Latest convention brochure on,,, the Governing Body

by cedars 106 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • slimboyfat

    At a tangent...

    Does anyone remember the old leaflet they used to have called "Who are Jehovah's Witnesses?" or something like that. And does anyone know the story about how they had to change the cover because it pictured a couple who left the Witnesses shortly after the leaflet was published? Amusing to think that a leaflet asking "who are Jehovah's Witnesses" had people on the cover who were not in fact Witnesses any longer.

  • VM44

    What was the second brochure?

    Is it also available for download?



    Outlaw, I always liked how in the magazines they showed the 1st century christians going door-to-door with scrolls. Makes no frickin' sense.

    There was no going door to door..Jesus actually advised against it..

    He spoke to small gatherings and in public..

    Why would you bring exspensive scrolls to people who couldn`t afford them,or read them?..

    WBT$ pictures of going door to door with scrolls is..


    .............................. ...OUTLAW

  • MrFreeze

    Plus how much of the scriptures would fit on one scroll. Could you imagine carrying around dozens of scrolls? Not to mention nobody could read them? As you always aptly put it... watchtarded.

  • cedars

    VM44 - The other brochure is called "Good News From God" - I'm afraid I don't have a link for downloading it.


  • BlindersOff1
  • QueenWitch

    If JW is so spirit-directed, why is the GB always old white men? What happened to the diversity? WBTS is just like any other corporation or even worse.

    PS I'm having trouble d/l the file in chrome

  • Chariklo

    Is there a trick to this download, Cedars?

    I can't seem to locate a .pdf download, and it seems to want me to download a new program, iLivid.

  • cedars
  • cedars

    Chariklo - try clicking the orange download button on the right, and ignore the green buttons beneath where it says "advertisement".


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