Jesus wife fragment is a fake

by Christ Alone 494 Replies latest social current

  • myelaine

    dear cofty...

    when I addressed NewChapter et al, I was talking about this real world...

    what are you doing in the real world to help?...besides arguing YOUR cause.

    love michelle

  • NewChapter

    2T2C---fascinating study. I had to learn a lot about Primates in my anthropolgy classes, and we have a lot of chimplike qualities. They will even patrol their borders. Even within their own group, there is a hierarchy, and those at the bottom get the less food, but those higher up will get more, even if it is not fair. I watched a film of one lowly chimp making a kill and getting none of it when a higher up chimp simply took it. Just like humans. But they can show compassion and feed those they choose to. Just like humans.

    When we understand the world and humankind in the context of reality, it makes so much more sense, and there is a certain peace in that, if not comfort. We don't have to ask why a god allows this, because we know that we are just acting on our genes. Understanding (real understanding) prepares us better for the fight. We don't elevate people's expectations so that the fall is all that much more painful. There is a price to pay for making up stories, and I argue that price is much higher for just being honest. Reality is painful, but not nearly as painful as a god that watches suffering he can stop at any time, and being surrounded by people who claim he did just that. I know. My suffering does not even come close to the worst, but it is truly a mind f**k to listen to people gloat about how they prayed for help and got it, but your own prayers for help were ignored. It made it WORSE. Why do that to ourselves? Why make a bad thing even worse? Is it a chimp thing? I don't know. But I think it is a shame.

  • NewChapter

    when I addressed NewChapter et al, I was talking about this real world...

    Actually, I do things, but don't talk much about it. Maybe it's a carry over from that Christian teaching. I can tell you I don't pray about it. Prayer never did anything. I do real things. What are YOU doing about it?

  • NewChapter

    double post.

  • tootired2care
  • tootired2care

    I had to learn a lot about Primates in my anthropolgy classes, and we have a lot of chimplike qualities.

    I'm not too up on evolution - on my reading list still - the thought of evolving from bacteria > monkeys etc. makes me cringe. Be that as it may, the behavior of Chimps seems very relavent to the question of "why god allows suffering"? So far i've never heard any good counter rationalization for why this is the way it is in the context of a loving creator.

  • NewChapter

    BTW, I don't give to religious relief efforts, but secular ones. Anyone who is interested, this can be found on the Richard Dawkins website. Their current campaign is for Doctors Without Borders. It's new, but they've also supported The Red Cross, Aid to the city of Joplin (tornado), and Haiti Earthquake relief. Since so many of us cringe to put our money in the hands of religious organizations, some great secularists decided to give us an option.

  • NewChapter
  • myelaine

    dear NewChapter...

    I don't think it is a test from God as to how we respond, each of us has his own conscience as to how he will respond. but...if being humanist is the better way to get things done then you would have to show results as to whether that is true or not...christians aren't standing in your way, are they?

    I don't think that God is powerless to help these people...He has His people to do His will in this world and they do. As long as He is able to change hearts He has power in this world.

    the bible states that satan is the prince of the power of the air in this world and he and his angels work against the will of God in this world.

    you said: "Well I happen to think that you're hypocritical to put little hearts after your posts, but I suppose it is better than 'peace'." you think that I don't love you?...why?

    love michelle

    p.s. I glad that you do real things too.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    the bible states...

    Ah...but the bible is full of lying do you know what is true and what isn't?

    I don't think that God is powerless to help these people...He has His people to do His will in this world and they do. As long as He is able to change hearts He has power in this world .

    And what about those that aren't 'his people' that still help? Does that mean Satan is helping the starving?

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