My video recorded apostasy trial is now live

by RayPublisher 117 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RayPublisher

    @breakfast of champions - Exactly. They are losing not their "worst" elders, servants, members, etc. but some of their BEST.

    @JW GoneBad - It is a dice roll as to what kind of "three amigos" you are gonna get on one of these. I was fortunate and got three men that were at least trying to be loving and patient. It doesn't excuse them...but that's just how I feel.

    @tresdecu - I don't know if they will find out and I don't want them to be feel embarrassed or be humiliated. It would probably be better for their peace of mind if they didn't find out but I am not going to worry about it.

    If the WT Corps really apply logic to the situation then they will want this to go away. If they come after me it will go viral, possibly get picked up by the national news and then a zillion MORE people will watch these and the public opinion of JWs will drop even more.

    @JunkYardDog - Yes as a matter of fact I will have a cold one thanks!

    @watson - Yeah you are right he was getting a bit peeved. By the next section (which I am still working on but will be done soon) he is considerably more annoyed with me.

    @Aussie Oz - On one hand you are right, and on another hand perhaps's a matter of perspective. It's a matter of what you want to accomplish. Decide on that and then you can "win" nearly every time IMO.

  • EndofMysteries

    Ray - Please change the name of the video to Jehovah's Witness judicial commitee recorded apostacy or very similar. Just calling it apostacy trial many will not find it, you'll get a LOT more views adding more keywords. also in the description have the keywords as well. Then non jw's can find it as well. as of now only those on this site are probably finding it because of the direct link.

  • RayPublisher

    @EndofMysteries - I put all those key words in the tags field on the settings page. Wouldn't that serve the same purpose as far as searches go?

  • EndofMysteries

    ray - on tags then it will, if there are very few videos for those key words then it will be within them, if there are many, then having it also in the title would make it stronger and more towards the top, that is where sorting by relevance comes into play. the more the words appear in title, body and tags the more relevant it is.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    It comes up on the first page of youtube if you type in "Jehovah's Witnesses"

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    RayP: I had to pause it for a moment to just get this to you that if I could meet you now I would give you big huge bear hug. Your emotions and anxiety are clear at the outset - that took guts and large gonads!!. I want to thank you for doing this for the community - once again I was reminded that I need to continue to find all those that were a exposed to this humiliating process that I had a part in and ask for their forgiveness. You have given me new impetus to do so.

    Back to the video.....

  • solomon

    This religion is crippled inside

  • PleiadesPoliceman

    Bump, by the elders facial and body and vocal styles it's already been decided you will be disfellowshiped!

    Newbies, take your time to listen to this video because you might find yourself in the same situation when you can't get your questions answered.

    Cosmo does not care, he has made that point so clear and has no desire to listen to anything you have to say. The young elder is the only one who has any hope of seeing there is a systemic problem, they hate to listen to our older Watchtowers, I can't wait for part 4!

    The is a mock trial, there was never a chance to present evidence to liberate yourself, the only way to live with them is by lying and denying Jesus is the Messiah to all mankind.

    I wrote questions on Word I would love to ask this elder, he state's Matthew 18 does not apply to "gross sin", where did he come up with that false statement? When the man fighting for his spiritual life is asked to go to James 5, none of the elders mention James is speaking about confessing your sins to everyone in the church, not to the Arch Bishops or Bishops of the Church.

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