They will be DFing me soon for apostasy...

by RayPublisher 150 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tornapart

    How long have I known you bro and I never knew you were Ray Publisher??!! haha! How many more secrets do you have?

    Guess I should know who DATA-DOG is too?

  • blindnomore

    @Blindnomore - Thanks bro, that's a great juggling joke.

    Ray, I am a female. Do you remember a mean Asian girl from a Tahoe apostafest?

    Anyway, Good that you are keeping records and documenting them. Keep the all the records. That's what I did. My records are about to kick those guys' ass****...

  • stuckinamovement

    Hang in there man. I know you have been through hell the last couple of years. I sure appreciate your example and courage. Fight the fine fight brother!


  • binadub

    Hi RayPublisher:

    Congratulations on your freedom. I have thought of you from time to time since we corresponded; didn't see much of you here.
    Well you will have much better friends out here in the real world.
    I didn't realize you were JWStruggle. A couple of closet xJWs I am in communication with from Germany and Brazil frequent that site.

    Well wishes,
    ~Binadub (aka Ros)

  • mamochan13

    Ray - I loved your piece on disfellowshipping, read it a while back. Having faced a JC (and appealed) I know something of what you must be feeling right now. AT least you know you are right, which can give you strength.

    I agree with the others who suggest the focus of your media release should be on your personal loss, things that will resonate with the masses. Keep things short and to the point, but let them know what DFing does to people.

    Good luck. I raise a glass to your future success.

  • ziddina


    I've heard such horror stories before, but each one hammers home the point that this cult is extraordinarily damaging to health, happiness, family life and one's financial stability.

    Be sure to document EVERYTHING, especially the efforts of your wife and the elders to prevent you from having access to your children. Of course, any and all information you can present regarding the Watchtower Society's lax attitude towards the prosecution of child molesters, should go a LONG way in convincing a family court judge that your children would be far better off with you...

    I hope that the outcome is positive for you and your children. As for your wife...

    As long as she remains deliberately obdurate, I say let her stew in her own juices.

    I'll be hoping for the very best for you!


  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    The freedom after disfellowshipment is a gift. No longer having to look over your shoulder is liberating. I like your planned press release. It is well written and tells the story calmly, certainly not the rantings of a crazed apostate as the WT. would like others to believe we become after leaving. I agree with above posters that emphasizing the personal loss and appealing to the emotions of the potential reader is a good idea.

    I am sorry to hear that your family has been torn apart by this. I admire your courage to do the right thing and to be true to your principles despite the consequences from the Borg. Keep up the good work. Leslie

  • sizemik

    RayPublisher . . .

    I'm glad you're fighting for the right team . . . you're a kick-arse player. The website is great, as is the video you've produced. Something tells me this JC isn't going to be quite what the Elders expect either . . . all the best with it.

  • kimbo

    nice loving assholes

  • jwfacts

    It is very stressful whilst happening, but when I was finally announced as "no longer one of ..." it was such a relief, like the world had lifted off my shoulders. There is sadness and anger to follow, but the relief certainly makes up for it.

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