Jesus wife fragment is a fake

by Christ Alone 494 Replies latest social current

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    do you ever listen to yourself tec? can not see the double standards?

  • NewChapter

    That's true, Tammy. I didn't want to hear voices. It's a symptom of many things, serious mental illness being only one of those things. It CAN be harmless, but often is pathological. It is a shame that your Christ chooses such a problematic way to communicate. For one thing, it completely excludes mentally ill people that are managing their illness and taking medication. For them, hearing voices (or voice) is a return of symptoms, and they must address it immediately to keep things in control. What a cruel god to treat those with mental illness with such callousness. These poor people are doing the best they can to control the voices, then your god comes along and says they MUST hear a voice, and MUST be able to distinguish it from the other voices, and MUST embrace it, and all will be well.

    I still don't want to hear voices. Perhaps he could have written a book. That's healthy, safe, and accessible. But he did not do that, according to you, and left it up to lying scribes. Odds are really stacked against those that don't want to manifest symptoms of mental illness to be spiritual. Such a shame.

    If anyone hears voices, or a voice, please get things checked out. It could be benign, but it could also be very serious. Please don't let religious or spiritual people convince you that it is a good thing----go to the doctor.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Seriously, NC...Jesus rejects you for the sex you are going to have with me. I can imagine no other reason for his rejection of you. Let's get it over with. Enough with the logic, reason, critical thinking and stuff.

    Let's do the sex. For Jesus.

    Which reminds me, it's time to pray.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    You would think that when genuine people pray this Jesus concept would have answered their prayers and clarified things so that PEOPLE would not have to add confusion to the mix. Don't do it this way, hold your head that way...its really quite silly. If there was a Jesus and he wanted to be heard he would. We would not need people to tell us this....but the delusion keeps getting fed by people who claim to hear voices. And others that desperately want to believe convince themselves that every little sign is Jesus talking. Every thought is Jesus.

    If I convinced myself that the tooth fairy was talking to me and convinced myself the she could talk to me I'm sure, eventually I would be able to convince myself that I had indeed heard the toothfairy. Maybe a little dream here, a thought there, and the tooth fairy can be as real as Jesus. It all depends on how much you want to hear it and how you define the voice.

  • tec

    You try to sell the line that all one has to do is look at Christ and ask. From biblical examples that you espouse and from many many many personal experiences, that is NOT true.

    Look at Christ to see God... ask for ears to hear, to hear Christ. Yeah.

    Except you didn't do that. You reframed the question in a very dishonest and misleading way. Thank Honest Jesus I was here to catch that.

    No I didn't. I was just trying to get you to see what came WITH what you were asking for. And all you had to do was answer the question... same as what i did when you reframed mine. It was not so hard to answer. *shrugs*

    Moses. John. Adam. Eve. Jonah. That's five off the top of my head.

    Moses perhaps... God did call to him though, and Moses answered that call.

    John, no... He served and listened. Adam and Eve definitely no. Jonah was a servant as well... he did not want to deliver that particular message. I think that might have been Moses 'hesitation' as well.

    Not at ALL what your previous words seem to indicate....For a long time, I did not want to have God send me His Spirit. That was a bit too much for me for a while.

    Yeah, fear of what is not understood.

    Not wanting to cross a line for something that i was not ready to have; not sure if I could keep to that kind of committment... especially since I did not know all that it would entail.

    Seems like you didn't want it and it was too much for you. You liked things you didn't want and that were too much for you?

    That doesn't make any sense, and I never said it.

    Well there is the problem. Until Jesus started talking to you, you only had 1/3 of the story. Sure, there is that part, but there is also killing almost everyone AND the spirit stuff. Until you get down with the killing just about everyone, including the people sincerly asking for Jesus that he chooses not to revelate things to, you're just 2/3 Jesusy at best.

    There is no killing of anyone. And here I thought you said you understood him better.

    Which is why the 'spirit' stuff, doesn't mean much at all, without the 'love' stuff.



  • tec

    Tammy, though, she didn't even want the spirit, but she got it.

    I did not get anything i did not want.



  • NewChapter

    You wanted him to reveal himself to you... but how did you expect that to happen? I asked you that a ways back; you never answered.

    Well I didn't know I was supposed to approach with expectations. I have said that I thought a book would probably be a pretty good way, but according to you that is not a good way. If I had approached with an expectation, you would have claimed I was looking for a sign. I could have said, Lord please reveal yourself to me, help me to find some writing, or some words, or some circumstances that will let me know I'm on the right road. That would have been asking for a sign, and not allowing Christ to direct ME, but would have been me directing HIM, and that would also disqualify me from getting an answer.

    I could have asked him to direct me to a church or religion, but that would have been wrong because that's not where one finds Christ either, according to you.

    I could have asked him to direct me to a person, but according to you, no one really speaks for him and we must go directly to him.

    Really that only leaves one way, YOUR way, which is to ask to hear a voice. But I don't want to be mentally ill, and many people feel this way, so a voice would have sent me to a doctor. HEY---I'm not the designer! That's just the way it is!

    I could have looked for other things, like coincidences, but that would have left me open to confirmation bias. However it should be noted, that after I did this repeatedly, (begged for answers and direction) the JW's knocked on my door. We all agree that the JW's don't have the truth about Christ, so THAT can't be the way either.

    I must conclude that your Christ gave me NO VIABLE way to confirm I am communicating with him. Too bad he botched that book up. It could have been an extremely useful way to communicate his thoughts.

    He has only left a seriously pathological symptom as a way to communicate. I don't have all the wisdom in the world, he does, so this is the best he came up with. Setting us up to fail, I suppose.

  • tec

    do you ever listen to yourself tec? can not see the double standards?

    I do listen to myself. I work hard to not have a double standard.

    So if you have one to point out, then please do, so that i might see it and work on correcting it.



  • NewChapter

    Seriously, NC...Jesus rejects you for the sex you are going to have with me. I can imagine no other reason for his rejection of you. Let's get it over with. Enough with the logic, reason, critical thinking and stuff.

    Let's do the sex. For Jesus.

    Which reminds me, it's time to pray.

    I suppose we could repent afterwards.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Look at Christ to see God... ask for ears to hear, to hear Christ. Yeah.

    Except there are many examples of that not being how it worked with no reason why it's not working for many sincere people today.

    I was just trying to get you to see what came WITH what you were asking for. And all you had to do was answer the question... same as what i did when you reframed mine. It was not so hard to answer. *shrugs*

    You never answered yours and TOTALLY reframed my question. Yours wasn't hard to answer but you chose not to and try to divert attention. However, because I hold myself to a higher standard than reframing questions and then pretending with **shrugs** that it doesn't matter, I WILL answer you.

    Yes, if Jesus were to talk back to me and show me what I am asking for, I would give all that Paul did.

    Now it's in yours and his court to answer. You, the questions I asked you and him the ones I asked him. Go.

    Moses perhaps... God did call to him though, and Moses answered that call.

    John, no... He served and listened. Adam and Eve definitely no. Jonah was a servant as well... he did not want to deliver that particular message. I think that might have been Moses 'hesitation' as well.

    All it took was one, and I had that one with Moses. John got an un-asked-for revalation. God spoke prophecy to both Adam and Eve without them asking for it, Jonah got sat down and preached too after Ninevah was saved without his asking. Looks like Jesus operates more like I imagine than you know.

    Yeah, fear of what is not understood.

    Not wanting to cross a line for something that i was not ready to have; not sure if I could keep to that kind of committment... especially since I did not know all that it would entail.

    Wait, so I was 100% in what I said, but you contradicted it until I posted your own words, and now you agree with me in a rephrased way that makes it seem like you were agreeing the whole time?

    Sheesh, I didn't realize Jesus, the way, the truth and the light had such a liberal policy with the truth.

    There is no killing of anyone. And here I thought you said you understood him better.

    Except for all the parts where he talks about people dying. And here I thought you actually knew what he said.

    Based on tonight only, to be honest, it doesn't seems like you know much of anything Jesus talked about (or what you write, yourself, for that matter) other than what you want it to mean at the moment.

    No wonder debating you (and christians in general) and trying to get to the truth is like trying to nail jello to a wall. The truth of what you say is so inconstant, so slippery, so malleable, no matter how you try to figure out exactly what it means, there are so many other contradictory things said that as soon as you thing you have a firm grasp on it, another "truth" pops up and it slips right through your fingers.

    No wonder Jesus is likened to a can see it, you know it's kind of sort of there, but it's not something you can firmly grasp on to, rely on or count on not to blow away with the next random breeze.

    Anyway, day 5 of praying. Nothing yet.

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