Christian Apologists - Please Watch This and Tell Us Why it is wrong?

by cantleave 834 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious
    I see that differently....I see it as a good example of why people attribute things to God.

    You don't feel intellectually uncomfortable directly comparing Bronze Age belief to modern day belief? When people today blame natural disasters on God or Satan they are not typically recieved well. A stark contrast to the people of the Bronze Age.


  • ziddina
    "You are saying that bad things happened to good people and then after the good people died they were misrepresented as bad simply because they died. This may indeed have been the case, but the survivers had to give some explanation for entire towns being washed away or pelted to death with ash and burned with fire. My point is that their explanation was one with a compassionate God. ..." Sab [bold and hilite are Zid's]

    Soooo..... According to THAT 'logic', in order to maintain their illusion of a "compassionate" deity, they had to accuse the PEOPLE OF BEING EVIL ???

    You don't get it.

    I am not even considering that a 3,500-year-old, Bronze-Age Middle-Eastern sheepherding males' concept of a deity, could possibly be "real"...

    There are many OTHER deities that are FAR, FAR OLDER. If I were to consider ANY deity to be "real", it would be the OLDEST deity, NOT ONE OF THE YOUNGEST ONES...!!!

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    If I put myself in that postition sab....I can honestly say that I would probably believe whatever was believed at the time....that God diddit....but I would still be ignorant...because my understanding is wrong....I just wouldn't have known it....I suppose ignorance can be bliss...

  • sabastious
    I am not even considering that a 3,500-year-old, Bronze-Age Middle-Eastern sheepherding males' concept of a deity, could possibly be "real"...

    I'm not asking this of you Zid, I know better. I am simply stating that you don't have reason to paint the Bronze Age people as wrong or crazy for saying natural disasters were the work of God or the Devil. To them that was the best explanation possible and they even threw in some morality to boot. You paint them like morally loose cannons that had no idea what they were doing because they didn't have the coveted scientific method and were merely finger pointers. The fact is that they tried their best to describe the events of their day and they did a pretty good job of it considering they were ignorant to the true nature of the universe. They didn't like the idea of innocent death even at the hands of God. That counts for a lot.


  • sabastious
    If I put myself in that postition sab....I can honestly say that I would probably believe whatever was believed at the time....that God diddit....but I would still be ignorant...because my understanding is wrong....I just wouldn't have known it....I suppose ignorance can be bliss...

    Oh ignorance can definitely be bliss. We live in a complicated and overwhelming world.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    sab...people still say ridiculous things when children Jesus wanted them....God wanted them...they were too good for this world....

    Some still refer to disasters today as 'acts of God' companies won't even cover you for them...LOL

    No. I don't feel uncomfortable comparing bronze age to modern hasn't come that far IMO.

  • ziddina
    "My God is the sun which is 4.5 billion years old. That spans much further than the human timeline which agrees with Genesis 1. THERE I SAID IT!..." Sad, page #32

    Soooooo, you're worshipping the SUN, now????

    Then why are you still diddling around with the 3,500-year-old Bronze-Age Middle-Eastern deity???

    Your brains are SO scrambled!!!!


  • ziddina
    "Bronze Age people as wrong or crazy..." Sab page 33

    Why are YOU equating "primitive, superstitious, ignorant" with "wrong or crazy"????

    They are NOT the same thing, as a glance in ANY dictionary would tell you...

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    keep reading zid....there seems to be truth in all religions...sab is not limiting himself to the bronze age god....and neither is tec from what I have read. Although I could have that wrong.

    I think this is more about exploring ideas than stating what is truth. On sabs part anyway.

  • sabastious
    Your brains are SO scrambled!!!!

    Was that for calling you great? I retract the compliment.

    Why are YOU equating "primitive, superstitious, ignorant" with "wrong or crazy"????

    A decision based in ignorance is wrong is it not? I am bringing up the fact that they had no other option but to be wrong, just like you and I today. The people of the future will be calling you primitive and ignorant. Therefore it's not right to take their words at face value and judge. Again, the Abe/God exchange means that their reasoning was not overtly simplified. It wasn't just a default, it was well thought out.


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