Atheism's occult roots

by NoStonecutters 192 Replies latest jw friends

  • NoStonecutters

    Wow, Mind Blow, cause that was my only post on this thread. Never mind everything else.

  • mind blown
    mind blown


  • NoStonecutters

    The tactic is clear: firstly, question God’s statements, then, contradict God’s statements and, finally, urge rebellion in seeking equality with God. (Exactly what Satan did in the Garden of Eden)

    This manifests in atheists as

    1. Questioning whether there is a God to make statements in the first place, so God did not say anything.

    2. Contradicting the statements said to have been spoken by God.

    3. Seeking equality with God by replacing God with the self.

    This satanic deception appeals strongly to atheists as it bolsters two of their desired delusions: 1) absolute autonomy—being free to do as they please, and 2) the lack of ultimate accountability—there are no eternal consequences for doing as they please.

  • Satanus

    Only god can come down here snd route atheism.


  • ziddina

    Hah hah!!!

    Good one, Satanus!!!

    Well, while I'm waiting to be "routed"...

    I'll just kick back and relax...

  • Chariklo

    No Stonecutters has done an immense amount of research and drawn his own conclusions, in which he is also supported by many.

    He deserves the respect of others, who have the right to disagree with him but not to treat him with mockery and derision.

  • Satanus


    I suppose you're right, even though i am one of the chief ones of satan here, by all his research and his reasoning on it. Heh.


  • transhuman68

    Yep. Satan gets my vote, too. No Stonecutters has given me no choice... According to him, atheists are Satanists, so I'd better cash in my soul... see how much the Devil will give for it.

  • ziddina

    Chariklo has "mockery and derision" on the brain...

  • Chariklo

    I just say what I see, Zid.

    In the vernacular, I tell it like it is.

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