Jesus wife fragment is a fake

by Christ Alone 494 Replies latest social current

  • elderelite

    Tec, the deflections are hilarious... Lets try again. Im not asking aguest, im asking you, T.E.C., if when you heard the name wispered, did you hear the whole thing aguest claims to hear, of did you only hear jeshua. Thats not talking to aguest through you, thats asking YOU a simple question.

  • slimboyfat

    Larry Hurtado has made some interesting posts on this issue.

  • tec

    EE: What part of the following is not clear?

    oh for hank sake...... really tec? really? did you hear the whole thing... the whole jehshua whatyamacall him or just the jehshua part?
    I saw and heard 'jah' and the rest 'eshua' was more of a whisper, that i could have ignored.

    I answered your question. I told you exactly what i heard.



  • tec

    does the saying "My sheep hear My voice" have to mean hear an audible voice? can very well be an expression meaning, My sheep will know whether what other people speak is coming from My heart...(1 thess 1:1-9)

    It does not have to mean an audible voice at all. I have begun a new thread to explain better... "My sheep hear my voice."

    that is what discerning "spirits" is about...that is how I know that AGuest doesn't speak for the Son sent by the Father...I don't hear His voice when she speaks...

    I don't hear his voice when you speak either (some things, when they stem from love, i can hear him in what you are saying)... but certainly I do not hear him when you speak of hell.

    Also Aguest does not claim to speak for the Son or the Father, and neither do I.

    I also know that God wouldn't use the same means to speak to people as the demons must use. We are warned against listening to deceptive spirits. even a nice demon is a deceptive demon if he causes you to listen to him over a real live person. that's one reason why the canon was formed...we know that the Holy Spirit led real live people to testify about Jesus Christ and to live their life to glorify God in Jesus Christ(1 thess 1:1-9) wasn't just left up to anyone to hear a spirit and pass it on. there are too many spirits with many different voices who are all too willing to talk to humans.

    This doesn't really make any sense Michelle. Why would John tell people to test the spirits to see which ones were inspired or not, if what you say is true here? Why not just state... all spirits that speak to you are from the devil. you know what will happen to you if you deny your lord?...

    Well... I would be denying what i know to be true. But practical things, are you asking about? I would not allow myself to be guided by him, I would not listen to Him, or have peace in Him... things like that. I could not hear the spirit of Truth if i denied him, i don't think. Though I could always at some point, repent and ask for mercy and forgiveness... because he is of love, mercy, and forgiveness.

    The only thing that i would be afraid of, Michelle, is disapointing someone who loves me. Of failing to do as he asks of me.

    perhaps it is because you don't like "theology" and are unwilling to look into the deeper things of God that what is your theology is severely lacking internal consistancy. the one you say is your lord seems to be inconsistant in his values in that for one person(AGuest) he

    makes it quite clear that his real name must be sanctified with the exclusion of all others but for another person(you) it isn't so important at all. His personality is inconsistant in that, though the Son makes it quite clear in the scriptures that He was sent to save...your lord

    has made it clear to you that anyone's righteousness is enough to save long as they live "the law of love".

    He is not inconsistent. WE - people - are inconsistent. WE - people - make mistakes. Including the church (that you have yet to name, but choose to follow. Trusting in them to teach truth.)

    Love however covers over a multitude of sins. So if we are going to be wrong; if we are going to be inconsistent or make mistakes... then best to err on the side of love. Rather than make a judgment that errs on the side of 'lack of love and mercy'.

    In any case... love does not save a person. Christ does. But Christ might know some BY the love in them; even if they did not know Him. And He might invite them into the kingdom. HIS decision. His mercy. His book of life. He decides who to write within that book (and these are not those who belong to Him - as Paul spoke of as his brothers - because the living who belong to Him do not precede those who died. Yet there is still an entire book besides these ones - the lamb's book of life - and any name within that book is granted life)



  • still thinking
    still thinking

    EE...let me translate that for you....LOL

    NO she hasn't heard the same name as Aguest. Close...but no confirmation. Wonder why? Maybe your not listening hard enough tec...not enough faith maybe? Not asking hard enough? Not special enough? Not imortant enough? Seems strange to me that someone that hears, hears differently to someone else that hears. Guess that's how it works.

  • NewChapter

    Still Thinking, this is not the fault of the Lord but of the humans hearing the voice. For some reason, she must only be able to handle the first half of the name, and not the second half----and a portion only in a whisper. Now I know you might ask yourself "If another person hears this name, is ready to hear it, can handle the truth of the name, and then broadcasts it to others, then doesn't this mean that everyone CAN handle hearing this name, and therefore, there is no reason not to utter a name already known?" Good question. I'm sure it has something to do with hearing from humans is not the same as hearing it from the lord. The lord must still only give as much as the person can and is willing to take. It's possible that if he were to fully pronounce his own name, that the person already knows, and they are not ready to hear it from him, but are okay when it comes from a prophetess, their hearts could just explode. That's how powerful this name is----when pronounced by the source. It's the big mystery! It's not like the lord can go around saying his own name without a great deal of preparation.

  • elderelite

    ok TEC, that is fair enough, however the way you dodged when i simply wanted to confirm what you 'heard' made me wonder if you heard it and were afraid to say so or simply didnt hear it. Sometimes it is good to have someone on the record clearly. I wasnt trying to frustrate you but rather be clear in my own mind and confirm/deny details.

  • tec

    ok TEC, that is fair enough, however the way you dodged when i simply wanted to confirm what you 'heard' made me wonder if you heard it and were afraid to say so or simply didnt hear it. Sometimes it is good to have someone on the record clearly. I wasnt trying to

    frustrate you but rather be clear in my own mind and confirm/deny details.


    I didn't mean to dodge. Just wanted you to just look at what I said, when discussing ME. Rather than automatically make something about Aguest.



  • elderelite

    I totally understand that and thats 100% legit. Nobody wants to be compared or have to answer for some else's POV.... But I hope you can understand why i asked, specifically, what YOU heard in light of the fact that

    1)the name jehshua isnt at all a common rendering for the lord

    2) the only person I have ever personally encountered that used it was Aguest

    Those points led me to ask about the second part she adds to it and if you had heard that as well. It was a legitimate question that i asked YOU, not about her but about YOU, in light of her useage and your friendship with her.

  • tec

    I understand.

    A couple of sites for you (and these are just a couple) regarding His name and how others DO use that name:

    Jaheshua/Yahshua/Yeshua, etc... none are traditional renderings, but that does not make them untrue.

    (I do not necessarily agree with everything or anything in the above links. Just wanted to show you some examples of others using that name, or something close to it... and a lot of their reasons for it have to do with what that name MEANS)



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