Jesus wife fragment is a fake

by Christ Alone 494 Replies latest social current

  • NewChapter

    And I am saying to do the same, see a doctor, even if that voice is telling you nice things. This is not about content, but about hearing a voice or voices.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Tell it to leave to leave you alone,....tec are still acknowleging that their voice MIGHT be real aren't you? I suppose you think it might be demons or something.

    Like I said...don't give people advice about voices tec.

    If you hear voices, seek medical help FIRST.

  • NewChapter

    I just read the thread on Oompa. This is devastating.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    It truly is....fucking WTS, I feel so angry and sad at the same time.

  • NewChapter

    I know what you mean.

  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    Tec, before Jehovah's Witnesses you had a belief system, then you gave that up and believed another belief system, Jehovah God through the organization that said they represent God and you believed that, now you have another belief system that involves christ himself, only this time you heard from Christ himself.

    Is this correct so far or am I missing something.

  • tec

    Mall cop, I never gave anything up, and I never joined the jws. I started a study because while I believed in God and in Christ, I did not know WHAT I believed about them, and I did not want to be fooled by religion. So I tried to read the bible (starting on page one) and was having trouble getting through the who begets who. JW's offered a pure bible study... nothing else... I took them up on that to help me learn the bible. I realize the irony in studying the bible with them to avoid being fooled by religion. I ended up believing they were God's org, decided to get baptized, read something in their literature that i had misunderstood before (anyone dying at armageddon would NOT get a second chance/resurrection), and stopped my study at once to study on my own. I never joined. Then I looked at churches, denominations, read the bible more, prayed, got frustrated asking why it had to be so difficult to know the truth, why couldn't God just lay it out in simple terms...

    Then one day, sitting in my car, I just let it go... all that frustration and fear, and I just trusted myself to God, and asked him to guide me where he wanted me to be. Peace. Immediate peace. I started remembering love and forgetting the judgmentalism I had been picking up from the jws.

    But I always looked at Christ first from the bible... it never even occurred to me that it should be any different. I mean, I didn't know there were contradictions, but I never took it as infallable, ever. I just listened to the witness testimony about Christ, and learned about Him from his teachings and deeds. Following that, he also said in there to go to Him, and that the spirit would lead into all truth. So... I did. The bible was fine, like the law... a tutor. Not perfect, but a tutor to Christ. But Christ is the one to whom we are to go to see God, to have life.

    Hope that answers. If not, ask more, and i'll try to clarify.



  • sizemik
    It's fun getting the atheists angry. . . . Christ Alone (page 1)

    I'm surprised this got missed . . .

    There you have the declared motive of this poster . . . this "Christian" poster. It's fun getting the Muslim's angry too don't ya think?

    Just like a good Christian you bring not peace, but a sword. Wow, I really need Christ in my heart too!

    But you've been kind enough to include his name in your moniker . . . just so's I don't forget.

  • NewChapter

    LOL--yeah but we are not likely to riot. We'll probably just get together and drink beer while laughing about it all. That's the benefit of not having a god we have to kill and die for----we are lazy bastards.

  • sizemik
    we are lazy bastards.

    Hehe . . . I remind myself of that every Sunday morning.

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