Jesus wife fragment is a fake

by Christ Alone 494 Replies latest social current

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I'm sorry, NC. But there is your answer.

    "My sheep hear my voice."


    "My sheep hear my voice... unless they think that is unhealthy, in which case..."

    I mean, in which case, what?

    How was he supposed to answer you? are advocating people hearing voices aren't you. I think you should be VERY careful doing this. How many people reading your posts may have a mental illness and hear voices. How many will take what you write literally? How many do you really WANT to take your message seriously? You really want people to hear voices and you encourage it? If someone killed someone because their voice told them to, and turned around and said "well tammy said my voice was Jesus". How would you feel?

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    NC said:

    Some are mentally ill, and encouraging this could be very damaging, even dangerous. They don't wear signs. It IS unhealthy to hear voices.


    That's the thing that strikes me as problematic: you raise a group of impressionable young children seeing epic imagery of life and death struggles, power struggles between Gods, genocide, child sacrifice, brutality, etc and it's not surprising that a small percentage DO actually try to process it all, and they "break" as a result of the emotional abuse.

    Others get caught up into conspiracy-theory thinking, drawn into bigger struggles and wasting time thinking about things that most individuals are powerless to do anything to control anyway (thinking about international power dynamics of Trilateral Commission, when you are pushing a broom).

    And how ironic when the WT shows an illustration of a teen (modern-day Absalom) playing a violent video game, and condemns video games for encouraging violence; you have to wonder if WTBTS has EVER read the Bible? Heck, the 'Elijah vs prophets of Baal' account ends with the slaughter of 450 people, and people are completely desensitized to it, thinking, "sucks to be them, they should'nt have worshipped Baal"! It's the same type of extremist thinking that leads to suicide bombers, just a different flavor of religious extremism.

    Truely, the Bible should carry a NC-17 or R rating on it: it is NOT for brittle personality types.

  • NewChapter

    It's disturbing. Hearing a voice is disturbing, but encouraging others to do so is irresponsible. The message I got was that Christ was not communicating with me because I was resistant to hearing a voice. That is wrong on a very deep level. Who knows who read that? Irresponsible!

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Still, you and I both have a diverse background and were not always JW's. We both opened our hearts and asked that Christ be revealed. He wasn't. Why do you suppose that is?

    Because he is not real...I was deluded...christianity is a con...and I was conned by a concept. Christ is no more real than Vishnu or any other god concept available to those that want to belieive in other realms and gods.

  • tec

    Ok, so do you think I did go to christ but he just didn't respond to me?

    Once again, that is a question for you to ask yourself, and Him.

    We both opened our hearts and asked that Christ be revealed.

    Revealed how? are advocating people hearing voices aren't you.

    I do not hear voices, and so I am not advocating that.

    I think you should be VERY careful doing this. How many people reading your posts may have a mental illness and hear voices. How many will take what you write literally? How many do you really WANT to take your message seriously? You really want people to hear

    voices and you encourage it? If someone killed someone because their voice told them to, and turned around and said "well tammy said my voice was Jesus". How would you feel?

    Tammy has said who knows how many times that any voice that tells someone to harm another person, or themselves, or to do anything that is against love... is NOT Christ.

    Tammy would (and has) advise that someone who did hear such a voice, even if it claimed to be God or Christ, TO go to a doctor and get checked out.

    There is another difference between the voice of my lord... and any other voice... that i know of.

    I did not hear until I ASKED to hear. (I've never heard of someone creating mental illness upon request) If I did not want to hear Him, I could simply stop listening. I don't think people who hear voices as a result of mental illness can do that. I think they get medicated for symptoms, or they get psychological help to cope. Or both.



  • NewChapter

    Again. If you hear a voice, EVEN IF IT IS ONLY ONE, and EVEN IF IT IS SAYING NICE THINGS, please get checked out. It is irresponsible for anyone to suggest otherwise. Don't take Tec's word for a proper test of illness---that if you stop listening it may go away, proving that it is a god's voice. She is irresponsible in this matter. A voice, ANY VOICE, is cause for concern. Don't test yourself at home by trying not to listen and seeing if it goes away, therefore think you can dismiss it. Mental Illness sometimes works in cycles, and you cannot rule out coincidence. Go to a responsible person, not someone that will tell you it is okay, go to a responsible person and ask to be checked out.

  • NewChapter

    So what if a person has been diagnosed with audible hallucinations, Tammy? And---what if they hear the voice of the Lord. This would be a red flag for them to get help. Does that mean that they can't hear the Lord's voice, because they are mentally ill and it is proven, and hearing voices or a voice is dangerous for them? I really, really wish you would quit encouraging this.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Tams said:

    Tammy has said who knows how many times that any voice that tells someone to harm another person, or themselves, or to do anything that is against love... is NOT Christ.

    Uh, did you NOT read Elijah's account in the magic face-off with prophets of Baal at Mt Carmel, where he had 450 of those prophets slaughtered after holy spirit guided him to do so? Would you tell Elijah that it couldn't be YHWH he was hearing, since he was told to harm others?

    And fact is, Jesus spoke HIGHLY of prophet Elijah!!!

    Do you need more examples?

  • tec

    So what if a person has been diagnosed with audible hallucinations, Tammy? And---what if they hear the voice of the Lord. This would be a red flag for them to get help. Does that mean that they can't hear the Lord's voice, because they are mentally ill and it is proven,

    and hearing voices or a voice is dangerous for them? I really, really wish you would quit encouraging this.

    For the record, I did not even bring it up in this thread. You did. I am thinking that i need to start a thread to clarify exactly what i mean when i say I hear my Lord, though.

    I am also not telling someone not to go to the doctor. By all means. I am also not commenting on a medical condition, or giving advice as to one. I am not a doctor.

    I am saying that NO voice that tells anyone to harm themselves, others, or to do anything that is not from love... cannot be and is not Christ OR God. I am saying do not listen to that voice. No matter who that voice might claim to be. Tell it to leave to leave you alone, do not listen to it, see a doctor to rule out any medical condition.



  • still thinking
    still thinking

    EVERY single comment you make is about 'going to your lord' hearing his voice, talking to him directly and him responding via a voice.

    It is unavoidable to discuss anything with you without the voice in your head being the authority by which you speak.

    It is tiresome...and dangerous.

    Giving someone advice to seek help when they hear voices and telling them YOU hear a voice is contradictory. Why should they listen to ANY advice you have to give them where voices are concerned? You define your voice by what you define your christ to be. Nothing more. That does not make it good or healthy. You are in NO position to give others advice about hearing voices.

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