by EndofMysteries 233 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ziddina
  • slimboyfat

    Has the good news been posted yet? I am so excited I cannot read the whole thread. I won't go to bed until I find out this special nformation.

  • Finkelstein

    How do you spell paranoia?

    Not really just posing a possibility, admittedly weak.

    My other speculation is this person is suffering from a delusional psychosis known as the Jesus syndrome.

    They believe they are being specially channeled by god or chosen to give special messages as such.

    Thats why the many recent posts by this person, that he has something special upcoming to announce.

    He's also sent me PMs that I would equate coming from a person that is not mentally balanced.

  • mrsjones5

    *sigh* it's not pleasant to watch someone becoming unhinged even on a message board.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    EOM said:

    None of you understand, this was not my doing, it was God's doing

    Well THAT'S never a promising sign, lowering expectations by not taking responsibility.

    And isn't it a bit too premature to be pointing fingers to share the blame? How bad can it be?

  • Finkelstein

    True MrsJones, I agree

    Here's a quote from his other thread he started EOM said ....

    " I am still learning a lot, but there is a chance I can be killed by men for this as well. "

  • mrsjones5

    Must be bad if he's pointing fingers before the big reveal.

  • Finkelstein

    To repeat what I said on his other thread ....

    EndofMysteries is suffering from a form of paranoid Schizophrenia, a fear induced psychosis brought on or enhanced most likely from

    constant reading of Watchtower magazines and perhaps even reading the bible.

    There also seems to be evidence of grandiose delusions in his writing, which can not go unnoticed.

    Schizophrenia is a mental disorder distinguished by a loss of contact with reality and the occurrence of psychotic behaviors, including hallucinations and delusions (unreal beliefs which endure even when there is contrary evidence). [22] Delusions may include the false and constant idea that the person is being followed or poisoned, or that the person’s thoughts are being broadcast for others to listen to. Delusions in schizophrenia often develop as a response to the individual attempting to explain their hallucinations. [22] Patients who experience recurrent auditory hallucinations can develop the delusion that other people are scheming against them and are dishonest when they say they do not hear the voices that the delusion person argues to hear.

    Specifically, grandiose delusions are frequently found predominantly in paranoid schizophrenia , in which a person has an extremely exaggerated sense of his or her significance, personality, knowledge, or authority. For example, the person may possibly declare to own IBM and kindly offer to write a hospital staff member a check for $5 million if they would only help them escape from the hospital.Other common grandiose delusions in schizophrenia include religious delusions such as the belief that one is Jesus Christ.

  • shamus100

    Hey Flickenstein,

    Where did you get your degree from? Inquiring minds want to know. Inquiring minds want to know how you make such a diagnosis having not even seeing the patient.

  • moshe

    Wasn't Harold Camping was the flavor of the month in 2011?

    Somebody new always comes along to replace last years failed prophet--

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