Jesus wife fragment is a fake

by Christ Alone 494 Replies latest social current

  • NewChapter

    "The Chimney Sweeper," from Songs of Experience

    A little black thing among the snow,
    Crying " 'weep! 'weep!" in notes of woe!
    "Where are thy father and mother? say?"—
    "They are both gone up to the church to pray.

    "Because I was happy upon the heath,
    And smiled among the winter's snow,
    They clothed me in the clothes of death,
    And taught me to sing the notes of woe.

    "And because I am happy and dance and sing,
    They think they have done me no injury,
    And are gone to praise God and his Priest and King,
    Who make up a heaven of our misery."

    .............................................—William Blake

  • NewChapter

    The starving children can always look forward to death, when all their pain will be healed. I feel so much better now.

  • NewChapter
    I guess a great question would be: what's the point of prayer---since we are at the mercy of other humans, and this god is not going to help cuz it's not his job, then perhaps we should pray to humans instead, since they are the only ones that are really going to step in and help.

    I would suggest that prayer without faith might be pointless (other than perhaps as a placebo).

    yes, I see I twisted things. I asked what the point of prayer was, and you said that prayer without faith is pointless. The context? What about the prayers of starving children that don't get answered. Yes, nothing but word games, but I've come to expect that.

  • tec

    Those children are empty regardless of your god or not....empty...and starving to death. Having faith does not stop their horrible painful death. But apparently, it will help me hear voices.

    And once again, it is not me who brought that up. But you.

    Nor are those children empty. They have spirit, they have life. And if their will gets broken it is because of what man does to him. And if their hope dies, it is because of what man does to them... or perhaps because of what man takes away from them.

    For hundreds of thousands of years mostly the weather was to blame and your god controlled that didn't he?

    LOL... who do you think you're talking to? EE?

    The weather is a result of a living, shifting, moving world (and universe)... any other way and there would not be (physical) life upon it at all.

    And NC, at least they have something to hope for, someone to hope IN. What would you give them? Oh... that is right: 'realism'. (your version of it, at least)



  • still thinking
    still thinking

    IF your choice(s) led to the suffering of others, then you could not blame God for the suffering of those others. choices don't lead to the suffereing of others...therefore...if your god was real I CAN blame him...he is responsible for not doing anything to help them.

    What am I doing that is so bad that someone else deserves suffering because of me?

    No one said this.

    It is not about 'deserving' to suffer. If someone makes a choice that causes someone else to suffer... then that is cause and effect. Not just little things, such as an individual thing... but wars, using some form of power supply around people even though such a thing causes cancer, etc, etc.

    So where is god in all this cause and effect? Watching? Not lifting a finger to help? Answering prayers for people to hear voices...but not to give a starving child food...because THAT is cause an effect...which he stays out of...because he is busy helping other people who are probably part of the cause of their suffering to find out what his real name they don't get mislead by false teachers and false religion. THAT is so much more important than feeding that staving child isn't it?

  • tec

    yes, I see I twisted things. I asked what the point of prayer was, and you said that prayer without faith is pointless. The context? What about the prayers of starving children that don't get answered. Yes, nothing but word games, but I've come to expect that.

    I said MIGHT BE pointless.

    Not my place to state what God will hear or not.

    And that was not the context of my answer. My answer to that was given before that.

    The starving children can always look forward to death, when all their pain will be healed. I feel so much better now.

    No, they can look forward to LIFE.

    What can they look forward to with your 'realism'?



  • still thinking
    still thinking

    And once again, it is not me who brought that up. But you.

    Yes, because you say if I pray and have faith....I can hear him. YES?

    So, if he answers my prayers like that....why not answer a starving childs prayers? I bring it up because it is a BIG part of what you sell with your god. It is inescapeable. You make the claim. So it needs to be compared to other prayer that doesn't work and does not get answered. You swear that we can hear if we have faith. You push that idea like our lives depend on it. Well, do these little childrens lives depend on hearing his voice? Is that why they are starving? Not enough faith?
  • tec
    tec choices don't lead to the suffereing of others...therefore...if your god was real I CAN blame him...he is responsible for not doing anything to help them.

    Well, I highly doubt you have never made a choice that has not caused suffering in someone else... but regardless, mankind cannot make that claim in the slightest. Mankind has gone to war for greed or power; stolen from one another; enslaved one another; treated one another without mercy, or love, or justice, or forgiveness, or equality... and countless other things.

    So mankind cannot make that statement.

    I already gave my thoughts to all the rest of the things you said. Just read back.



  • cofty

    Yes I don't need a lesson in meteorology Tammy. Your god made the world and watched modern humans suffer at the mercy of the weather and simple infections for 300 000 years and did nothing.

    When their crops failed he did nothing to help.


  • NewChapter

    And NC, at least they have something to hope for, someone to hope IN. What would you give them? Oh... that is right: 'realism'. (your version of it, at least)

    I would make up a story about a loving god that takes care of those he loves. I'd tell them about times that I was hungry, and how this god came to my rescue through those that love him. Maybe I'd tell them about my home and my education and give this god credit for giving that to me. I'd explain that perhaps they should pray, but don't expect results. It's up to the humans. This god I love so much is soo very powerful, but he has chosen not to feed them, because some humans are bad. I'm pretty sure they will understand when I tell them about the atrocities that Adam committed. I'd tell them to look forward to Heaven when all of their pain will be washed away, and I'm sure they will then hope to die.

    Then I'd share my sandwich with them and tell them about this wonderful Christ that fed thousands of people with just a few loave and fishes. But those were more important times, and more important people. They had gone maybe the day without food, and really, needed their bellies to be filled so they could focus on his speech. You understand, Little One, Jesus isn't on earth anymore. In fact he is in Heaven and even MORE powerful, but he doesn't feed people anymore. That's up to us. You should get to know him---you'll be seeing him soon.

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