My video recorded apostasy trial is now live

by RayPublisher 117 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Heartofaboy


  • braincleaned

    Wow! Awesome! Can't believe you have on record that a JW must give his allegeance to the Organization (instead of Christ)!!! WOWOWOWOW!
    Where in the Bible - EVER - does it say there is a different mediator besides Jesus between us and God? Um... NOWHERE!

    Well done bro! Can't wait to see the rest! Plus they have no legal right to stop you from doing this, as it is pure journalism. Good for you.

    They will pay their pharisaism one day. The boat is already sinking.

  • RayPublisher

    @Christ Alone - They did cede control to me during the meeting, which was unexpected. I wasn't counting on that, and thought the meeting was going to be short, not 3+ hours.

    @Hopscotch - Yeah I noticed that Cosmo was done and waiting for it to be over after a certain point. Eric (the brother on the right) just wouldn't let up, and said some of the silliest things in his efforts to refute what he was hearing. This was due to him only having partial knowledge and not ever having researched the topics I brought up of course.

    @SnakesInTheTower - Yeah I think they just have to "get it out there" about the declaration that recording is not allowed...they have to know it is going on I would think.

    @twinkle toes - Them saying Matthew 18 didn't apply irked me but I just moved on there was so many other things to get to. If all I had wanted to do was escape DFing it would have been very easy to do but that was not my purpose.

    @JimmyPage - He's a nice guy, not a prick at all...I know him well. He's just a new elder and inexperienced IMO.

    @sizemik - They didn't use the scriptures as much as I would have expected..and I had more scrips at the ready and used as many of them as I could, you'll see that in part 4 which should be up in a day or two.

    @braincleaned - Yeah that was pronounced and so sad- and they kept saying it over and over too...

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Just finished watching. . . You did awesome! The most amazing comment was the (in essence) If-You-Think-This-Organization-Is-Fucked-Up-Imagine-What-Jehovah-Thinks comment from the one elder. Shows the desperate measures people will go to to justify their faith/behavior. Amazing and interesting comment.

    The sad part about it is that they are kicking out someone who actually cares and is interested in god and truth - that a believer is somehow dangerous and must be quarantined. That's how shaky the whole damn thing is - just the slightest deviation from the story line and it all starts crumbling. Would be interesting to see how a JC with an atheist would turn out. . .

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Regarding the Elder to the far right in the video Eric says:

    ‘He's just a new elder and inexperienced IMO.’

    In other words: A freshman, a fledgling and an amateur. And yet with the power to decide the fate of the flock!

    That’s funny. I would have guessed that the Elder in the middle (Cosmo?) as the newer one with less experience.

    The WT has often described the congregation older men as Doctors. These three don’t come close to anyone that resembles a Doctor! They remind me more of Butchers!

    My guess is that in the over 100,000+ congregations worldwide, a high percentage of the elders (in a JC setting) fit closer the scenario of the Butcher type rather than the Doctor with good bedside manners.

    My hope and prayer is that you, Eric, heal well!

  • flipper

    BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • tresdecu

    Awesome job recording that and getting it on youtube for the world to see. Do you think they will ever find out that they are "online"?...would love to hear about their reaction?

    Can the society put up a legal fuss about a JC meeting being online...if the "glorious ones" didn't know they were being recorded? Just curious.

    Again...great job!!!

  • JunkYardDog

    Hi Ray' I took a 2'nd listen. and I was a little harsh, You did a very fine job, you were very informative and covered lots of subjects that make JW"S look like Bumbelling fools. you did a fine service for x JW"S, doing what you did. Have a Beer on me...

  • watson

    I got a kick out of how the "elder" on the right handled himself during the prayer. To me it was obvious they already had made their decision. He was ready to rock!!

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    What this demonstrates really, is that it is totally a waste of time to defend oneself in an apostasy 'trial'.

    Totally futile to convince elders to have compassion or the slightest chance that a point can be made to them.

    Far better to go in blazing, drop a big apostate king hit and walk away me thinks...

    At the end of the day, all they want to know is if you believe the GB is or is not part of gods channel.


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