Why aren't you an Atheist?

by Bloody Hotdogs! 697 Replies latest jw friends

  • jam

    The further we get from the dogmatism teaching of religion

    the closer we will come to becoming humanist.

  • NewChapter

    I think I went the opposite direction of many of those that have left the WT. I started out a little Atheist, but I didn't know that. I learned about a god first when I was 4, and then again when I was in 2nd grade. I went to different churches and ended up with the JW's in my 20's. I didn't realize that the WT was bullsh**. That's not what happened at all. I just came to understand that I no longer believed the bible (AT ALL) and then I came to not believe in gods anymore. I just figured the WT was another misled institution. It was later, when I came here, that I realized that the WT had its own particular brand of bullsh**.

  • ablebodiedman

    I am not an atheist.

    I am an EX-JW.

    The entire roller coaster ride from that first knock on my door through to baptism and then eventually being disfellowshipped

    cemented my conviction that God is real and everything it says in the bible is true.

    I am convinced that Jehovah's Witnesses are fulfilling the end time bible prophecies in a very profound way.

    That they are the ones who profaned the Christian temple with a man of lawlessness.

    It was through discerning the "man of lawlessness" and then attemting to explain it to my Christian Brothers that I was eventually disfellowshipped.

    Yes, I am still convinced they are my Christian Brothers.


    Watch this video:




  • FlyingHighNow

    Never have been an atheist. I don't draw the same conclusions from science that atheists do. Didn't grow up a JW. There was a period when I was a teenager where I was agnostic at times. But my definition of agnostic is different than some on this forum use for agnostic. Can I ask, at what age were you exposed to the JW god Jehovah?

  • freydo

    Atheism is like cancer that results from poor nutrition or poison.

  • cofty

    Atheism is like cancer that results from poor nutrition or poison.

    One of the most ignorant comments I have ever read on this forum - that's a big achievment.

  • slimboyfat

    What is God that I should know whether existence is one of his properties?

  • cofty

    What is God

    A human construct - therefore he does exist in the minds of believers. So let's get on with life and not worry about him.

  • nicolaou

    Outlaw - Athiests & Believers can`t prove a thing either way..

    Until you define 'a thing' that statement is bullshit and you know it. I still loves ya though!

    Peter Perfect

  • nicolaou
    SBF - Atheism is a knowledge claim

    You're better than this Slimboy

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