Jwfacts, Why Do You Equate Miracles With Magic?

by Recovery 398 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mrsjones5

    And we all know how words can be more powerful than jehover.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Wizard = 0 times mentioned in the Bible. Even in the video it does not say that he uses "Sorcery".

    Does it show a hatred and a respect for what Jehovah hates to carry a toy that perpretrates something that he finds detestable? = Where does it say that He hates a toy that is not real, does not attribute anything to the Devil? If you understood the context of what the Bible is speaking about, it was speaking about sorcery that was perpetuated by those that attributed the power to false gods (or demons).

    Harry Potter = Fantasy. Does not attribute power to evil REAL evil spirits.

    Cinderella/Fairy Godmother = Fantasy. Does not attribute power to evil REAL evil spirits.

    Pinochio = Fantasy. Does not attribute power to evil REAL evil spirits.

    Sparlock the Wizard = Fantasy. Does not attribute power to evil REAL evil spirits.

    Your logic is flawed here because you can't (or are unwilling) to go back and see what was being talked about in condemnation of magic in the OT. You are not considering the hermeneutics. You are not using exegesis.

    In fact you aren't answering any question about MAGIC as we know it and use it in English today. Slight of hand. Inspiration. Imagination. FANTASY!

  • Recovery

    Please point out where I have stated that Jehovah condemns all forms of magic 'as we know them'. That is something that I made distinctly clear in one of my earlier posts. I emphasized that the type of magic that Jehovah condemns is explicitly outlined in the Bible. Hence, supernatural showings such as a human flying, a talking orge, or a princess being turned into a frog are not objectionable from the Bible's viewpoint. Once we go outside of specific mentions of what is condemned as magic, then it is up to each individual to decide what their conscience allows. It is similar to blood. We know that we are to abstain from blood. Once blood is broken down into its four primary components, it is still considered blood by medical professionals. Once those components are broken down into fractions then it is up to each individual to decide. I know that "MAGIC IN ENGLISH" encompasses more than what was meant when it was written in Hebrew, and that is why I made the distinction. Did you even read my post?

    Do you turn off ANYTHING that has magic in it, Recovery?

    No, I turn off anything that displays magic in a manner that is condemned by Jehovah in his word.

    What about Pinochio?

    I don't recall much about Pinnochio but I would not from the top of my head say that it's objectionable.

    Lord of the Rings has to do with magic. Do you turn that off?

    Yes, it promotes much wizardry and spell casting and sorcery which are all condemned forms of magic.

    What about someone that "performs" magic in Vegas? Is that too condemned? Would you walk away from that?

    Yes, because the Bible condemns the practice of magic.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Wow...this is getting silly.

    You say you only condemn magic that is forbidden in God's Word. A slight of hand performer in Vegas? How is that condemned by God? Yet you say you would not watch it.

    How do you think Pinochio came to life, Recovery? He was magically granted life by the blue fairy. Guess that one is off limits for you.

    On one side of your mouth you say "Jehovah does not condemn all forms of magic", yet on the other you say that slight of hand that is performed in Vegas is an evil kind of magic. I'd like for you to expound on this:

    No, I turn off anything that displays magic in a manner that is condemned by Jehovah in his word.

    So what display of magic are you OK with? What form of magic is not condmned by "Jehovah" in his Word? It sounds like you have NO clue about context and hermeneutics. You have NO concept of the culture that this command was written to. And you are stuck with the Watchtower idea that Jehovah HATES a toy so much that it makes his heart sad.

    Hmmm, why is there something wrong with Caleb's toy? Oh, I don't know.
    Perhaps because it's called Sparlock: The Warrior Wizard....Recovery

    This thread just gets stupider..

    Sparlock is a WBT$ Fictitious toy incapable of anything.

    Questions: Is wizardry a form of spiritism/magic as condemned in the Bible? Yes or no.....Recovery

    Question: Is a Fictitious WBT$ Toy incapable of doing anything condemed in the Bible?..

    I won`t rush you on your answer..

    We know you won`t figure it out anytime today..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    It IS funny to be arguing about a toy...a toy that does not exist....magic that is attributed to this toy that does not exist...

    Ok, I admit my part in the retardedness.



    This has to be one of the dumbest threads ever..

    It`s hard not to laugh..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • Recovery

    Deuteronomy 18:10 "There should not be found in you anyone who employs divination, a practicer of magic.."

    Is a slight of hand performer a practice of magic? Yes or no?

    Jehovah does not expressedly condemn all forms of magic (as far as we know). Someone could say flying cartoons are magical by nature. Someone could say a talking animal in a movie is magical. We cannot for sure say a certain thing is condemned/disapproved of by God because the magical practices mentioned in the Bible are not all encompassing. That is why it is a conscience matter.

    I have no problems watching cartoons, certain disney movies (like the Lion King), or even movies like Superman or Batman. These do not violate my conscience. For another Christian, they could be considered magical and thus something that should not watched. This is why you won't see the Watchtower comment too much on this (as it does specific areas like pornography and masturbation) because there is a gray area where each individual's own conscience must decide.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Geeze...please Recovery...look up the definition of hermeneutics. I hate saying the word over and over again. Also look up exegesis...

    Is a slight of hand performer a practice of magic?

    NO! The command in Deuteronomy was not speaking about this! How could you think it was?!?

    And why are we talking about talking magical creatures? This is so stupid.

    Also your last comment was also retarded. The society leaves things in grey areas unlike the specifics like masturbation? Where does the bible say masturbation is wrong? I think I'm done now. It's like talking to a brick wall.

  • Recovery

    Well I guess we should celebrate Halloween and get dressed up and pretend to be demons and ghosts and witches and psychics and wizards because they are simply fantasy, and are not attributed to real spirits.

    I guess we should all play with oojiua boards since they are simply fantasy and are not attributed to real spirits.

    I guess we should watch goory, blood spilling, horror flicks that depict brutal murder, torture, rape, and violence simply because they are fantasy and are not attributed to real spirits/people.

    I guess anything goes and God's laws don't apply because pretty much everything in our entertainment today is attributed to fantasy and not real, historical events.

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