What apostates fail to recognize is...

by nananana 80 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    " 49. Unnecessarily and abusively shunning members even for minor infractions such as smoking or not complying with the whimsical directives of elders, thereby causing personal and family turmoil that often results in immense guilt, shame, fear, depression, bitterness, hatred, murder and suicide."

    "Greed Is Good!" oh wrong line. Guilt is good! Guilt in the Organization is the oddest beast, only JWs with a heart encounter this emotion. The self-righteous legalistic are the first to condem their fellow brothers and sisters. Depression can be cured by getting out in the Field Ministry more, and devoting your time whole-heartedly to the Slave.

    50. Prohibiting fellowship with disassociated persons who show no inclination toward causing dissension.

    We don't prohibit, we highly advise against it and will "mark" you, if you do!

    51. Showing favoritism by advising innocent victims to "leave it to Jehovah" instead of the elders taking decisive action to deal with some members who have been accused of harmful wrongdoing.

    When dealing with a pedophile case, the victim was forced to describe detail by detail of what took place. A heavy handed pedophile who qoutes the Society's teachings, knows the letter or their law, has an unfair advantage of victims. Psychologist don't ask for "dirty details" but the BOE's judical committe has no problem putting little boys and girls into shock, reliving the nightmare in front of the Pedophile. Police have learned as well, how much information to extract from victims, not the Slave, they know how to push the envelope (Victim) off the table (chase them out of the Congregation, while the Pedophile is cleansed by the laying of hands by holy men.) right into the shredder.

    52. Ignoring or minimizing clear evidence of child molestation and other abuses simply because only one witness is available to testify against the member accused of such serious wrongdoing

    Putting a victim head to head with a former JW elder who knows their loopholes, it's beautiful for the perpetrators!

    53. Covering over and hiding damaging facts about the JW organization

    Jehovah covered Jonah with the bottle gourd plant, so the heat of the burning Sun would not hurt him! We cover our angry prophets, who fail to learn from Jehovah's mercy, quick to condem others for the same blunders the Org makes!

    54. In many cases, neglecting the care of their own sick and elderly members who no longer have the strength and energy to attend all the meetings and to be regular in "field service" as they did for most of their lives

    The joy of bringing in a new recruit outweighs the ten who leave from neglect! When my baby sister stopped attending the congregation, nobody came looking for her! We all have stories of brothers and sisters who were never checked on, stopped attending meetings and fell out of the congregation without a blink!

    I can't figure this riddle out, why is a potential study worth more time, than Granda Joe whose day's of pioneering are gone? Aunt Mable is left in a rest home to preach about "brotherly love", thank God she has dementia, she's not aware the Brotherhood has not been here for years!

    55. Blatantly lying to the public by declaring to news media that members may leave the organization at any time, of their own free will and without any repercussions from the organization

    "It's ok to lie to those who don't deserve to know the Truth!"

  • steve2

    How typically JW-ish: Make a couple of very unjustifiably dogmatic and judgmental statements as an opening gambit then flee the scene. I'd do they very same if my ability to reason were as shonky as the organization's.

  • mrquik

    Great observation LL. I've always gotten some comfort in the belief that the GB was entitled to the same fate as the Scribes & Pharisees. They fit the 23rd chapter so well.

  • allyouneedislove

    The first thing I would ask the OP is:

    "At what point would, or what would the FDS have to do/teach, to show you that they did not have God's full approval?"

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    nananana it seems to me that you were on here just about a month back complaining about all of our attitudes toward the WTBT$ cult and you were going to run back with your tail tucked between your legs, so why are you still here? If the borganization is all you crack it up to be then you wouldn't still be here now would you?

  • Twitch

    What's an apostate?

  • scary21

    Shame on you worldly people for not taking that new Awake mag........you know the one about the wonders of the anteater..........you deserve to DIE !................lol lol lol ha ha ha......ok how about

    the verse in the book of James.......about taking care of widows and orphans being the mark of the true religion......... By your logic the Catholics MUST be the truth ! Just sayin !


  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    I don’t know if nananana reviews his/her own posts now and again, but just in case I thought I would add a few numbers to the Mat 24.14 prophecy as I know that Jehovah’s Witnesses love their numbers. Less than 1% of Jehovah’s Witnesses preach in 40 countries that contain over half of the world’s population. At the other end of the scale over 90% of Jehovah’s Witnesses preach in 45 countries that contain less than a third of the world’s population. That doesn’t seem like an “obvious fulfilment” of Mat 24.14 to me. (Figures taken from the 2012 Yearbook).

    As a new, and relatively infrequent poster on this forum, I don’t know all the etiquette, nor much of what has gone before. But I would like to say that I found the tread http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/160509/1/Warren-Schroeder-from-Bethel-on-Freddy-Kline-and-the-apostate-books to be extremely informative and enlightening, and would like to thank all those who contributed to it. It really was amazing.

    And finally, a question. Why are so many so hostile to posters like nananana and Recovery? It doesn’t seem necessary to me. They will grow old and die waiting for Armageddon, and I feel sorry for them. Humouring their rants would seem a better strategy to me.

  • Heaven

    Matthews 24 14 (NIV) states :'' ..and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come''

    Nana.... Please explain how this has been fulfilled for these people, a remote Amazonian tribe discovered in 2008:

    Remote Amazon Tribe

  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    And Brazil is among those counties where 90% of JWs preach!

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