Christian Apologists - Please Watch This and Tell Us Why it is wrong?

by cantleave 834 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ziddina
    Nice backtracking... [Zid]
    "Are you calling me a liar? I didn't insult you, I called you great. I'll refrain from complimenting you in the future." Sab, above

    "Backtracking", dear Sad - er, Sab - means that you're attempting to dig yourself out of a hole that you've dug with your own mouth...

    By the way, you could begin to organize your comments in a more logical fashion by DESIGNATING the quote by its original author...

    And that photo of the infantile yawn - Yep, that's you, Sad - er, Sab - whenever you are challenged to engage your brain with something other than Bronze-Age fairy tales and modern cult leaders' regurgitation of same for the purposes of deceit and control...

  • sabastious
    Yeah, like the stories of "Paul Bunyan", "Pecos Bill", and "Sherlock Holmes", are all "evidence" that "they" "exist", too....

    Huh? I was saying that the existence of the people in myth is irrelevant to whether or not God was ever depicted in them as being a compassionate or not.

    In fact, once I learned of that fact, my mind immediately snapped to the tales of the "Great Flood", the "destruction" of "Sodom & Gomorrah", the "conquest" of the Canaanite cities, and other supposed situations in the bible in which supposedly "evil" people got what they "deserved"...

    You are saying that bad things happened to good people and then after the good people died they were misrepresented as bad simply because they died. This may indeed have been the case, but the survivers had to give some explanation for entire towns being washed away or pelted to death with ash and burned with fire. My point is that their explanation was one with a compassionate God. They even wrote down a conversation between God and Abraham arguing over the innocent people. Whether or not that is a historical account is irrelevent to the morality that it suggests.


  • sabastious
    And that photo of the infantile yawn - Yep, that's you, Sad - er, Sab - whenever you are challenged to engage your brain with something other than Bronze-Age fairy tales and modern cult leaders' regurgitation of same for the purposes of deceit and control...


  • sabastious

    I'm sorry Zid for blaspheming your religion by claiming the Bible contains morality.


  • ziddina
    "Huh? I was saying that the existence of the people in myth is irrelevant to whether or not God was ever depicted in them as being a compassionate or not. ..." Sab


    Duuuude, if the GUY IN THE STORY WAS MADE-UP, then the 'gawd' is MADE-UP, TOO.... [aaaand yet another eye-roll...]

    How many times do I have to point out, that your 'gawd' wasn't even HEARD of, until ONLY around 3,500 years ago???

  • still thinking
    still thinking
    To paint the surviver's assessement of their own carnage as ignorant is just odd to me.

    There are two tpes of ignorance at play concerning their understanding of events. Lack of knowledge....not their fault, but as you say in your post sab, pertains to the knowlegde of our day. And the other was that they didn't understand so they attributed it to a god....that is still the case today in many religions.

    I know as a believer I attributed everything to God, or at least 'his' understanding as I perceived it. But that was not honest on my part because I really don't have an understanding of God/gods....and I'm not sure it is possible considering that vast amount to choose from. So now I choose not to attribute things to god that I don't understand...including 'evil' because that also is unproveable in my opinion.

    Evil is just a way of labelling and encompassing behaviour...I prefer to decide if the behavior offends my senses or not. And to be honest...this opinion can change depending on what I learn. For a 'christian' I believed that homosexuality was it probably could have been classified as 'evil', but now that my brain is not so switched off...I realise that that opinion in itself could be considered 'evil'. Since I don't consider myself an evil person...I can only conclude that I was misguided and ill ignorant.

  • sabastious


    Duuuude, if the GUY IN THE STORY WAS MADE-UP, then the 'gawd' is MADE-UP, TOO.... [aaaand yet another eye-roll...]

    How many times do I have to point out, that your 'gawd' wasn't even HEARD of, until ONLY around 3,500 years ago???

    My God is the sun which is 4.5 billion years old. That spans much further than the human timeline which agrees with Genesis 1. THERE I SAID IT!


  • sabastious
    I know as a believer I attributed everything to God, or at least 'his' understanding as I perceived it. But that was not honest on my part because I really don't have an understanding of God/gods....and I'm not sure it is possible considering that vast amount to choose from. So now I choose not to attribute things to god that I don't understand...including 'evil' because that also is unproveable in my opinion.

    Still thinking, put yourself in a Bronze Age family 3,000 years ago. Then have a natural disaster destroy your town. You and 5 other people are the only survivors of an entire community. What is your explanation for the events?


  • still thinking
    still thinking
    I didn't say it was an incorrect usage, I said it was a liberal usage. Calling people who lived 3,000 years ago ignorant is about as compelling as saying that water is wet.

    I see that differently....I see it as a good example of why people attribute things to God.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    that baby is cute....I wan't to give it a cuddle

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