My video recorded apostasy trial is now live

by RayPublisher 117 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • donuthole

    "we made a vow to support the faithful and discreet slave. That is our stand. ... Do you still agree with the Watchtower magazine?" - elder

  • BluesBrother

    Watching it now on another tab...Awesome, Way to go ! Ray Publisher.

    I think that whenever they catch up with me, I will treat it exactly like a Court of Law. It is,if it is called "Judicial"

    I would say nothing that was not directly asked for. I would only answer direct accusations , "Bring forth my accusers" What did I say?" When? "What was the context?"

    In court it is not wise to explain more than one has to .

    In this case though, and many others one wants to get things off one's chest - Ray Publisher did that and proved that his case was stronger than theirs - before God, if not the WTS! You did let your light shine ok ..It is true that these men are just "Pawns in the game" (another Dylanism)

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Wow... 3 against 1 and Ray had full control of the situation... can't wait to see part 4...

  • kurtbethel

    No accusers, no evidence, no case.

    That was jaw dropping, to hear that they can decide something abominably wrong "fornication with the beast" and "Jehovah can live with it".

    That is a magnitude of hubris that would never be found in humble people.

    This is another brick removed from the Tower of Folly. It will not likely make the tower fall, but it is needed to dismantle it brick by brick and one day one brick will be the one that starts the avalanche. Great job, Eric. You asked the right questions and let them give telling answers outing what their organization is really about.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Haven't watched the video yet, but from what I've read, you're a hero!

    Honestly, if they ever tried to drag me into this shit, I'd tell them to go fuck themselves. Would never put myself through that nonsense.

    . . . although, I've thought it would be fun to show up with a lawyer!

    good job RAYPUBLISHER!

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    quick question, any word on those elders being aware they were taped and on youtube?

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    quick question, any word on those elders being aware they were taped and on youtube?

  • Tatiana

    I'm watching on another screen also. Brings back creepy memories. I salute you for being so calm and articulate. The body language of the one elder shows how nervous and uncomfortable he is. Perchance he realizes what a travesty it all is??

  • mercedes_29


    So greateful that you made and posted the video. People need to see the idiocy and blind devotion practiced by the elders. You managed to stay calm and use their own scriptures against them and still they tried to stonewall you by changing the subject or outright claiming that certain scriptures don't apply to your situation.

    As for your ex wife's accusations, I kno how that feels. My ex husband lied to everyone in and around my old congreagation. They now shun my baptized mother because he told them that she still talks to me. It's a hateful judgemental cult and I thank whatever god there is that I got out.

    Stay strong in your beliefs and be ready for when your children wake up and quit being slaves to the Watchtower.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

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