How do I hear/feel God?

by doinmypart 473 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest
    find you hypocritical declarations of peace to be annoying so please cut it out and just be honest.

    Wishing you peace was my honesty, dear C... but I will absolutely receive it back and refrain from here on, absolutely no problem. If you wish, I can do as some others have asked and not refer to you as "dear," either. Just let me know.

    We are both on the same side

    Oh, I doubt that, luv (sorry, but I use that term for everyone)

    in fact you do far more to put people off faith in god than I do.

    Some people, perhaps. My experiences tell me not all, though, and not as few as you think. I've actually been invited to a barbeque tomorrow to "share" with a household and their friends, two of whom are "questioning" JWs (else, they would be there). While I do spend a lot of time here on this Board, there is life outside of it, dear one.

    What makes it so funny is she really believes it.

    I do believe it, dear JM (peace to you!).

    If you don't care, why do you start threads about atheists being religious to try to justify your own position because it annoys you that some people (presumably the 'you' in the above quote) think you are religious?

    Several reasons: (1) something to do; (2) something I thought was interesting to consider; (3) something I thought might help some “see” what being “religious” really is... and who really can be “religious”, contrary to what they may have believed... and (4) because this is the place to do all of those things in regard to that topic.

    Although having said this I didn't not really have a clue what your last post was about.

    Well, if you’re truly interested, just let me know what parts confuse you and I’ll try to clarify. Or, just trying re-reading it, but objectively... and perhaps slowly...

    Clearly this is down to my own stupidity though as you will no doubt point out.

    I have never considered you stupid, dear JM... at least, not to my immediate recollection. But I won’t say that definitively; depends on the thread/topic and your response. Nothing you’ve posted recently stands out to me as such, though...

    Okay, boyz, moving on...

    Peace (to dear JM - LOL!).

    A slave of Christ,


  • tec


    If you want to feel/hear, then you must go to Christ. (He is the one you will hear... or at least He is the one who I hear) You can ask God for ears to hear, and eyes to see. Ask Him to send you the Holy Spirit (who is Christ; the Truth). Then trust (have faith) that He will do so. Put your faith IN Him.

    It took me a long time to ask for this once I stopped studying with the jw's. I did not understand... what is this holy spirit?... and I did not feel as though I was allowed to ask anyway, or that I was worthy of asking for such. THEY teach that most of us are NOT worthy (to have the spirit, to be 'annointed', to eat and drink of Christ) I was not ready to ask for this, and I knew it, even as I shied away from it, because I was waiting to be worthy of it.

    Well, Christ and God have said to ASK. And to keep asking. They did not say that only certain worthy ones could ask. We are all the same in this... we all do wrong, mess up, sin, fail, hurt one another, fall short. Faith is not based on being perfect. Or even on being good. Faith is based on trusting Christ... and through Christ, God. That they keep THEIR word; their promises, that their love is for us because of who they are... love.

    And Christ is recorded to have said:

    "If you love me you will obey my teachings, and my Father will love you, and we will come and make our home with you."

    I paraphrased... but this last part is the spirit of Christ and God within you.

    Follow in love and faith and the timeline and worries stop hanging over your head so much. You might even realize that He has been speaking to you all along. (He does speak to everyone; most simply do not recognize Him... perhaps they have no faith that He can speak; perhaps because they are hearing something they do not WANT to know, face, or do (as is often the case with the truth about ourselves); perhaps they are listening to voices that are shouting 'look at me' and speaking lies and falsehoods (religion, men, etc)... and one cannot hear and recognize truth if one is listening instead to lies.)

    Do not worry so much. He is not a tyrant, nor is God an exacting God. He is patient, loving, merciful and forgiving. Ask God to send you His Son (Holy Spirit); ask for ears to hear and eyes to see, and then trust in Christ and God. Trusting in what you hear is harder, I know, I have been there... but this will come because he who seeks, receives.

    His voice, for me, is quiet, calm, peaceful, and very sure... His voice is within me (like an inner voice) but it is not my own. (Took me some time to learn to recognize Him... I think it does for most of us)

    Peace and love to you,


  • AGuest

    'Mom, girl... the greatest of love and peace to you and your dear, dear household. You and me, girl... and the rest of the Body... with our Lord... 'til the wheels fall off! LOLOLOLOL!

    Peace, my dear sister!

    Your servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,


  • wasblind

    "I find you hypocritical declarations of peace to be annoying so please cut it out and just be honest."

    Hey Cofty,

    what would annoy you more, someone wishin' you peace, or wishin' you would kiss their ass ???

    if I were to be annoyed let it be with a declaration of peace

    Hey , as for me, I like to give folks what they want, I aim to please

  • mrsjones5

    How 'bout "kiss my grits"?

  • wasblind

    Naw Gurl,

    Folks need somethin' smooooth and round

    grits to rough

  • AGuest

    BWAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHA... at dear Josie and Wuz!! You guhls dun gon 'n crak'd me UP! Alomst spit my coffee out!!

    Peace (without the *ss and grits kissin', though - LOLOLOL!)... to you two lovely chikkens!

    SA, on her own, ROTFL and gasping for breath...

  • justmom

    Yes Tec...

    That is how it is with our Lords voice. We said, NO!" at first must be demons. Our lord can't talk to you, only demons can. (get behind me satan) HOW ABSURB of reasoning is this!!!!!! thanks to the WT

    All His servants, prophets, sheep, disciples, have always through history heard that inner voice. (and it does sound like our own voice because it is not audible outside it is inside)

    Those that read the Bible notice (may need to use concordance) how many references to "The spirit said" (voice)

    Thank you for sharing


  • wasblind


    If this ain't debachery at it's best, this thread went from the spiritual to ass an' grits

    Josie ought to be shame of herself, I should have known better to associate wit the likes of her

    " Bad association done spoiled Wuz rotten "

  • tec

    You guys are making me smile this morning, thank you :)

    Peace to y'all,

    tammy (who had a little setback with her vacation this morning... as tends to happen, lol... and so found her way to a computer during the lull)

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