How is creationism DISPROVED?

by sabastious 376 Replies latest jw friends

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades
    There is no logical fallacy in the personification of Gods. Thor and Zeus are real because they are based off known phenomenon and historical fact. We just have the technology now to see that they are not as "alive" as the mythology portrays. But the mythology was never meant to be a literal retelling of history, but an conjoining of history and the elements of nature into a single prototype. It's anient education and it was used to assume power which creates civilization. Were the people of those days happier? They had moments of glory and bliss, but their security was ultimately compromised. This is because they had no liberty, only the illusion of liberty.

    1. thor and zeus are most certainly not real, and if you want to play games, they are only real in the figment of our imaginations. nothing more, nothing less. in no way, shape or form do they describe the natural world around us.

    2. people can be every bit as happy without god. i would imagine that all those people who died in the name of god would have been a helluva lot happier if they didn't have to die in his name. come to think about it, we're on a website full of people who could have been every bit as happy without jehovah in their lives as everyone else without jehovah in their lives.

    that is one of those irksome fallacies. you don't need god to be happy. just good weed and cereal and cartoons.

    the illusion of liberty comes from a god that limits what you can do or else you burn in hell or whatever. there's no liberty in a do or die

  • EntirelyPossible

    People having been referencing God since long before we can measure humanity. Some, or even all, of them were right in what they were working with.

    Here's what they got right. Trust me, I AM THAT I AM speaking to you.

    The animal reliefs at Gobelki Tepe. Those are all tats that I have. The fox in particular is a favorite.

    The golden rule. Don't be a douche. It's not that hard.

  • sabastious
    einstein would scoff at any theory that was based on facts that weren't put forth for the world to see and verify.

    Yes, he would have, he would also encourage one to continue attempting to express a strongly held idea that won't go away. Not ridicule it until it scurries away.


  • EntirelyPossible

    It never has and this was none more apparent then at the poker table. I cannot believe the stream of luck I went through. People could play decades and not see the cards I got. And I just so happened to desperately need the money at that point in my life.

    OK, so I AM THAT I AM a poker player. Poker has only a 50% relationship to your cards. Mathematically, you had just as much chance to get the cards you got as those you didn't. I used to play poker with a World Poker champion. I sat at a table once where every single player had a straight flush. It happens. It's not magic, it's not me being nice. It's cards.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades
    Because of too many coincidences. Probablity doesn't seem to work the same for me, it's strange and hard to express. It never has and this was none more apparent then at the poker table. I cannot believe the stream of luck I went through. People could play decades and not see the cards I got. And I just so happened to desperately need the money at that point in my life. Regardless that's not my official expanation, I would offer my experiences in detail, but they would just end up with the same stubborn rationalist approach. "It could have been 1 million coincidences in a row." At that point I throw away the application.

    mmm hmmm, and so somehow you're special? god has chosen you to bestow ll these blessings and not those starving to death around the world? you know what's lucky? winning the lotto. the odds are extreme. is that god chosing them over everyone else?

    it used to be said, that royalty was special and chosen by god to rule over the people and that's why their child became the next generation of rulers. we've come a long way from that, or so i thought.

    perhaps, the rationalist is simply seeing very real alternative explanations that do not suit your faith. does that make them any less wrong than you? don't you have the burden to disprove their theories?

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades
    Yes, he would have, he would also encourage one to continue attempting to express a strongly held idea that won't go away. Not ridicule it until it scurries away.

    i think he would if you had no evidence to back up your claim.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Yes, he would have, he would also encourage one to continue attempting to express a strongly held idea that won't go away. Not ridicule it until it scurries away.

    I know Einstein, great dude. Loved, and I mean absolutely LOVED getting it on with the ladies. I mean, for my sakes, the man once wrote a letter to his wife telling her to expect neither affection of fidelity. Ballsy son of a bitch, that one.

    Anyway, no, he wouldn't have. Not without good reason, math to back it up, experiments that could prove it right. How do you think I helped him prove relativity was so kick ass? Hell, he even ridiculed some of his own ideas after the fact. And then he banged his cousin. That guy was out of control.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades
    what happens when you cross maui wowie and some white widow?
    You get the White Stripes. Do you *really* want Meg White as your drummer?
    or how about ny deisel and afghan kush?
    You get an intense love of reggae and some bitchin brownies.
    also, about this whole polygamy's totally cool for guys to do that, but not women right? cuz that'd be a lot of eskimo brothers...
    There's only one good kind of threesome. Figure it out from there.

    thank you alpha and omega, if i may call you that? may i ask more questions? there is so much i need to know

  • sabastious
    the illusion of liberty comes from a god that limits what you can do or else you burn in hell or whatever. there's no liberty in a do or die

    The illusion of liberty?

    if you want to play games

    I am not playing games. It was totally fine that people believed in those gods back then. However they were designed by people who probably didn't believe in them exactly the way they were portraying them. The ancient times had a much stronger class distinction and liberty was not as evenly distributed as it is today. Common people were designed by society to be stupid and be told what to do. The world had to be built after all, you know, the one you wake up every morning in. Now it's different, we have a much more educated common folk because of the internet. We are in the early stages of a world changing revolution. It doesn't have to be violent, but there will probably be some.

    We are stuck with this two class society when we use money, that's what it was designed to accomplish. Eventually the monetary system will be used to assign your worth as a human being because that's the direction that we are heading. That's what the Secular State has to offer. We have seen early stages of this through credit score bureaus. Liberty is not an illusion, not at all. But if you don't fight for it that can quickly take place in a generation. God didn't make us to hand over our liberties to a currency attached the a rich class that works off the backs of the poor. The rich simply will not be able to hold out forever. Eventually they will step on too many people and uprising will take place. We have already seen things like occupy wallstreet and even the tea party was a real uprising against government spending.

    The only games that are being played are on us, the people.


  • EntirelyPossible

    Ask away, my child. You may call me anything you like. Greg is what I usually go by.

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