, as several violent feminist UberFemme followers of Connie, with the help of a few Alien Sex Goddesses, begin tearing him apart limb by limb and forcing him to eat the flesh of his dismembered limbs, as "Bob" masochistically enjoys the pain, while finding his own flesh delicious, and finding the whole thing of having women tear him apart limb by limb an incredible turn-on. The perv.

    And everyone will live happily ever after, except The Illuminati and The Conspiracy and billions of innocent humans, who all died, oh yeah, and I guess "Bob" died too, but who cares? Nobody, because it will turn out that the blood of "Bob", which the UberFemmes and Alien Sex Goddesses will all drink after killing him, is the most powerful aphrodisiac in the universe, and its effects are permanent, much to the joy of the OverMen, and there will be much mating, and it will be good. THE END.

  • NoStonecutters

    Twitch said,

    It may be noted that theist idealogy has been used as a form of control at high levels throughout history and cultures to a far greater degree than any

    atheistic "belief" structure. A mere sampling of history may support the supposition.

    Of course, but then this is hardly anything new. In fact, it has become clichéd. Calling religion oppresive was the slogan of the sexual revolutionary gurus, which the world heard ad nauseum.

    Your poser subversive stylings are pedantic yet imaginative.

    I think I have been pretty up front and sincere with my arguments.

    scotoma said,

    " Marxists weren't very good scientists or biologists. They believed that humans were infinitely maleable. They thought humans were multi-use modules that could be plugged in anywhere. They were wrong. Any horse breeder knows better."

    I think this says more about the Marxists' nihilism than it does about the Marxists themselves. The Marxists were quite clear that removing the idea of God from the minds of Soviets was key to then eradicating family, private property, and nationalism for the betterment of society towards a one world government. Is it a coincidence that we see this very thing happening today ever since? While Marxism failed politically, it has survived and is thriving culturally in the United States of America and in many countries. Atheism remains the driving force behind this cultural Marxism. Marxism has become a protection mechanism for atheism in that cultural Marxism, which can loosely be described as unfettered political correctness, gives atheistic influence carte blanche and represses its opposing belief systems with inpunity.

  • NoStonecutters

    Similiarities between Satanism and Atheism

    If ex-Jehovah's Witness atheists really knew what Satanism was, not the Watchtower version, I think they would find it a little uncomfortable, as it has many similarities with Atheism. Satanism is not the worship of Lucifer, the fallen angel, per se. Satanism is about self worship, self enlightenment, and elevation.

    For Satanism, Anton Lavey and Kenneth Anger both said that "The purest form of Atheism is Satanism." Not that they believed in Satan, but they believed that they were the ruler of their own life. Thus making what they see as the "story" of Lucifer as the perfect example (Rebellion and denial of "God", and casting one's will over "God's")

    Satanism Follows - "Do what thou wilt"

    Christianity teaches - "Thy will (God's will) be done".

    Though an Atheist may not believe in Lucifer, do Atheists admit the similarity of following their own will (put themselves before "God") and rebelling against "God or God's concept" and denial of God is at least similar to exactly what the "story" of Lucifer did? Atheism and Satanism follow the same fundamentals 1) Denial of God.
    2) One following their own rule of life. Other similiarities:

    1. They don’t believe in the supernatural. This is one of the primary soap boxes that modern-day atheists such as Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennet preach from constantly! They say that we are now beneficiaries of “The Enlightenment” which showed us how foolish it is to believe in the supernatural. In fact, both Satanists (see #7 of the Nine Satanic Statements) and atheists (see Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation and Daniel Dennett’s Darwin’s Dangerous Idea) insist that there is no fundamental difference between us and the animals. They say that we are simply highly evolved animals. It should come as no surprise that atheistic sexual ethics are becoming more and more like those held by Satanists. Satanism “…encourages any form of sexual expression you may desire, so long as it hurts no one else.” (Satanic Bible, pg 69) Influential atheist ethicist Peter Singer has come under controversy for claiming sex between humans and animals, although considered taboo, presents no ethical prohibitions as long as the animal is not hurt. It seems extreme, and most atheists will likely disagree with Singer, but it shows the dangerous places you could theoretically go when you abandon the biblical distinction between humans and animals, and Satanism and atheism both share this belief.

    2. They believe that self is the ultimate authority. When you do away with the existence of God, you are left with no ultimate authority besides yourself. In The Satanic Bible, LaVey writes: “The Satanist feels: ‘Why not really be honest and if you are going to create a god in your image, why not create that god as yourself?’ Every man is a god if he chooses to recognize himself as one. So, the Satanist celebrates his own birthday as the most important holiday of the year.” (pg 96) On the atheist side, Richard Dawkins claims “…that the existence of God is a scientific hypothesis like any other.” (The God Delusion, pg 72) Dawkins insists that if God exists, He should be explainable through science alone. But what does this say? It says, “If God exists, he must be explainable in a way that I can understand.” When we can understand something it gives us power over it. Dawkins will not admit that there may be a God that we cannot fully comprehend. In this way, atheists promote themselves as God. In both Satanism and atheism, the human individual ultimately occupies the place of god.

    3. When we are the ultimate authority, then we determine our own ethics. If God does not exist, then who becomes the authority on ethics? We do. Without God, we are left to determine our own ethics. For the Satanist, nothing is greater than the pursuit of pleasure. LaVey writes, “The FLESH prevaileth and a great Church shall be builded, consecrated in its name. No longer shall man’s salvation be dependent on his self-denial. And it will be known that the world of the flesh and the living shall be the greatest preparation for any and all eternal delights!” (Satanic Bible, pgs 23-24) Ethicists like Peter Singer are “Utilitarians” who believe in maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain for the greatest number of people. Indeed, if there is no God, and all we have is this physical life, then why waste time in pursuit of the spiritual? Why not engage in the physical pleasures available to you? Unless you borrow from Christian morality (which atheism almost always does), you are left with nothing to determine your morality except the pursuit of pleasure over pain.

    4. They are both strongly opposed to religion.

    This is perhaps the greatest similarity between the two. One of the biggest themes running through the Satanic Bible is a disdain for religion. Modern-day atheists such as Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, and the late Christopher Hitchens have been anything by subtle over their thoughts on religion. Whether it is claiming that religion is child-abuse (Hitchens, God is Not Great, chapter 16, Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion, chapter 9) or holding rallies specifically to “ridicule and show contempt for faith” (, today’s atheists have made it clear that they are against religion in all its manifestations.

    So, why do I draw attention to the similarities between Satanism and atheism? Simply to say that it should come as no surprise that the biblical adversary to the Christian faith would have his name attached to a cult that ultimately reflects the polar opposite of faith. People cringe when they think of Satanism but are a little more understanding when they hear “atheism.” However, when you strip away the scary rituals and dark robes, the two are essentially the same at the worldview level. They both deny the existence of God (or anything supernatural), they see humanity as the ultimate authority, they are Darwinian in their ethics, and they both oppose religion. The Bible is clear that there is a spiritual world that is very real, and it only has two sides (Ephesians 6:10-17). If you reject God, you inadvertently side with the devil. So which side are you on?

  • transhuman68
    The Bible is clear that there is a spiritual world that is very real, and it only has two sides. If you reject God, you inadvertently side with the devil. So which side are you on?

    Your argument is not very convincing somehow... an atheist doesn't believe the Bible, so there aren't only two sides, there is no 'spiritual world': they can't side with the Devil- because he doesn't exist- so your entire argument falls on its face. Next...

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