What Is Your Favorite Overlooked Movie?

by gilwarrior 137 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Abaddon

    Farkel; nice playing! My girlfriend would be jealous; she has to do piano lessons as part of her Conservatory course, and I know she'd LOVE to be at your level. What's the parrot saying though? I swear at one point I made out the words 'rock'n'roll'!!

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • waiting

    Duh......I forgot:

    The Manchurian Candidate

    Watched it years ago - no impact. Rewatched it last week, upon the recommendation of my Psych. Prof.

    Was fascinated!

  • jukief

    I agree with Farkel; Harold and Maude is one of my all-time favorites.

    But my favorite movie of all time is:

    Night on Earth

    Absolutely the funniest movie I've ever seen. We've played it for friends and they never fail to crack up. Norm even had us play it a second time. It's hard to find; most movie-rental places don't have it, but you can order it from Amazon. I highly recommend it.

  • sadiejive

    Night on Earth

    Is that the one where Wynona Ryder plays a cab driver?

    "Wings of the Dove" was an awesome movie too.
    In the same theme as Wings of the Dove...has anyone seen the Red Violin (Samuel L Jackson)? Firelight is a really good movie too. Or Immortal Beloved?

    Geez, I really need to stay away from this thread .

    Oh, and I detested Trainspotting. I couldn't get past the part about the baby.


  • seven006

    Steel Magnolias
    Fried Green Tomatoes
    Waiting to exhale
    Desperately seeking Susan
    Paint your Wagon

    Yes, I'm kidding. Here is my real list:

    The Razors Edge
    The Fisher King
    The Bride of Reanimator
    Killer clowns from outer space
    O Brother Where art thou
    Empire of the sun

  • safe4kids

    Oh wow, I can't believe I forgot this one! "American Dreamer" with Jobeth Williams and Tom Conti...one of my favorite movies of all times!!! Sigh...a romantic comedy...great chick flick, don't know if the guys would get into it tho.

    Dana(planning a trip to the video store)

  • TMS

    "Ordinary People"


  • conflicted

    I love a good movie!

    The Ref with Dennis Leary and Kevin Spacy
    PCU with Jeremy Piven and David Spade
    Love Stinks with French Stewart

    Comedy classics, every one - check 'em out

    life is the opportunity for art

  • RationalWitness


    You're right. "The Red Violin" is an excellent movie. I love dark romances, especially intertwined with mystery.


  • hungry4life

    Mozzer4life, Sixofnine and Dedalus
    Hey guys I was shocked to hear that you all liked Rushmore.
    I watched it and thought it was the worst movie ever.
    Now you have got me wondering what I missed. What was the point of the movie? What style was it trying to acheive? What was the message? It left me baffled and I felt sure that nobody else had enjoyed it either. Now it seems that I must have missed a big piece of the puzzle. I would appreciate any help in understanding this film.

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