by EndofMysteries 233 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Leolaia
    The problems I had getting it posted were probably divine intervention thankfully.

    So I guess several years ago a voice from heaven declared to the web designers at YouTube, "Thou shalt limit video uploads greater than 10 minutes to YouTube Partners, yea, even when 15 minutes becometh the limit thou shalt prevent uploads over the limit to non-Partners." The YouTube team said, "Amen," and instituted their program on YouTube uploads, for no other reason than to prepare for the day when finally EoM uploads the video in question, it will be blocked as God had aforetime foreseen.

  • shamus100

    Oh jeez, Leolalialia, let's get serious here.

    EOM had another vision. Don't show the mockers. It all makes perfect sense! :D

  • EndofMysteries

    problem(s), plural, a lot more then just that.

    biblecheck - I love that movie!

  • james_woods
    Do I share all the parts which are true or very close to the truth

    I believe you should only share those parts which are "very close to the truth".

    That should keep everybody guessing.

  • mrsjones5

    Does "very close to the truth" mean its also a tad close to a lie?

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Leo said:

    So I guess several years ago a voice from heaven declared to the web designers at YouTube, "Thou shalt limit video uploads greater than 10 minutes to YouTube Partners, yea, even when 15 minutes becometh the limit thou shalt prevent uploads over the limit to non-Partners."

    The YouTube team said, "Amen," and instituted their program on YouTube uploads, for no other reason than to prepare for the day when finally EoM uploads the video in question, it will be blocked as God had aforetime foreseen.

    Does that mean that I've got Divine Approval, since I've got no time limits on my monetized YouTube account (to which I upload the occasional atheist video)? I take that as a sign that I am SAVED!! Hallelujah!!

    (Although, I can relate to feeling at times as if someone upstairs was working against my plans, esp after a computer crash meant I lost a completed project (corrupted the file) as I was trying to upload it; I had to re-do it, essentially from scratch, as most of back-ups (on other drives) ALSO were corrupted (and I didn't realize it). It was like the perfect storm of data loss....

  • EndofMysteries

    Okay, let me attempt to give an illustration to what very close to the truth means.

    Imagine having 50 doors lined up and EVERYBODY must blindly choose and pass through a door, each door then leads through a maze and each maze may have 10 finishing points, but in each of those mazes only 1 leads to life and the rest to death. Out of these 50 doors one of them only leads to life. Out of the 50 doors one only leads to death. Again they all appear identical so everyone is just guessing which one to take. Then suddenly one noticed some hidden markings on 2 of the doors, it identifies the two doors, but doesn't say which is which. So now instead of each door a person having maybe 10% chance on the majority of their time to find life, these two doors are identified, so if this person tells everyone, they now have a 50/50 chance. However he also knows that EVERYBODY will see the markings, many will not know that he had discovered them, and that some will say THEY discovered it and will tell others which door leads to death and which leads to life, since it will be very convincing, he knows that many will be tricked, they won't know there is a chance one is death and one is life, so they will go 100% to their death, because he revealed it and others used it to mislead many. So he waited.....he wanted to try to find any further hidden markings so it was no longer a 50/50 and that everybody would tell everyone the true path and all would enter that door and get life. He thought he then found it, and right as he was about to tell everyone, someone put their hand over his mouth and showed him some further markings on the doors and he realized there was a chance it still was not 100% certain and it COULD have mislead many. So he is watching again and now he is thinking..........every minute more people are going through the doors, only having 10% chance......atleast here they have a 50% long will it take.......and when I do find it cheating telling them? Should I instead show them how to find the hidden markings so they are going 100% on their own and hopefully they don't get tricked or misread them?

  • shamus100

    The only thing that I will listen to is you-tube.

  • mrsjones5

    " Imagine having 50 doors lined up and EVERYBODY must blindly choose and pass through a door..."

    Sounds like the makings of a game show. Let's Make a Deal anyone?

  • Satanus

    If divine truth contained within the bible are SO well hidden, it makes ya wonder. WHY would truth be hidden like that? Is it even worth the effort? Are there OTHER places to find divine truth(s)?


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