Jesus wife fragment is a fake

by Christ Alone 494 Replies latest social current

  • tec


    I would tell them that there are many people in this world who will take from people and who will not care about anyone who is hurting or hungry or suffering. But that there are also people in this world who will give and who do care. I would tell them to never let someone else try and tell them that there is no God who loves them. Because that is a lie. God sees them. God hears them. God will never forget them. I would tell them that God and His Son send people to help children, and the poor, and the hungry, and those who are hurt or alone or afraid. They send as many people as will listen, and teach that we should help one another, give everything we have to the poor and to the hungry; to feed them, to clothe them, to love them. Some people listen. Some people who do not know God, also help. These people help because there is love in their hearts, and even though they do not know God, God knows them.

    But there are also so many people don't listen and who don't help; who don't have love in them.

    But the more people who listen, and the more people who love, then the more people who will be helped. And that is all God asks of us. To listen to His Son and to help and to love one another. And that peace and that warmth you feel inside you when you think about God and His Son loving you... don't you let anyone take that away from you. He is there. He hears you. He won't forget you, or any of these other ones that people forget or just don't care about. And one day, no one will be hungry, or hurt, or suffering... because there will be no one left to cause that suffering, or to ignore that suffering. God knows when that time is. He has seen it, and it will come. For now, we just need to do what He asks of us, and that is to love and to help one another, and to trust in Him and His promises.



  • still thinking
    still thinking

    And one day, no one will be hungry, or hurt, or suffering... because there will be no one left to cause that suffering, or to ignore that suffering. God knows when that time is. He has seen it, and it will come.

    How unpleasant...god giveth...god taketh away...

    And will that mean everyone will be blissfull on planet earth...or heaven?

    And how do you KNOW this? Because the bible says so?

  • tootired2care
  • tec

    but, the bible states that because of the sin of A&E and their entering this world with their fallen nature that is why this world is as it is.
    I think that whether a person is a believer or non-believer the opportunity exists to help these people by putting your money where your mouth is, so to speak. Part of living the christian live is helping the poor...if humanists believe that is part of their ethos too, then it.

    Agreed, as to all.

    also, still waiting for you to name your lord...

    My Lord is the Lamb of God. The Christ. The Son of God. The Word, Image and Truth of God. The Life and Resurrection.

    His name is Jaheshua.

    I have been hesitant to use this name... because I did not hear it first from Him. But I have asked Him, and in his mercy, He has said His name to me. Quietly, so quietly, that I could have ignored Him if I wanted to... because in his patience and his mercy, he does not force himself upon us. Because I have been frightened to use something based on someone else's word. But I heard Him.

    Peace to you,


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I have been hesitant to use this name... because I did not hear it first from Him. But I have asked Him, and in his mercy, He has said His name to me. Quietly, so quietly, that I could have ignored Him if I wanted to... because in his patience and his mercy, he does not force himself upon us. Because I have been frightened to use something based on someone else's word. But I heard Him. ...tec

    There we go with the hearing again....

    nice unicorn tootired2care...

  • tec

    And there it is again...but it is me that says that you do this...not you...LOL

    I answered your question. You brought it up.

    And THAT is why, because everything you say depends on that message doesn't it.

    Ah... no.

    I like the way believers love to come up with little labels and catch phrases for people who disagree with you.

    You mean like Cofty's earlier:

    Stereotypical christian apologist... the label he placed after my name when he quoted me ;)

    You guys love to label...does it make you feel special?

    "You guys?"

    If you want to ask ME a question, then by all means. I do not speak for anyone else. And no, it does not make me 'feel special'. It is just an observation on how you two were making me feel. Like Demi Moore in the Scarlette letter or whatever that movie was called.

    So when we point out that your voice hearing is possibly dangerous and irresponsible to promote..will you keep referring to us as drummer boys?

    There is a difference between pointing something out... and heralding it after every post. Even though you stated it in your last post, and the post before that, etc, etc.



  • still thinking
    still thinking

    And THAT is why, because everything you say depends on that message doesn't it.

    Ah... no.

    Ah....YES...please see little drummer boy above...LOL

  • tootired2care

    nice unicorn tootired2care

    Yep so we are supposed to just put up with the bibles crappy explanations and hope that things will be all unicorns and rainbows someday...LOL.

    "The future's not set. There's no fate but what we make for ourselves." - Terminator II.

  • myelaine

    dear stillthinking...

    you asked: " And what about those that aren't 'his people' that still help? Does that mean Satan is helping the starving?"...

    the bible says that God has caused those who weren't His to do His will...cyrus, king of persia, ezekiel 29:4-5.

    love michelle

  • EntirelyPossible

    Quick update, still praying every day, nothing yet.

    And seriously, Aguest is gaining converts....scary stuff.

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