Evolution disproved by 11 year old niece

by StopTheTears 285 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    LOL...you sound like some fricking priest

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    the really fundamental question, which neither evolution nor creationism really answers, is how did *anything* come into existence in the first place. The idea that "God" always was isn't really an answer.

  • shamus100

    Oh, 11 year olds tend to change their minds. I know when I was 11 I wanted to be a police officer. Thank god I didn't. ;)

    Kiss the monkey! You evolved from me!


  • EntirelyPossible

    It's a shame my forgiveness angers you even more. You may laugh at kindness, it may be what suits you now, it may be that the desire for kindness is what angers you about yourself. Who can say since you reject logic, science, kindness and human contact all at once.

    Just know that, whatever you need, I am here for you.

  • shamus100

    Kiss me, EP. Be there for me...

  • N.drew

    EP is satire personified. Ignore him.

  • tec

    Its awesome and inspiring. It becomes a lot less inspiring if the answer to every question that inspires my curiosity is "god did it".

    All right, but that's you. That is a personal thing for you. I mean I have the freedom to embrace and love and learn from science and all that it reveals about the world, about life, about the universe. I am also free to have faith in Christ and God. The two in no way conflict for me.

    It is massively wasteful. Yes more than 99% of species went extinct - if god did it, why?

    You keep saying that. But it allows for the continuation of life. If things are going to remain the same forever, then the universe must be in stasis, still, dead. What we have instead is life. Side question though: are you sure that all those species went

    ex tinct, or did they evolve into something different? (Not counting anything man hunted or invaded to death.)

    Almost every creature that ever lived, including thousands and thousands of years of humans died agonising deaths as a result of predation or starvation.

    I think man inflicted death upon one another more than any of those things that you listed above. Some also die peacefully in their sleep.

    If you are asking me why animals hunt one another for food... I do not know. But not knowing the answer to a part something is not a reason to reject it all. Yes?

    Humans died of impacted teeth and simple infections and parasites and unclean drinking water. And god did nothing for billions of years until a bunch of ignorant bronze age nomads .....

    Billions of years... ten years... what difference would that make?

    But that aside, humans have not gone e x tinct from any of their woes. They're just as subject to all the ailments and pleasure of the physical world. I do think in order for life to evolve to adapt and survive (the 'good' and the 'bad')... ALL forms of it must do the same; even if that means that some survive as a parasite. (though some parasites are helpful as well) That is my best understanding with the knowledge of science and biology that I have (so, very limited)

    I don't know if every single thing on this world has a purpose. Some things could simply be consequence. I do know that things are not as they were meant to be. I don't know if that is purely spiritual, or also physical. I believe both. But just because I don't know doesn't mean that the answer is not in line with all that Christ taught (and some things that He could not teach, because the people could not have handled or understood Him).



  • shamus100

    ** the monkey sees that he's entered into a dangerous flame war **

    ** slowly backs out of thread **

    ** runs **

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Billy: Uncle Shamus, where do people come from?

    Shamus: God created them?

    Billy: But Teacher said that we evolved.

    Shamus: Oh no, everything had to be created! Nothing can come out of nowhere like that!

    Billy: Oh, so who created God?

    Shamus: Shut the fu$k up, you stupid, atheist 11 year-old!

    Billy: Uncle Shamus, Granny says that if you keep using those bad words, Santa won't give you any presents!

  • N.drew

    The human brain has not evolved beyond understanding other than everything has a beginning and an end. Everything does not have a beginning and end, but your brain can't imagine it. Mine can!

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