Christian Apologists - Please Watch This and Tell Us Why it is wrong?

by cantleave 834 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious
    he is a frikkin' commedian with a BA in english and history. He is also pretty darn close to an anti-vaxer; if you are going to judge the entire scientific community as faith-bashing and corrupt because of one guy, at least choose someone who is an actual scientist.

    no, but that whole: "subjecting ideas to evidence and logic" thing kind of is. Or to put it in your words, logic traps!.

    Once again you are trying to trap me. You asked for evidence of my assertions (well, NC did) and now the evidence I brought up is called "my entire argument" and is used against me. Do you have an assumptions hat somewhere or do you just use your ass?


  • poopsiecakes

    So, you think the Republicans are fascists and the Democrats have no propaganda artists, brainwashed much?

    omg you're so cute I wanna kiss you right now

  • NewChapter

    The oversimplication is the trap of which you are utilizing right now. You are a poacher too it would seem.

    I think that most people would be able to say that burning witches is evil---or at least wrong. Remember the trap set for Sarah Palin? What do you read?

    Anyway, I'm a fan of Bill Maher and disagree with him often. Never thought he was a spokeman for the scientific community, just because he holds opinons--but whatever. Climategate was seriously overstated, but then, we won't go round and round with that. Evolution has stood the test for a century, and it has been a rugged test at that.

    How can I take someone seriously when they think that the burning witches question is a gotcha question? This has been one crazy conversation.

    Bohm: Will you be at next week's poacher meeting?


  • NewChapter

    omg you're so cute I wanna kiss you right now

    LOL---I'm jealous wifey-poo! How are ya? How's the health insurance doing? Are you treating our baby good?


  • sabastious
    How can I take someone seriously when they think that the burning witches question is a gotcha question? This has been one crazy conversation.

    I'm not sure what you mean. What I am saying is that you must give me the context of the burning witches. Who were the perpetrators? Were they ignorant fools? Was the concept of a witch being used to kill a political enemy? Is there a world where witch burning was avoided that I don't know about?


  • poopsiecakes

    Chappy, you wouldn't believe the benefits I get with my new job. Crazy awesome. How's the packing going? Should I start making phone calls to plan a venue for the big event? lol

  • bohm

    Sab, didnt say you based "your entire argument" on bill maher, so you can stop saing false things.

    I said you judged the scientific community based on bill maher, and you yourself brought up bill maher and climategate as evidence for your false charge of wide-spread corruption.

    Which is just extremely stupid.

  • sabastious
    I said you judged the scientific community based on bill maher, and you yourself brought up bill maher and climategate as evidence for your false charge of wide-spread corruption.

    No, I judged the scientific community then I was asked for evidence and I provided it. Then that evidence was laughed at and now here we are. Bill Maher is a spokesperson for the scientific community whether scientists like it or not. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. The oil being a world without God. Doesn't it sound refreshing?


  • Finkelstein

    The late C Hitchens had a few things to say about spiritually derived theocracies and the social morality created from these theocrasies..

    Worthy to listen in .

  • NewChapter

    Chappy, you wouldn't believe the benefits I get with my new job. Crazy awesome.

    god you're sexy!

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