What is with abusive atheists?

by Fernando 187 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious
    Ohhhh hehehe no way!! LOL!!!! Sab you absolutely MUST be satire!


    Turn it to 1:20 and you will hear Hitchens talking about the heavy workload a scientific deist will have ahead of them. He then goes on to say that theism is a near impossible task to venture into from deism to theism while remaining rational and scientific. He wishes luck to any whom make such an attempt which is his satirical way of saying there is no chance. So obviously you would think that my post was satirical because you already believe that any form of theism is laughable. We just have opposing views, I find atheism very funny actually so I guess that's what comes when opposing views collide. We laugh.


  • sizemik

    OK . . . I'll bite.

    The problem is the educational system.

    Ok . . . there is a lot that can be improved.

    The scientists want to be able to get around a table and have a no holds no bounds coversation about the existence of the universe.

    I wasn't aware scientists wanted to do that. I'm sure those scientists that do want to, are doing it already . . . but I doubt a religious premise is involved.

    However who is truly qualified to do that is the conundrum.

    Why? . . . anyone can do it. The focus is on the "what" not the "who".

    Consider Jesus words when he says blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth. What he is saying is that the uneducated are the ones that should have the say.

    Meek = Uneducated. Really? Everyone has a say . . . and once again, it's the content, not the person, or their education, that gives an argument merit.

    We became aware of ethics and morals. We didn't evolve them from scratch, we started "seeing" them, but only after it was too late.

    Not so . . . all kinds of species show levels of societally "moral" behaviour at different levels. Morality per se is an evolutionary development. Morality itself is undergoing constant evolution.

    Now we have to clean up our mess and science wants to be the answer to that problem.

    Science doesn't "want" anything. Scientists do however . . . the answers to problems. That's what they're in the business of doing, always have been.

    The problem with the scientific community is that is pushes out the meek which are the unlearned.

    That's just balderdash . . . science is all about learning. Science educates. I don't believe for a minute that the meek are synonomous with remaining ignorant. Are you saying that if the "meek" pay any attention to science that they won't be "meek" any more? . . . first time I've heard that line of reasoning for a while. And you know where I heard it.

  • NewChapter

    I didn't say they thought Jesus was hooey---I wouldn't know what individuals think. I said I don't think they concern themselves with Jesus's words when sitting down to discuss science. Perhaps they bring him up when they discuss religion---which was his area of expertise. They probably also don't discuss Justin Bieber's words before hypothesizing. They are close minded that way.

    If you open your mind too much, your brain will fall out.


  • shamus100


  • NewChapter

    Nicely put Size. If the uneducated become interested in science, the side affect will be that they become educated---therefore by this circular design, the uneducated don't do science. BECAUSE doing science (lol, doing science) educates them.

    Just like virgins don't do sex.

  • shamus100


    Don't go to the darkside and bicker endlessly to a brick wall. D: You are in dangerous ground right now - QUICKSAND!!

    Run away and never look back. Many have fallen and few can get back out. D:

  • mrsjones5

    " If the uneducated become interested in science, the side affect will be that they become educated---therefore by this circular design, the uneducated don't do science. BECAUSE doing science (lol, doing science) educates them."


  • sabastious

    We are the same as animals, size, that's why we see morality in animals. The philosophical approach to our existence as the top of the food chain is superior to the scientific. You have this incredible gap between the smartest animal and the smartest human. We feel bad if a kitten is thrown out a window in the middle of an intersection. This happened to my wife in our town and she burst into tears and felt the urge to hunt down and administer justice to the killer for an instant. Our morals come from the animal kingdom yes, but that's not a full explanation. It's like a 1/1000 explanation actually. Many systems of spiritualtiy have a better approach to the idea as to where our responsibility lies.

    Don't you not believe that we have a choice? If we are just particles moving around and there is no director then what goes is what goes. You are as far as your strength can take you. There is one thing we may not have a choice in and that is to love. And the people who extort you and use it against you will always be out there. They don't even have to be in large numbers to get a whole populace of lovers paranoid and making irrational decisions.

    Yes, the scientists do want to explain the universe because they work in the industry of hope. They tell us that things are going to get better because technology has always been on the upswing. The Democratic Left is constantly telling us that our energy needs are right around the corner with wind and solar, but what happens when the technology becomes available? China steals the manufacturing so we loose control right there. Then the equipment needs installation and is very expensive up front. So then you have to have these bureaucracies figure out ways to get them into people's homes who can't afford it. In the meantime they are telling us that we are ruining the earth because we use bottled water.

    You don't think people are not putting their faith in science today? They are trying to help and they are helping, but we need to understand this universe on a spiritual level. When you have 5.5 billion people believe in God you best call that supply and demand or fear what they will do. The fact is that the atheists have made their bed and now they are sleeping in it.

    Then you got the Republicans who glorify suffering through 20 jobs and giving up your life in order to "make it." For some reason they want to withhold technology from the general populace because they think it makes them lazy. It's like you can't win with these people. Who cares if they are on their iPod's they are living aren't they? Let them do what they want, but make sure they have morals and principles. The world is their oyster so the old timers just need to sit back and watch the younger generation go to work.

    The law of righteousness can be applied to the sciences of politics and economics and all kinds of things. It has a legitmate place in this world it's just a lot of people misuse the term and give it a bad name. That's what the atheists should be focusing on. Find the good aspects of all the ideas about God and call that righteousness. Because it's already been mapped, we don't have to map it again.


  • sizemik
    Don't go to the darkside and bicker endlessly to a brick wall.

    We haven't got any brick walls left standing down here because of the increasing in earthquakes in one place after another and all that . . . I miss them.

    Find the good aspects of all the ideas about God and call that righteousness. Because it's already been mapped, we don't have to map it again.

    That's exactly what I've done . . . somewhere in the process God just up and left.

  • shamus100

    Sounds like the end of the world... D:

    guess Sabastious is right. Better get ye to a church or something.. pray to a chunk of wood or somethin'....

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