My video recorded apostasy trial is now live

by RayPublisher 117 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jemba

    Awesome Ray!! One of the best things Ive seen since leaving the org!!

    You pretty much had them speechless, they had no response to much of what you said because you caught them unawares. It was funny to watch them squirm and fidget in their seats, poor

    Your humble, kind manner was great.

    It is so appreciated that you have gone to the trouble to show us all what you went through and what its really like in a JC. I would however like to say that the elders on my JC would never have let me get in a word, only to cooerce me to say what they wanted me to admit.

    An important point here is that we all really need to be prepared like you and not go in and wing it if we want to make an impact. I really hope they think twice about what you have brought up and that others learn that you may be outnumbered but you dont have to sit there and just take whatever they have to dish out.

    Thankyou so much for keeping us updated and informed. Great job!!

  • maisha

    Congrats Ray, been there done that, it is NEVER easy,

    Welcome to the club!

  • RayPublisher

    @Theocratic Sedition - Nope they were not. They may find out, but they may not. I don't really want them to get upset over it and would prefer they not find out they are on YouTube...but whatever happens happens I can't expend any more energy worrying about it lol!

    @Tatiana - Several people have commented on the body language...IDK if he is conflicted or not, but it would be great if he was. Near the end, the brother on the far left gets tears in his eyes and almost cries bc he does really's sad that they are so blinded by the WT Org though.

    @mercedes_29 - Thanks sis- there's a lot of divorced folks that can relate to that part of my story; it seems to repeat over and over and over...

    @jemba - Yeah I don't think they were as prepared as I was lol...

    @maisha - I'm glad to be in your club! Very glad!

  • JunkYardDog

    you did a very good job. I listened to the whole thing. the onlu thing you did wrong, is every time you busted them on a point you let them change the subject. I would have DRILLED THEM AND PUT THEIR HEADS IN A VISE. every time U had them. You have the knowledge , you should had nade them cry for MERCY... I know I would have. nice work though, I enjoyed it.

  • blondie

    JYD, good point about not letting them change the subject unless they have acknowledged your point. (A technique many jws use on people at the door and with the poor people who "study" with them).

    Would that be a red herring?

  • undercover

    I didn't watch the entire thing, but from what parts I did watch, this is what I took from it:

    You must have been a rising star before it all went to shit. Your speaking was very fluent, clear, no 'word whiskers'. You managed to keep command of the situation for the most part, making the points, asking the questions. You obviously are used to speaking in front of groups and are quick enough to counter surprises and deflections. And you managed to keep it on the track you wanted, not what they wanted. For a group of JW elders who feel that even if they're not highly educated, they do have Holy Spirit directing them, I was amazed that you even managed to finish a sentance, let alone whole thoughts. The few JC meetings I was a part of, the accused - or even 'witnesses to the sin' - weren't allowed to say much, other than answer directly the question or plead repentance. (Beg and cry - they like that. question authority and policy - not so much)

    With the exception of a couple of instances that I saw, they were a very patient group. Your respectful manner and likeability showed, and they are probably pretty good guys outside of the WT arena.

    But the video does show the mechanical way with which these proceedings proceed. It's not so much a loving outreach to a lost sheep as it is a corporate meeting to stamp out individuality and independent thinking...which you used scripture to condemn. The irony of it all.

    Good job, and thanks. It's not something I'd do personally, but it is good to see these tribunal proceedings brought to light.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    This video gives everyone insight into what really goes on behind closed doors during a JW judicial committee. You have what amounts to three men (on the offensive) with little or no pastoral training armed with instructions from WT and not in accordance with the Bible-on how to proceed.

    These three men at their whim are given authority to pronounce an unfavorable judgment against one individual (on the defensive) who in turn is supposed to sit there and allow himself to be screwed over!

    Sounds like and smacks of a tribunal to me!

    By the way, these three ‘Edlers’ on this tribunal may have had extensive training first and foremost as gardeners, electricians, carpenters, trash collectors, janitors or computer geeks and are now entrusted with the life of the one accused. It wouldn’t surprise me if even one or more of these hasn’t read God’s word cover to cover!

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    This video is also a tall tale sign that the JW Elder arrangement needs a major overhaul that no elder school past, present or future will fix!

  • RayPublisher

    @JunkYardDog - One of my goals was to cover as many topics as possible. My main goal was not to "put them in a vise" but to illustrate the many problems that face the org, and that concern so many of us here. But you're right they did change the subject and I could have attacked that flaw more.

    @undercover - They were a pretty patient group. And the more that I watch it back, the more I think that the Chairman (the brother in the center) was having a hard time defending the WT org.

    @JW gonebad - It's true it is at their whim. These trials are not consistent, are oftentimes are not conducted fairly and impartially. It is wisdom of men, and not from God.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone


    I LOVED this video. There was a point where I was thinking that maybe something was getting through to those elders too. The brother on the right when he said, "If Jehovah can live with it, why can't you", it made me think that maybe he didn't like what was being done/said either. But he was ok to leave it with Jehovah. I loved how you said, "Can He?" Perfection!

    There were so many parts that I liked about the video. I can't wait to watch the rest. Someone else said this (and I was thinking the same as I was watching it) but you CONTROLLED that situation. They were a captive audience. You were in charge of the conversation and they were responding to you. Usually it doesn't work that way in a committee situation. Usually you are on the defense and they are coming after you. You handled it so skillfully. Kudos, my bro!

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