I have allegedly been charged with apostasy

by Igot2bme 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    Tear up the letter, let them do what they want and get on with enjoying your life. They can not control you, you don't have to follow their rules.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard
    I was sad when I first got it then I was like WTF

    Life DOES go on. This is just the next logical step in your evolution. Being true to yourself is the only way to live a fulfilling life.

    Do you have family still in? If so, how are they likely to react?

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Hi Jennifer...If I may give you a tip?

    Whatever you do. Don't go. If you do they'll ask you questions, which you will be inclined to answer honestly, and they will DF you because of your honesty and because you won't don't want to go back...

    They can't DF you if you're not there, unless they have "absolute proof"and then that has to be confirmed by two or three or by proof by photos or what have you. Think real hard were they would have come up with this. Is it a family member, friend, FB, here...they still have to fucking prove it.

    I so regret going to my Judicial Meeting. Same BS, I had faded. My letter didn't say why, so I stupidly go and they say well, (I can't rememvber if they said the sisters name or they said a sister) saw me smoking. They asked me if I had and since I didn't think I needed to lie at that point I said yes, but I'm not smoking now. Then they asked if I was going to stop and I told them, well, I honestly hadn't thought about it. Then they asked if I was going to repent and I told them no because I'm not going to repent because they dragged me in there and tried to muscle me.....I'm going to do it becasue I really feel it in my hart. The keep trying to muscle me, scare my about the big A, read me more scripture, play on guilt and I stood my ground sayig the same thing.....I'm not going to repent because I'm afraid of dying at end.....I should do it because I''m truly sorry. So they said I had by the end of the week to be sorry or they were going to announce my name.

    The only reason I regret going and getting DF is because my child is now studing.....and we're very close.....I even mentioned what they would try to do between our relationship.....and sure as shit.....it happened.....but thank goodess my child is no sap and can see a lot of the BS now, though still studying....

    I feel for you and hope you can find a calming way out of this BS.

  • Giordano

    I would contact an attorney, in fact I'd have the attorney tell them he/she is representing you and you've been instructed not to engage with them on any level as there is a possibility of individually taking them to court if they slander you in any way. Have the attorney remind them that while there is freedom of religion there is also freedom from religion and they have no right to interfere in your life unasked.

  • Paralipomenon

    Why are JC's always in the evenings?

    I'd mess with them. Tell them that due to scheduling you would only be able to meet in the afternoon during the week. Make them take time off work to sit in a little room and wait for you.


    Also I'd request that they inform you who is bringing this charge against you and insure that two witnesses to your apostasy will be present. Show up with a tape recorder and refuse to turn it off. Claim that you need to write Bethel for guidance about this "no recording" rule as you are not familiar with it from any magazines and feel they are making it up. If they pull out the sheparding the flock book claim it is a fake as you have never seen it and insist on writing Bethel for confirmation.

    So much fun to be had!

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    If they read this website you're screwed either way.

  • discreetslave

    Stupidity, that's all that comes to mind.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Dear J***** T******

    Kiss my black ass!



  • jwfacts

    I hate that term apostasy - how conceited of them. If they say you are an apostate because you no longer believe the truth, you could look startled and say "but I do believe the truth, I just don't believe what you believe is truth". More likely though they will ask "do you believe the f&d slave are God's representative? Yes or no. That puts you in a bind. They don't care and rarely ask, "do you believe the bible?" or "do you believe in God?". The most important thing to them is "Do you believe that the 7 cronies in Bethel are speaking for God (though not inspired, if that makes any sense)?" If you go into the meeting realising that, then you know you cannot win against them.

  • Fencing
    They can't DF you if you're not there, unless they have "absolute proof"and then that has to be confirmed by two or three or by proof by photos or what have you.

    If they are calling a JC, they already have their "absolute proof". Remember, JCs are NOT about determining innocence or guilt. All WT "crimes" are tried in secret, often without the accused even knowing they're being investigated. The JC is purely to determine sentence.

    If she doesn't show up, they'll try alternate means to contact her - usually with registered letters so they can prove to the Society that they tried - and then they'll DF in absentia.

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