What apostates fail to recognize is...

by nananana 80 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lozhasleft

    You're not clean at all, in fact in Gods eyes you are defiled. You are worshipping men, not almighty god.

    "By their fruits you will recognise them" - yes indeed we do.

    Loz x

  • AnnOMaly

    w01 1/15 p. 17 par. 3 Keep in Step With Jehovah's Organization

    Of course, the number of those associated with Jehovah's Witnesses is not a criterion for determining if they enjoy divine favor; nor do statistics impress God.

    Na-na-na-na back at ya.

  • sabastious
    NO other organization can begin to rival the success and magnitude of the prophecy found in MT 24:14.

    That's all you got? You think that will stump us? I'm afraid it's you who wasted your time trying to troll this forum.


  • tornapart

    Read Luke 21:8

    Jesus says clearly not to follow those who say the 'time has approached' (come near, is at hand)

    One book I know of written in my lifetime by the WTS was called 'God's Kindom of a thousand years has approached' another one written by Russell called 'the time is at hand'. I would rather follow Christ as my leader rather than man.

    We have been told so many time that 'this Generation will not pass away' .. (just look at the cover of the May 15th 1984 WT)... well guess what.. it has. So now they have to have 2 overlapping generations so that it can be stretched to fit. If you can't see it then you are blind! Jesus told the Pharisees they were blind guides leading the blind.

    Jesus himself was an apostate. His disciples were apostates. Paul was an apostate. Did they have God's disfavour? Think about it.

  • Quandry

    I am so sorry everyone is deriding you here on the forum, as I for one think you have made an excellent point.

    The Watchtower Society has, indeed, been preaching about the good news. The good news that the generation that was at an age of understanding in 1914, was born in 1914, are those wicked ones that deny Jesus, overlap in generations with the ones that were here somehow in 1914, will live to Armageddon.

    No wonder they have to do so much preaching-they have to keep going back to the same people with the "new light" after preaching the "old light" to them.......

  • 00DAD

    Let me see if I got this straight:

    As long as JWs go door to door with a WT and Awake! in hand (allegedly "fulfilling" Mt 24:14) THAT "preaching work" is supposedly PROOF that JWs are the one TRUE religion even though the TEACHINGS in those magazines are INCORRECT?

    That is so stupid!

  • Ding

    Ironically, much of what JWs have taught door to door throughout the organization's history is considered heresy today by the Watchtower Society itself!

    If Russell and Rutherford were alive today, teaching the things they did then, they would have to be disfellowshipped...

    Not exactly a sterling record of presenting a life-saving message...

  • Flat_Accent

    This is another Hit & Run thread. But i'll respond because I haven't said much in the last week.

    *clears throat*

    Matthew 24:14 is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Why do witnesses go out and preach? Because of this prophecy.

    Why are witnesses always trying to expand their ministry? Because this prophecy tells them that is what must happen. Same with any other Christian group - the methods differ but the motives are the same.

  • punkofnice

    Flat_Accent = This is another Hit & Run thread.

    Agreed. This nanana is a troll not a JW. A true JW would be listening to the words of their god the GB:

    July 15, 2011 WT ‘’Well, apostates are 'mentally diseased', and they seek to infect others with their disloyal teachings." ‘’ 7 What is involved in avoiding false teachers? We do not receive them into our homes or greet them.

    We also refuse to read their literature, watch TV programs that feature them, examine their Web sites, or add our comments to their blogs.’’

  • Refriedtruth

    55 reasons apostate Watchtower Jehovah’s Witnesses will never be reformed
    by Frank J. Toth

    1. Teaching that true Christianity is an organization instead of a way of life
    2. Claiming salvation is dependent upon belonging to the JW denomination
    3. Claiming that the organization speaks for and is controlled by Jehovah, thereby equating the organization with God himself

    4. Centralizing authority in an organization instead of letting Christ be the head of each Christian
    5. Claiming that the “faithful and discreet slave” is the “anointed class” rather than each individual Christian who shows himself or herself to be responsible and obedient to Christ
    6. Teaching that the early Christians were led by a governing body

    7. Teaching that Jesus appointed the “anointed remnant” as his true church in 1919
    8. Viewing the so-called “anointed” class (actually, the governing body) as God’s channel and prophet
    9. Placing WT literature above the Bible

    10. Frequently taking Bible texts out of context in order to build support for the organization’s man-made teachings and procedures
    11. Teaching that Jesus returned in 1914 and is “invisibly present” since then
    12. Teaching that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BCE when no historical records confirm this and the actual date is believed by nearly all historians to be 587 BCE

    13. Falsifying the fact that Charles Russell predicted for 1914 the end of the world, not Christ’s return
    14. Lying about a so-called “increase” in earthquakes, warfare, famines, persecution, etc., since 1914
    15. Contradictorily condemning military organizations and frowning upon JWs who choose alternative service in lieu of military service while the headquarters organization at the same time owns stock in a military product organization (REGI)

    16. Taking a conflicting stand with regard to the United Nations, claiming that it is the “wild beast” of Revelation that leads all nations in a fight against God and Christ at Armageddon, but signing on as an NGO member and publishing articles that present the UN in a favorable light
    17. Teaching that it’s wrong to celebrate birthdays and all holidays
    18. Teaching that Abraham and the faithful men and women of old are not among the holy ones who will rule with Christ in his Kingdom
    19. Interpreting Jewish restoration prophecies as fulfilled in “the anointed remnant”

    20. Teaching that the Scriptures are directly addressed only to “the remnant of anointed ones”
    21. Teaching that only the “anointed” must be born again
    22. Teaching that the “great crowd” are not begotten or anointed by the Holy Spirit

    23. Teaching that the “great crowd” are God’s grandchildren and not his sons and daughters
    24. Teaching that the “great crowd” are not members of the bride of Christ
    25. Teaching that Jesus is not the mediator between God and the “great crowd” of Revelation chapter 7

    26. Teaching that the resurrection of the “anointed” precedes the resurrection of the “other sheep” and that it has already begun
    27. Teaching that only “anointed” JWs will receive immortality in the resurrection
    28. Inviting only the “anointed” to partake at the memorial
    29. Claiming that spiritual food comes from the “anointed” class whereas nearly all the writers of WT publications are members of the “other sheep” class

    30. Creating a climate of fear by authoritarianism
    31. Controlling what individual JWs may read of Bible-related publications that are not produced by the WT Society
    32. Arrogantly pretending that the JW organization maintains higher standards than any other religion and proclaiming publicly that all other churches are members of Babylon the Great

    33. Forbidding attendance and participation at other churches
    34. Class distinctions such as “governing body,” “anointed remnant” and “great crowd of other sheep”
    35. Class distinctions such as publishers, auxiliary pioneers, regular pioneers, special pioneers, circuit overseers, district overseers, Bethelites, Governing Body, etc.

    36. Prohibiting women from serving in any meaningful role in the congregation while expecting them to do the bulk of the work in “field service”
    37. Constantly prodding the membership by means of literature, meetings and conventions to do ever more and more in the service of the organization, promoting an atmosphere where many feel their best is never good enough

    38. Setting dates for Armageddon and thereby urging the membership to abandon normal living, this often resulting in the ruination of health and family life, as well as creating employment and financial hardships

    39. Teachings that lead the members to believe righteousness and salvation can be earned by devoted and loyal support of the organization’s slavish programs
    40. Keeping meeting attendance and field service records as a gauge of an individual’s spirituality
    41. Organizationally requiring no blood transfusions instead of letting it be a matter of conscience, thereby cruelly informing all members that they will be shunned by the organization if they accept a transfusion that might restore health following a life-threatening accident or illness

    42. Allowing their own infants and children to die instead of allowing doctors to give them necessary blood transfusions
    43. Teaching that the “congregation” of Matthew 18:17 is the body of elders
    44. Holding heresy trials and disciplinary hearings in secrecy from the rest of the congregation
    45. Withholding information that would be helpful to persons who have been accused of wrongdoing

    46. Conducting heresy trials of members who have doubts or who think differently upon the Scriptures
    47. Defining apostasy as against the organization instead of against God
    48. Being quick to disfellowship instead of making efforts to restore persons who have done something wrong

    49. Unnecessarily and abusively shunning members even for minor infractions such as smoking or not complying with the whimsical directives of elders, thereby causing personal and family turmoil that often results in immense guilt, shame, fear, depression, bitterness, hatred, murder and suicide
    50. Prohibiting fellowship with disassociated persons who show no inclination toward causing dissension

    51. Showing favoritism by advising innocent victims to “leave it to Jehovah” instead of the elders taking decisive action to deal with some members who have been accused of harmful wrongdoing.
    52. Ignoring or minimizing clear evidence of child molestation and other abuses simply because only one witness is available to testify against the member accused of such serious wrongdoing
    53. Covering over and hiding damaging facts about the JW organization

    54. In many cases, neglecting the care of their own sick and elderly members who no longer have the strength and energy to attend all the meetings and to be regular in “field service” as they did for most of their lives
    55. Blatantly lying to the public by declaring to news media that members may leave the organization at any time, of their own free will and without any repercussions from the organization
    ----- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Jehovah's_Witnesses

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