My demon experience

by SweetBabyCheezits 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nambo

    Sorry again WMF, not a sonic boom either, Iam old enough to have experienced Sonic booms from Concorde over London back in the 70s.

    This was against the glass by my head.

    Its no use anyone coming up with these theories unless you where actually there to experience it like I was.

    Iam ex millitary as well so have experienced a variety of big bangs!

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Dementors. Case closed.

  • NewChapter

    I wonder what the demon was trying to accomplish by banging on your window? Didn't even break the glass. Oh well---there is absolutely no way it could have any other explanation. Silly to discuss it. You've decided.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Nambo: I am ex millitary as well so have experienced a variety of big bangs!

    Ah, well then you're qualified to distinguish whether a bang was of natural or supernatural origin then.

  • Morbidzbaby

    SBC, that was the first thing I thought of, but he was a kid way before Harry Potter came out lol.

    NC: Thanks for the insight. I'm going to research this more. I really want him to be able to get rid of this fear that he has. I know I did have a major fear of demons as a JW, so I want to help him as best I can. As for the orgasm, it only happened once *sigh*.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Shack: Alright, I got this dammit. Nambo, it gets really good at the 0:50 mark...

    Ah thank you for the QualiSoup post, fair squire! You've restored balance to the force. This thread will one day exist alongside the glowing apparitions of Obi Wan and Yoda.

  • Morbidzbaby

    I wonder what the demon was trying to accomplish by banging on your window?

    Maybe it was curious as to just how much that doggy was...?

  • NewChapter

    Ah, well then you're qualified to distinguish whether a bang was of natural or supernatural origin then.

    Do they have a bang/boom class in bootcamp where cadets learn the sound and source of every natural boom?

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Here's the segment from Sagan's Demon-Haunted World on sleep paralysis. I'm not seeing the PDF online anymore.

    A common, although insufficiently well-known, psychological
    syndrome rather like alien abduction is called sleep paralysis.
    Many people experience it. It happens in that twilight world
    between being fully awake and fully asleep. For a few minutes,
    maybe longer, you're immobile and acutely anxious. You feel a
    weight on your chest as if some being is sitting or lying there. Your
    heartbeat is quick, your breathing laboured. You may experience
    auditory or visual hallucinations of people, demons, ghosts,
    animals or birds. In the right setting, the experience can have 'the
    full force and impact of reality', according to Robert Baker, a
    psychologist at the University of Kentucky. Sometimes there's a
    marked sexual component to the hallucination. Baker argues that
    these common sleep disturbances are behind many if not most of
    the alien abduction accounts. (He and others suggest that there
    are other classes of abduction claims as well, made by fantasyprone
    individuals, say, or hoaxers.)

    Similarly, the Harvard Mental Health Letter (September 1994)
    comments, Sleep paralysis may last for several minutes, and is sometimes
    accompanied by vivid dreamlike hallucinations that give rise
    to stories about visitations from gods, spirits, and extraterrestrial

    We know from early work of the Canadian neurophysiologist
    Wilder Penfield that electrical stimulation of certain regions of
    the brain elicits full-blown hallucinations. People with temporal
    lobe epilepsy - involving a cascade of naturally generated
    electrical impulses in the part of the brain beneath the forehead
    - experience a range of hallucinations almost indistinguishable
    from reality: including the presence of one or more strange
    beings, anxiety, floating through the air, sexual experiences,
    and a sense of missing time. There is also what feels like
    profound insight into the deepest questions and a need to
    spread the word. A continuum of spontaneous temporal lobe
    stimulation seems to stretch from people with serious epilepsy
    to the most average among us. In at least one case reported by
    another Canadian neuroscientist, Michael Persinger, administration
    of the antiepileptic drug, carbamazepine, eliminated a
    woman's recurring sense of experiencing the standard alien
    abduction scenario. So such hallucinations, generated spontaneously,
    or with chemical or experiential assists, may play a
    role, perhaps a central role, in the UFO accounts.
    But such a view is easy to burlesque: UFOs explained away as
    'mass hallucinations'. Everyone knows there's no such thing as a
    shared hallucination. Right?

    As the possibility of extraterrestrial life began to be widely
    popularized - especially around the turn of the last century by
    Percival Lowell with his Martian canals - people began to
    report contact with aliens, mainly Martians. The psychologist
    Theodore Flournoy's 1901 book, From India to the Planet Mars,
    describes a French-speaking medium who in a trance state drew
    pictures of the Martians (they look just like us) and presented
    their alphabet and language (remarkably like French). The
    psychiatrist Carl Jung in his 1902 doctoral dissertation
    described a young Swiss woman who was agitated to discover,
    sitting across from her on the train, a 'star-dweller' from Mars.
    Martians are innocent of science, philosophy and souls, she was
    told, but have advanced technology. 'Flying machines have
    long been in existence on Mars; the whole of Mars is covered
    with canals' and so on. Charles Fort, a collector of anomalous
    reports who died in 1932, wrote, 'Perhaps there are inhabitants
    of Mars, who are secretly sending reports upon the ways of this
    world to their governments.' In the 1950s there was a book by
    Gerald Heard that revealed the saucer occupants to be intelligent
    Martian bees. Who else could survive the fantastic right
    angle turns reported for UFOs?

    But after the canals were shown to be illusory by Mariner 9 in
    1971, and after no compelling evidence even for microbes was
    found on Mars by Vikings 1 and 2 in 1976, popular enthusiasm for
    the Lowellian Mars waned and we heard little about visiting
    Martians. Aliens were then reported to come from somewhere
    else. Why? Why no more Martians? And after the surface of
    Venus was found to be hot enough to melt lead, there were no
    more visiting Venusians. Does some part of these stories adjust to
    the current canons of belief? What does that imply about their

    There's no doubt that humans commonly hallucinate. There's
    considerable doubt about whether extraterrestrials exist, frequent
    our planet, or abduct and molest us. We might argue about
    details, but the one category of explanation is surely much better
    supported than the other. The main reservation you might then
    have is: why do so many people today report this particular set of
    hallucinations? Why sombre little beings, and flying saucers, and
    sexual experimentation?

  • Matsimus

    Iv'e only experienced something similar to this weird state once. I was still lying in my bed struggling to sleep since I was starting in a new job early in the morning after and was a bit anxious about it. Then I suddenly realized all my blood veins were outside my body. Nothing bloody or messy, they just were on the outside. But it actually felt like it was supposed to be, and it wasn't frightening in any way. Can't really remember how I woke up from it or what happened but when I was really awake I actually had to rationalize that my veins were supposed to be on the inside. I dunno if this qualifies as being some sort of sleep paralysis but it sure was weird, hehe.

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