From a currently serving elder: an open letter to the organization

by elderelite 75 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Hey Elderelite,

  • jookbeard

    Keep up the good work EL, hi Outlaw!!

  • JakeM2012

    I got to the point that I could not let the younger (next) generation who I had a good repoire with would look to me as an example. Just the evidence that there are witnesses around for 50 years in the hall is too much encouragement for a young person. One circuit assembly they had parts about the youths giving up higher education and had several talk about their decision. They both sounded like that's not what they wanted to do but they were made to do it. I wanted to go to them privately and say go back to school before it is too late.

  • minimus

    Nice letter but they don't care.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Here here! Well said!

    Yeah they may not care, but we really are a force they should fear because we know TTATT, are much more educated, have mastered their game, and are better liars than they are; all of this courtesy of their own teachings and policy.

  • lostinthought

    Love the letter!

  • Lozhasleft

    Good work EE.

  • LV101

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your post, EE. You're my hero and all those like you!

  • laverite


    Beautiful letter. Their hardline on the status of DFd and DAd peeps will ultimately work against them. They've created a situation where people must stay inside for fear of losing their families if they leave and in doing this they've made their own beds.

  • elderelite

    Thank you to all for your kind words :-)

    As minimus stated of course they dont care, but thats the beauty. They dont have to. Its all true anyway. Its that level of arrogance that makes it possible for people like me to exsist.

    And hermano hermano's experiance is exactly my point. When someone trusted, someone still inside says these things it carries a different weight :-)

    The damage is unknowable, but between those inside and those outside its an winable battle long term. If it takes another generation to sink them so be it.

    Again i really appreciate the kind words, but of course its preaching to the choir here :-) the poor bethel boys will at best read and shrug. Thats how i want it anyway.....

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